Beiträge von BrianFisk

    I have downloaded and installed OMV v 4 onto my Raspberry Pi v4. The web server and reverse proxy server won’t start. I have tried the process several times with the same result. It is complaining that [::]:80 failed (97: Address family not supported by protocol. As far as I can tell the Nginx service is correctly attempting to listen using IPV4 on port 80. This seems similar to previous postings but suggested solutions have no effect.

    I have tried running “apt update” from root - it mostly works except that nginx-full won’t configure because of “<< 1.10.3-1+deb9u2.1≈” and of course that means omv won’t configure....

    I am running Linux raspberry pi 4.19.50-v71+ 895 SMP
    Debian GNU/Linux 9.9 (stretch)
    Raspberry pi v4 1Gb with 16Gb SD card