Beiträge von Fietspomp

    You're having same issue as I had, Systemd is newer version and installed from backports probably.

    The following fixed it for me:

    Enable backports (if not already)

    Run apt install -t bullseye-backports libnss-resolve libnss-systemd

    Did it work for you?

    In the GUI in omv-extras disable backports.

    I fixed it by using the guide somewhat different.

    See in my case, systemd is already newer than what the libnss-resolve and libnss-systemd require (247 vs 252).

    So I enabled backports, went into CLI and did an apt-update (which is probably not necessary but ok).

    After that, I took a leap of faith and ran the following:

    apt install -t bullseye-backports libnss-resolve libnss-systemd

    After this, ran omv-upgrade and now it's working!

    Now let's hope my DNS stuff also still works :D

    Hi all,

    Trying to run omv-upgrade on my box, it shows me the following:

    The following packages have been kept back:
      openmediavault openmediavault-omvextrasorg

    Doing some digging, found out this is the reason:


    apt list openmediavault -a

    Listing... Done
    openmediavault/shaitan,shaitan 6.4.0-3 all [upgradable from: 6.3.12-1]
    openmediavault/now 6.3.12-1 all [installed,upgradable to: 6.4.0-3]

    apt-get install openmediavault openmediavault-omvextrasorg

    Sooo it seems my systemd is newer than allowed??

    Is there any way to fix this?

    Newer hardware support is usually the benefit. So, if 5.19 is stable and working well on your system, there is almost no reason to use a newer kernel.

    Why the latest nightly? I am running kodi Nexus but always a stable release. Seems like an issue for the kodi forum. Might just be a bug in a bleeding edge release that can't handle a change to nfs in the 6.x kernels.

    I don't know, I'm always testing nightlies.

    Anyway, just installed latest stable, LibreELEC-Generic-legacy.x86_64-11.0.1.img.gz, still same issue.

    I'll report on Kodi forum as well, see what they say.

    For now I'll run the 5.19 kernel.

    I'll try the 6.2 Proxmox, but indeed Proxmox 5.19 is working fine as well.

    Not sure what the benefit of newer kernel is.

    Libreelec 20, kodi Nexus, running latest nightly.

    Strange thing is, it does see the shares, but it's issue is with playback.

    Anyway thanks for the feedback!

    I'm not sure if I'm having the same issues, but my docker has also been acting up.

    For example, manually starting portainer with docker compose up portainer:

    listen tcp socket: permission denied

    What did work for me, is to add

    privileged: true

    To my docker-compose.yaml on services.

    However, just reading about the grub edit, this also solves the problem and is probably the better option.

    I don't need the 6.1 kernel.

    I'm sorry, should have mentioned the same issues appear with the 6.0 kernel.

    Also with the proxmox 6.1.15-1-pve kernel, which I just tested.

    It does work properly with the 5.19 kernel, also the proxmox 5.19.17-2-pve.

    Any idea where to begin debugging? It's really strange. And someday I would need to go to kernel 6.x I assume..

    Hi guys,

    Been running latest OMV6 on my build.

    Have an issue with latest kernel (6.1) and using my Libreelec with NFS.

    With old kernel 5.19, there were no issues with playback/browsing.

    Now installed latest Kernel 6.1 and I do have issues with playback not working at all.

    It starts playback, but after a while it hangs. It will immediately hang on seeking.

    Tried on Libreelec with NFS v3 and v4, same result.

    When rebooting OMV to old kernel, issues disappear.

    Anybody have any idea what I can do/check for this issue?

    How long time it took to upgrade? more or less

    About one hour total, first I booted to clonezilla and made a backup image of my boot SSD, after that I used the commands to upgrade, this took about half an hour on total I would say

    I have to say my Nas is custom build and quite fast so it depends which hardware you have of course

    I would recommend to run the omv-release-upgrade in a screen session when connected via ssh.

    Had a typo. Has to be omv-release-upgrade. If you already upgraded it does not matter. Running in a screen session just makes sure the script continues to run even if you loose ssh connection.

    I was also wondering about the dist, but I just saw you edited :)

    That's why I connected directly to my NAS and executed the command there, I'd recommend the same.

    One question. Did you temporarily remove data drives ?


    To be honest I didn't.

