Beiträge von Barney

    Hello, still looking for help/suggestions. The two referenced systems are running fine. The only exception is this annoying need to unplug/plug the ethernet dongle to be recognized during startup. Both systems have the same exact issue and it started with the update notification listing in the first message.

    Unfortunately, I have to say, it uses an Rtl8125 network chip, which stops my system from going deeper than C3, which in term causes more power drain than necessary

    Realtek offers a very fresh Driver here that might fix it.

    What does "stops my system from going deeper than C3" mean?

    I unpacked the driver you linked and found the datestamp is 10/23. If this truly accurate then OMV7 should already have it. Sometimes a Git entry is updated for other reasons than a new driver file.

    An update and a request for help.

    I have now got both systems in a stable state and the outstanding issues have become more focused. Both systems have the same issue behavior that began with the update..

    1. Upon a reboot, the ethernet (2.5 Gb/s) USB dongle is not "seen" and the system cannot be accessed through SSH or UI. The IP is not active, ping returns nothing. Upon unplugging the USB dongle and replugging, OMV now sees the device and enabled it and everything works normal at 2.5 Gbits/s. It's as if something changed in the device sensing/driver loading sequence as a result of the updates listed in my first post. Curiously neither Syslog or Boot logs are listing anything about the dongles with this activity.

    May or may not be relevant. If I setup the RJ45 1Gb/s, that is loading fine. It's seems isolated to the ethernet dongle driver and not ethernet in general.

    2. Remote mounts no longer automatically mount/connect. They are present, I don't need to rebuild the mounts. All I have to do is remount with the triangle button. I now figured out it's due to the lack of network connection (item #1) Is it possible to have a network (re)connection automatically trigger the remount?

    Looking for suggestions or things to try.

    So the general conclusion that SMR are not working in a Raid is not correct.

    I concur. I have two Seagate ST5000LM000 5T SMR drives in a RAID0. It's probably the worst scenario for a NAS configuration and yet I haven't experienced the data throughput issues that seem common with some SMR drives used in NAS. I get the max 280 MB/s xfer (2.5 Ghz ethernet) and haven't had any infamous stalling events (where the drive spends a inordinate amount of time writing a nearly full disc.) With that said, I know better than to use this as a mission critical system, it's just a hobby toy that I have been playing with to see when SMR starts being a problem. Maybe the slow RPM is helping smooth out the peaks and valleys, LOL.

    As far as I know, this plugin is used to clone the system disk from the GUI. So I think you need to connect an empty disk/SD card/USB pendrive to be able to clone,.....

    Oh, yes the destination has stuff on it and I assumed (doh!) that the cloning would simply overwrite everything with the same format and content.

    Yesterday I received notification of several updates/upgrades to RPI via email. I went ahead and ran the Update Management search and installed 12 updates on both Pi NAS boxes and wowzaa, what a mess! Both systems are very similar (Geekworm hardware NAS with bridged SATA) and showed the same post-update behavior. The custom scripting for power switch goes into an endless loop running the CPU at 40% persistent so I uninstalled them. Mounts that refused to mount automatically but I can mount manual. Ethernet 2.5Ghz dongles that are not seen until booting with the RJ45 ethernet connection. Through a series of power cycling and unplugging, replugging USB, etc the systems are slowly working their way back to stable. These are not mission critical systems so it's nothing more than an annoyance. Wondering if anyone else noticed this behavior.

    I wanted to try using the Disk Clone plugin to backup my SD Card on my RPI4 and ran into an issue where the Destination does not show any File Systems or Shares under the Destination line.

    The share is there, I can see it on any system through SMB. There are other drives present as well but none are showing up when clicking on the pulldown for the destination. They are all present when I click on the Source.

    Is there something obvious I am overlooking?

    I found that if I setup a static IP from within OMV-Firstaid, the DNS value does not transfer over to the GUI setup menus.

    The reason for using OMV-Firstaid is usually because I fouled something in the static network configuration and usually I am right next to a monitor so I find it handy to just correct my mess-up in OMV-Firstaid. All the settings transfer to the OMV GUI setup except for the DNS. I usually trip over the missing DNS because I can't update the plugins. While it's only an annoyance at this point, early on where the lack of the DNS led to unstable behaviors that led me astray for hours until I figured it out. I think this should be solved so others are not having to figure this out.

    Edit - This is on OMV7.

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    If you only knew how many times I (and others) have been there done that. It didn't yield good results for me.

    I've been trying to get ASUS USB-C2500 to work under OMV on two Pi 4 systems for several weeks now. This device is based on same Realtek chip. These dongles work great on Windows and one of my Synology (240 Mbps and made it through a full 16T cloning so I no longer have any concerns over robustness that are written about elsewhere. Under OMV on Debian Bullseye, I can get the system to recognize the interface and it shows a 2.5G capability but it's stuck at half duplex and keeps reverting to the CDC_NCM driver. There are no shortage of people out there with all sorts of try this-do that advice but the results are never full duplex speeds. My next step is to move one box to OMV 7/Bookworm as it's time to play with OMV7 anyway. I am anxious to see if Bookworm has native support for the Realtek chips.

    OMV does not work in a container. 1GB of ram is not enough to run DSM and OMV anyway.

    Interesting. I found instructions on the web to accomplish this but didn't bother because of the pitiful ram size on the DS223. Maybe one can get it loaded but it won't work.