Beiträge von mcgyver83

    I'm running omv 5.7 (I know, quite old but I'm running it on a rpi 2B) and I execute an handmade rsync script via scheduled job:

    /home/pi/router_drive/rsync is a Remote Mount to a usb device connected to the router.

    My issue is that each run I have a log like

    2024/06/13 01:45:19 [23073] .d.....g... Software/MyStuff/

    From what I understand is that rsync transfer this folder every time because "group" information is not aligned from source to target.

    Many others folders got transferred with same log (not all folders in source are transferred) and I cannot understand why "group" info cannot be "synchronized".

    Any hints?

    Hi, I went back to this topic after long time :(

    I configured a scheduled job in OMV gui:

    When I run it I have this message in the modal windows:

    source: not found

    If I cat autogemerated job file

    cat /var/lib/openmediavault/cron.d/userdefined-fe8457ff-1a95-4f9f-a331-e74b25603a0a

    #!/bin/sh -l

    # This file is auto-generated by openmediavault (

    # WARNING: Do not edit this file, your changes will get lost.


    and if I cat my sh file

    cat /home/pi/raspberry-mcg/script/backup/gphotos-sync/

    #!/usr/bin/env bash

    cd /home/pi/gphotos-sync;


    /home/pi/.local/bin/pipenv run ./gphotos-sync --flush-index --do-delete --album-date-by-first-photo --logfile /var/log/gphotos-sync.log --use-flat-path --secret /home/pi/gphotos-sync/client_secret.json /home/pi/local_drive/Foto_Video/Foto/GooglePhotos

    Why I have "source: not found" message in the modal from OMV gui?

    Hi all,

    I'm looking for a way to keep my running OMV5 instance and add a usb wifi dongle used together with NordVPN software to have a dedicated WIFI SSID alsway connected to VPN.

    Actually my raspberry is connect to my router via ethernet.

    I'm afraid of destroying OMV network "configuration" and break everything.

    Any suggestion?
    I alreeady have some instruction about how to configure WiFi connetction to use NordVPN, I'm looking for suggestion about how to keep LAN OMV working and add a wifi AP :)

    BTW: OMV5 is End of Life. You should consider to upgrade to OMV6.

    I know but for my setup (raspberry pi2B) there is no "upgrade process" so I have to fully rebuild the system and I'm waiting to have a free time slot for that :)

    I'm running OMV 5 on a raspberry pi 2B.
    I have auth.log that becomes ~2MB each day because is full of lines like

    Sep  7 20:46:02 raspberrypi CRON[6306]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root
    Sep  7 20:47:01 raspberrypi CRON[6884]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
    Sep  7 20:47:01 raspberrypi CRON[6884]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root
    Sep  7 20:48:01 raspberrypi CRON[7362]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
    Sep  7 20:48:01 raspberrypi CRON[7362]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root
    Sep  7 20:49:01 raspberrypi CRON[7780]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
    Sep  7 20:49:01 raspberrypi CRON[7780]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root

    If I got it right there is this cron configured by default

    ./make_nas_processes_faster:* * * * * root /usr/sbin/omv-ionice >/dev/null 2>&1

    That is executed exactly each minute.
    What ionice does? is it possible to avoid so many log entries?

    also see the comment from votdev in post #3

    I'm going to read suggested links.
    About votdev comment, he refers to "my shell" but is the default shell configured by OMV image, or not?

    I tried via ssh and the shell has "source" command.

    After a lot of time I'm coming back to this topic. I have a script that executes a tool to download Google Photos images.

    cat /home/pi/gphotos-sync/
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    cd /home/pi/gphotos-sync;
    /home/pi/.local/bin/pipenv run ./gphotos-sync --logfile /var/log/gphotos-sync.log --secret /home/pi/gphotos-sync/client_secret.json /home/pi/local_drive/Foto/GooglePhotos

    If I run it from terminal works fine and no strange message.

    I configured the execution in "Scheduled Jobs" setting Command with


    When I run it from Scheduled Jobs play button in the modal windows this message appears:

    /var/lib/openmediavault/cron.d/userdefined-fe8457ff-1a95-4f9f-a331-e74b25603a0a: 31: /var/lib/openmediavault/cron.d/userdefined-fe8457ff-1a95-4f9f-a331-e74b25603a0a: source: not found

    but the script runs fine. Since I enabled "send email" when it ends I receive a mail with:

    /var/lib/openmediavault/cron.d/userdefined-fe8457ff-1a95-4f9f-a331-e74b25603a0a: 31: /var/lib/openmediavault/cron.d/userdefined-fe8457ff-1a95-4f9f-a331-e74b25603a0a: source: not found
    /var/lib/openmediavault/cron.d/userdefined-fe8457ff-1a95-4f9f-a331-e74b25603a0a: 4: /var/lib/openmediavault/cron.d/userdefined-fe8457ff-1a95-4f9f-a331-e74b25603a0a: ./home/pi/raspberry-mcg/script/gphotos-sync/ not found

    What is this "source" command?

    HI, I moved from scheduled jobs that execute a custom bash scripts running rsync command to the already available omv interface to run rsync.

    I realised that user that runs the rsync command is root, so all backup files are owned by root and also log files.
    How can I keep files owner?
    With custom bash script I was used to run them with a standard user.

    Thanks for your feedback.

    I did it via script to "learn" how rsync is used.
    I know that there is OMV gui to use rsync but I want to understand it before using the gui.