    I did stop all my docker containers (I have around 20, like Sabnzbd, Headphones, MariaDB, etc.)

    Other than that I just followed the steps from post #2.

    I also did it locally BTW, with a monitor and keyboard connected to my NAS, just to be there :)

    Thanks - seems to be working fine, so will see what its like over time. I'm sure I used to find Docker in both places in OMV5, but read elsewhere, and looking at the old OMV5 install videos for Docker, I think it's changed a bit.

    I found a video tutorial for installing Watchtower via Portainer, and set it to run once a day, so hopefully that takes care of my containers.

    To be honest I run everything via docker-compose from a yaml file, which works very good for me.

    Glad that it's working though!

    For me the system is also working fine running OMV6, just that pesky linux-image-amd64 message is still there.

    EDIT: Found another topic which described a bit of the same problem, so I think my problem is fixed :)

    Dit the following:

    ran omv-aptclean

    ran apt-cache policy linux-image-amd64:

    ran apt-mark unhold linux-image-amd64

    and finally ran omv-upgrade again, which told me:

    The following NEW packages will be installed:
    The following packages will be upgraded:

    Removed the unused kernel by running sudo apt --purge autoremove

    Interesting - mine is the same version. Did you literally just do 'remove' and then 'install' from within the GUI, and did you lose anything as a result?

    Yes I just pressed "remove" (or uninstall, I don't know since mine's in Dutch) from the webinterface.

    Reloaded webinterface, pressed install. Voila!

    Perhaps you should try to remove all old docker things (taken from )

    sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine containerd runc

    And after that install from the webinterface again?

    Although I see you say it's not under services, which it isn't.

    Its under system -> omv-extras

    I also just went from latest OMV 5.x to OMV 6, sorry to hijack this thread but I've found it very useful!

    Upgrade went fine, only I saw Docker was still version 5:20.10.12~3-0~debian-buster in GUI.

    So I removed and installed Docker again from webinterface, showing "bullseye" now.

    But I still have this message when running "omv-upgrade":

    The following packages have been kept back:

    I've rebooted a few times already.

    My current kernel is Linux 5.4.166-1-pve.

    I also can't find the Proxmox settings in the new Openmediavault webinterface?

    I was thinking maybe I should go back to the stock kernel or something in order for the upgrade to work?

    Or should I force the linux-image-amd64 update?

    Thanks in advance!

    EDIT: Installed openmediavault-kernel from the plugins, can see the kernel page now :) Will try to re-install Promox from there and report back.

    EDIT2: Re-installed proxmox, running kernel Linux 5.15.19-2-pve, but still package is being held back.

    I don't use email notifications but you might need to have OMV notifications enabled and working in the GUI config before this will work as OMV will need to send the email via a mail server.

    Yes I know, the notifications are working fine, that config is working & enabled. It's just the Anacron that's not generating a proper anacrontab.

    Hi guys,

    First of all, thanks for the amazing software, really good stuff.

    I just started with a clean slate and installed OMV 5.

    All works fine, except for my cron jobs from the Openmediavault gui.

    When I tick the box "Send email" the job doesn't work.

    Now I'm using the anacron plugin and I believe it does work with the normal cron jobs.

    Here's a line from the anacrontab file, after ticking the box emails:

    1    0    13    /usr/sbin/omv-backup | mail -E -s "Anacron - OMV Backup" -a "From: Anacron Daemon <root>" >/dev/null 2>&1

    As you can see, the receipent is missing after the subject. Therefore the job will fail as it will not send an email.

    With a normal cron job the crontab, also configured with OMV gui, looks like this:

    15 * * * * root /var/lib/openmediavault/cron.d/userdefined-252a483b-1dcf-4b05-aded-1715f1ddbcba | mail -E -s "Cron - Spotweb retrieve" -a "From: Cron Daemon <root>" root >/dev/null 2>&1

    And here it shows the "root" email receiver.

    Unfortunately I'm no coding expert otherwise I would've opened a PR or something on GitHub.

    Please let me know if more people have this issue, or is it just me and do I just need to reinstall the plugin?

    Well, I could enter the site with this method, but the API isn't working!

    This is my new code, but I've entered it in another file, within <VirtualHost _default_:443>

    I hope this works for you!