Beiträge von KM0201

    Ok, so, it is very likely that I am blind, but I didn't find anything, and then that is the same guide that I used to install omv, but as I already said it is very likely that I am blind.

    Then I think I've been awake for almost 22 hours... maybe I should go to sleep

    Sorry for my disabilities ;(

    Update: I read again the guide and I found out that maybe the solution is to create a partition for the storage (because when reading the guide I found out that: if i have installed omv on a single drive i cannot use it as storage...)

    Your update is correct. The OS is designed so that the OS is insulated from Data. I would not recommend partitioning a data portion on the drive.

    If you must use your OS drive for data, install the "share root" plugin.... which will allow you to use your OS drive for data.


    admin does not have access to console... there you would use root as the username, and the password you set during install.

    admin/openmediavault is for the webUI.

    It says right there what the problem is....

    You already gave port 443 in use so you need to set another port for nc's https port.

    Which version of NC you using

    Are you actually logging in with username admin and password (whatever)?

    Did you expose OMV to the Internet (ie, by opening ports, etc?)

    In reality, the DuckDNS container is completely unnecessary - this container can easily be replaced by a scheduled task in the OMV GUI. Here's how to do it step by step.…th_duckdns_fix_dynamic_ip

    If the OP still prefers to continue running that container, it is such a simple container that it would be enough to delete the container's config folder and run the container again. The config folder will be recreated with the proper permissions and everything will be up and running in a matter of seconds.

    Yup. I was gonna suggest that to. All it's going to show isa log file as I recall (assuming it is working correctly) that will show your IP being checked every 5min

    I get not wanting to use "admin" since it is easily guessable but I wouldn't use your every day user for admin stuff. That said, just adding the user to openmediavault-admin will make them a web interface admin.

    I guess if you are forwarding the webui to the Internet for some reason, then that makes sense. Ive just never particularly got this kind of thinking. I'd be more focused on proper passwords.

    Well this is a reason you generally do not follow guides on Reddit. Most of them (as in this case) have Linux knowledge, not omv knowledge. First look under fileaystems in the webui, and I assume this filesystem is marked missing. If that is accurate:

    1. Delete all share references to the old filesystem in the webui

    2. Go to filesystems and unmount/delete the missing filesystem.. if you can't unmount/delete the share, then it is still referenced somewhere.

    3. Erase the drive (I'd recommend a quick wipe unless you have a reason to do secure... As secure takes forever).

    4. Put a filesystem back on the drive and mount it

    5. Add shared folders and data back to the new filesystem and services.

    There's absolutely no reason to use admin for anything other than the webUI. In fact, there's multiple reasons to NOT use admin for anything but the webUI.

    Why do you think you need a normal user to access the webUI?

    Hi, I´m new to OMV so, do I need a new hard disk or can I connect and use my hard disk filled with videos? the format of both hdd are ext4. I´m asking because the partition thing that appear on the storage section that said it isn´t allowed.

    Than you

    If it's already ext4... Do not choose to "Create" a filesystem.

    Go to Storage/Filesystems

    Click the "Play" button to mount an existing filesystem.

    Choose your filesystem from the drop down


    Are you trying to delete, from a client, the network share itself? (Consisting of a "shared folder" and an "SMB" share layered on the shared folder, that you created on the server.) You can't do that and, I'd have to ask, why would you want to? The network share is a server container for files and folders.

    With admin rights, you can delete the contents of the share, but the share itself is deleted at the server by:

    1. Deleting the SMB share.

    (followed by)
    2. Deleting the shared folder.

    Looking at the paths in the windows folder... It looks like he is trying to delete a folder called Filme, that is under the "Sebastian-Raid1" share.. so I don't think that is what he's doing.

    I suspect he put his user in all those groups (which again is colosally stupid).. and hasn't restarted the SMB service or the client, and that's why he can't delete the folder (sort of a cache issue)...

    Beyond that though, he needs to actually fix the problem, not do what he's done here.