    The folder is automatically mounted in / srv / xxxxxxx (numbers ...), but you must handle it with the shared folder name that you created.

    Where in the filesystem I can find the folder with "Shared folder" as name?
    I mean accessing filesystem via terminal?

    I edit. Sorry. I just reread your first post. I don't think I got it right. What is the reason to do this from CLI with a scrypt? You can do any rsync work in the GUI. Doesn't that seem easier to you?

    Anyway what you've done should work, you access the correct folder with a symbolic link.

    The issue I had (root fs filled by files sync done by rsync) happened because I reboot the router, so the remote mount gone away. When the router was again up&running OMV didn't remounted the remote smb share so /srv/xxxxxx become a "local folder" and rsync started putting files there.

    There is a way to make OMV remount/re-attach a "Remote mount" as soon as it come back?

    I'm using remote mount

    but how I can access di mounted remote share?
    In the picture I put in the first message I showed the filesystem, here I can see that the remote mount is mounted under /srv/xxxxxxxxxxxxx.

    You suggestion is to use that folder?

    Probably I got what happened when I had the full root disk issue: I restarted the router so the remote mount is gone.
    When router restart ended OMV didn't remount the share so as soon as someone tried to write into /srv/xxxxxx (accessing the folder via symlink but I think isn't a problem) in fact is writing on the local file system not the remote one.

    Could be possible?

    I configured a remote mount linked to a smb share exposed by the router.

    In filesystem page I see that is mounted:

    in the home dir I have a symlink to the path where the remote is mounted.

    lrwxrwxrwx 1 pi users 42 May 20 07:56 router_drive -> /srv/4892764a-9c63-4689-83c1-4627bbaa2a84/

    I have a bash script that triggers rsync from a local folder to this mounted drive.

    this is the rsync script:

    rsync -av \

    --delete \

    --no-perms \

    --no-owner \

    --no-group \

    --progress \

    --exclude-from='/home/pi/raspberry-mcg/script/backup/rsync_exclude.txt' \

    --log-file='/var/log/rsync/rsync_router_drive.log' \

    /home/pi/backup_drive/ /home/pi/router_drive/rsync/

    The highlight path is the destination path, a symlink to the remote folder as shown above.

    What happened yesterday is that, instead of copying stuff to the remote, the script wrote in /home/pi/router_drive/rsync/ files (like the usual behaviour) but instead of the remote this files filled up my root partition. Seems that the mount disappeared so rsync created the folder tree into /home/pi/router_drive/rsync/ but now this was a local folder.

    What is the right way to access from ssh a remote mount shared folder?

    Hi I have a FritzBox 7530 with the attached usb drive exposed via SMB in the same "workgroup" of smb shared_folder configured in OMV.

    I configured in OMV "remote mount" for the smb exposed by the fritzbox router.

    After I have an rsync script that syncs stuff from local to the router smb share.
    When it runs I have a lot of messages like below:

    Aug 12 10:11:00 raspberrypi kernel: [89954.494635] CIFS: VFS: bogus file nlink value 0
    Aug 12 10:11:00 raspberrypi kernel: [89954.630354] CIFS: VFS: bogus file nlink value 0
    Aug 12 10:11:00 raspberrypi kernel: [89954.709232] CIFS: VFS: bogus file nlink value 0
    Aug 12 10:11:00 raspberrypi kernel: [89954.811440] CIFS: VFS: bogus file nlink value 0
    Aug 12 10:11:00 raspberrypi kernel: [89954.914900] CIFS: VFS: bogus file nlink value 0
    Aug 12 10:11:00 raspberrypi kernel: [89955.012669] CIFS: VFS: bogus file nlink value 0

    cat /proc/mounts  | grep "TOSHIBA"
    // /srv/4892764a-9c63-4689-83c1-4627bbaa2a84 cifs rw,relatime,vers=3.0,cache=strict,username=aaaa,uid=1000,forceuid,gid=100,forcegid,addr=,file_mode=0755,dir_mode=0755,soft,nounix,mapposix,rsize=65536,wsize=65536,bsize=1048576,echo_interval=60,actimeo=1 0 0
    cat /etc/fstab  | grep "TOSHIBA"
    //        /srv/4892764a-9c63-4689-83c1-4627bbaa2a84    cifs    _netdev,uid=pi,gid=users,iocharset=utf8,vers=3.0,nofail,noserverino,credentials=/root/.cifscredentials-aaaaaaa-3d26-41a7-a8b0-3393dcf0ddde    0 0

    Any hints?


    I'm running OMV with a raspberry pi 2B.Docker storage is configured on the raspberry SD card so no issue; container persistent storage is located on a usb drive so I face the issue described at reboot (only on 2 containers, I have 6 containers started at boot).

    I tried the delay way proposed here delay docker start but no luck.

    I think my issue is related to external drive mount availability so I tried

    omv-extras writes the waitLocalFs.conf. So, I wouldn't change that one. And instead of delay, delete all of the files in /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/ and try the following (as root):


    cat <<EOF > /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/waitAllMounts.conf
    [Unit] $(systemctl list-units --type=mount | grep /srv | awk '{ print $1 }' | tr '\n' ' ')

    and works!!!
    It takes some time to have containers up & running but now I can rely on those containers also after a power outage :D

    Hi, since some months I had the feeling that when I enter Update Management page items shown are always the same.
    Now I had the time to check and yesterday I execute the update without error, blank Update Management page after update.
    This morning I enter the page and I still see same updates as yesterday.
    As example:

    Here the log: log