Beiträge von rojer

    I recently updated my OMV to new release omv7 from omv6 and now I can not login. Tried omv-firstaid where it says reset successful in CLI but cant login to WEB-UI

    Did CTRL+Shift+R, no help, tried incognito no luck.

    I had OMV installed on a PenDrive with Flashmemory plugin running, while it updated.

    Updating Workbench administrator password. Please wait ...
    The Workbench administrator password was successfully changed.

    I also read about the disk being full, so I tried df -h, here is the output

    I also tried this

    sudo omv-showkey webadmin

    dpkg -l | grep openme

    sudo omv-salt deploy run nginx phpfpm

    sudo systemctl restart nginx

    sudo systemctl restart php7.4-fpm

    Where I get the output

    It is followed by a error message in the end

    Failed to restart php7.4-fpm.service: Unit php7.4-fpm.service is masked.

    Okay so I have 2 identical laptop and 2 same flash drive from Sandisk. (running 2 sets of OMV - Production on 1 device and testing on another - with OS drive bring the flash drives)
    , also used Flash Drive plugin and turned off the swap and also ensured that docker was installed on Harddrive and not on OS drive by changing path,

    And idk how everything was working great and suddenly I woke up today and nothing was working, on both the devices it says

    Checking for media presence
    Media Present
    Starting over PXE

    While the boot Priority is set to my Flash Drives on both and I also tried manually selecting the Flash Drive from Boot options, doesn't work

    Thank you so much, macom, chente and Soma. This has helped me a lot, I am currently trying to do the change in UUID, I am afraid, I might lose the data in the backup new disk, if I change the UUID, but I would give it a try. I would first unplug the old drive, so it's UUID would not interfere, and plug in the backup new drive and change it's UUID and see if that works.


    And as far as I read about syslinks, please let me know if I am understanding it correctly.

    Let's say srv/uuid1/configs/ and I use syslinks to make it CONFIG/
    I keep that drive backed up with a drive srv/uuid2/configs/

    And I map the dockers to CONFIG/dockerdata

    So here in case, if I face issues on drive1, I can simply replace it with Drive2, and using syslinks, I can remap the CONFIG/ to srv/uuid2/configs/ instead of srv/uuid1/configs/

    Is that correct ?


    And as of now I'm trying the change of UUID way, would check if that works, let me know if you have any input on that as well. Thanks a lot for all the reverts, and I'm sorry macom as I genuinely did missed out on replying to it thrice, in my head I thought I answered all the questions.

    Awesome! I would start using the syslinks right away. As i read about it, and went to OMV extras Wiki but it was down since yesterday, but seems to be working now, and that's amazing, so I would read more about it on Wiki and start using it right away. Thank you.

    But, yes for the current situation you are right I didn't use syslinks, so I'll still need to figure out a different way as of now.

    I'm sorry but unfortunately, I do not have the extra drive and I can't do the first step, as it is not the exact same copy. But The backup Drive I have has the same exact folder Structure as in the new Drive is same size and has exact same folder structure for shared folders, and yes it would have the new UUID as it is not the exact clone but back up.

    So if there a way, I can just change the UUID, and avoid redoing config for all containers?

    How many folders are there in total?

    There are 3 folders, Photos, Videos and Docker configs (there are approx 14 containers either points to photos or videos, but all the containers does point to Docker Configs), before removing drive I would ensure that I stop all the containers, so when I replace the drive, it can point directly to that, when I turn them back on. (that would work hopefully if I can manage to replace the drive without any redoing)

    Okay, so I have a disk failing with bad sectors which contains docker configs and also Family Photos with few media.

    And I already have more than 14 containers pointing to different shared folders in that disk.

    Luckily I have a back up drive with same exact 1 to 1 folder structure as my failing disk.

    So is there any way, I can just unplug that old drive and plug in the back up drive, as it has same folder structure, without redoing entire configurations of shared folders in OMV? As that would also help me avoid redoing the configurations in all the 14 to 15 containers I have in docker, which points to those shared folders. As both in shared folders and docker containers it has the UUID of the data drive which would change and simply unplug the old and plug in the new wont work. So what can I do here?

    Try the second

    Didn't work, it showed the upgrade process but in the end on CLI it reverted back to 5.19 pve, and everything stayed the same, and I also tied the boot up from 5.19 again after that, it didn't work as well

    I last Clean install is done, trying to upgrade using CLI using OMV-upgrade instead of GUI

    5.19.7-1 PVE was successfully installed and set as default. So then I rebooted the system. Now it is stuck on

    Loading Linux

    Loading internal ramdisk...

    And doesn't bootup at all

    And it seems After this clean install I'm able to download and install Proxmox 5.19.

    Shall I try proceed from there and in case this kernel install faces issues, I'll do the BPO upgrade, sounds good?

    Yes so as I checked the Kernel I had was 5.16-bpo but after update I have

    Linux 5.16.0-0.bpo.4-amd64



    so should I keep 5.16 as default instead of 5.18?