Serviio Install Guide

  • ok, but what should i do now`?

    BitFenix Phenom M - ASRock B75 Pro3-M - 8GB Crucial B.S. - Intel G2140 - Corsair CX430M - 1x 64GB SanDisk SDSSDP (system) - 2x 2TB WD20EARX (data) - 1x 3TB WD30EFRX (Snapraid) - TBS6981 DVB-S2 - OMV 0.5x

  • i ve done it, but serviio dont runs. i will try it in the future with a omv-serviio-plugin, in the meantime
    i must use the minidlna-plugin, unfortunately

    BitFenix Phenom M - ASRock B75 Pro3-M - 8GB Crucial B.S. - Intel G2140 - Corsair CX430M - 1x 64GB SanDisk SDSSDP (system) - 2x 2TB WD20EARX (data) - 1x 3TB WD30EFRX (Snapraid) - TBS6981 DVB-S2 - OMV 0.5x

  • Hello to all. Here's an update to this project. I have been playing around with different setups around ffmpeg and libav. The next update to the guide I will be removing the installation of ffmpeg from the debian repository. My previous experiences with this package has been unsatisfactory to date.

    Debain uses the libav-tools package by default. Sofar in my testing using only libav, my previous issues with some file playback and transcoding were resolved. I made a symbolic link to avconv as ffmpeg and Serviio worked fine for me. So with that in mind I plan to add this as an alternative step to get you up and running quickly.

    ffmpeg static builds
    I have tested the static builds and it works fine as well with the exception it does not have rtmp support. I have placed the static build in /usr/bin/ and had no issues with it. The drawback is any update will have to be applied manually. It does not include ffplay, ffprobe, and ffserver.

    ffmpeg package from deb-multimedia
    The deb-multimedia package of ffmpeg I have not tested recently but plan on giving it a test run in the coming weeks.

    ffmpeg build from source / git
    I have not tested this recently because I feel it falls out of the scope of the OMV project as it does not align with Votdev's vision for OMV. If you have not read the article on Sourceforge featuring OMV as Sept. project of the month, I encourage you to read it…the-month-openmediavault/ The developers of OMV and the plugins work hard to make the best out of OMV for users to easily add functions. I feel Serviio does not fit this category because it lacks functions that would qualify it as a plugin. See my 1st post for links on this subject. I also recently read on the Serviio forums there there is no plan to have a web based interface in the foreseeable future. This in my opinion cripples Serviio. I will not be providing instructions to do this method. Please visit the Serviio Wiki for detailed instructions if you want to do this method.

    License installation
    I have noticed that my previous instructions to install the license key from command line does not work. I have checked the Serviio forums and it is a known bug that is not fixed at this time. For now you can apply the license using the Serviio console vial Linux (Desktop required or X11 remote window) or Windows as a workaround. The 3rd party web interface does not work at this time.

    3rd Party Web Console
    I have tested the latest version and it does work fine with my nginx instructions. The only thing that did not work is the license installation as I mentioned above. Overall this function works with no issues.

    Overall View
    Serviio still has a lot of development to be done in my opinion. It does work as it's designed to. In any case, Serviio can provide basic functions if you are a Serviio fan. Advanced users familiar with command lines should be able to customize their needs with Serviio. It is still a nice streaming server in my opinion overall. It really depends what you want to use it for. Thanks again for looking at this guide!

    ShadowZero -- OMV Fan since 0.3

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von shadowzero ()

  • I have updated the guide and split it between the 1st and 2nd post. Everything is working now at least for me and the media types I have. Your license can now be installed from command line or using the web console.

    ShadowZero -- OMV Fan since 0.3

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von shadowzero ()

  • Hi ShadowZero,

    first of all, thanks for your work and the installation guide for serviio.

    According to the instrutions on page 1 of this thread, I dared to install serviio 1.5 and the web UI 1.5 for serviio.
    My findings are:
    - Oracle Java 8 is mandatory on Linux
    - serviio 1.5 installs and gets alive, ie. service servio start/stop/restart/status works
    - the serviio web app http://<serviio_pc_ip_address>:23424/mediabrowser is answering
    - I failed in installing web UI 1.5 (…o/archive/ . The installation seems to run flawless, but I end up like noxx with http://<serviio_pc_ip_address>/serviio resulting in "404 Not Found

    I have to add that I used the Debian ffmpeg package - although it is depreciated - for ease of use.


    OpenMediaVault 6.x (most recent stable version) -- 64 bit -- OMV-Extras 6.x (most recent stable version) -- Default Kernel

  • Hi Topi,

    Add another slash after serviio and the web ui should appear. http://<serviio_pc_ip_address>/serviio/ I also have installed 1.5 but I ran into issues upgrading as compared to a fresh install. Hopefuly I will have some time to look at why upgrading (for me) did not work. In the meantime I am glad it worked for you! :) I should be revising the guide pretty soon.

    EDIT: I have updated the guide for 1.5 now. If anyone has any issues, please let me know and i will do my best to help you out. :thumbup:

  • Hi ShadowZero,
    thanks for updatting the serviio installation guide to version 1.5 and for the hint with the missing slash at end of the URL. With http://<serviio_pc_ip_address>/serviio/ it works like a charm with the web ui :thumbup:

    OpenMediaVault 6.x (most recent stable version) -- 64 bit -- OMV-Extras 6.x (most recent stable version) -- Default Kernel

  • Hello all,
    I have revised the guide a bit to reflect current changes for the 1.5 release. As of now, the only thing I found broken was the license install from command line. That may be due to Nginx but I cannot confirm. The Serviio log is inconclusive stating that the error is "Message: The ":" character isn't allowed in a media type parameter name." Sofar I have not been able to resolve the issue and the Serviio forums have not been helpful. For now, use the Windows, Apple, or Android consoles to add your license until I figure it out with the Serviio team.


  • Hi ShadoZero,
    I would like to get back on your post from 1st of October last year:

    Did your tests with the deb-multimedia package of ffmepg run well if you found time to do so? Would that be an alternative for using libav?

    Would Serviio together with the 3rd party Web-UI bring the parts together to qualify for an OMV plugin as it is the situation with Plex or MediaBrowser 3?

    Which further development would you imagine to be done on Serviio?

    I would be happy if you could elaborate some of your thoughts for me, though I am a beginner in the area of Serviio.

    OpenMediaVault 6.x (most recent stable version) -- 64 bit -- OMV-Extras 6.x (most recent stable version) -- Default Kernel

  • Hi Topi,

    If I recall the deb-multimedia repository worked. I think the problem was if libav is installed by another package dependency, it caused problems. But I haven't tested that since last November I believe so I cannot say this is a correct statement to date. I do not have any plans at this time to test it again. Your'e more than welcome to test it if you like. I would suggest you try it in a VirtualBox VM so you don't break your current setup.

    As for it being a plugin, it's been discussed in the forums.

    This is a quote from Tekkbebe back in March of last year.


    the problem is the web interface is a separate project. It is not integrated into the core of Serviio. Until the developers of Serviio have an integrated package with a web interface, and not just a desktop gui, I don't see it happening.

    I think Serviio should include it's own web based console as well. This is why I did not bother to develop it as a plugin. That is why I include the Serviio 3rd party web console as optional.

    For development I don't see any changes for the guide I wrote here unless the moderators OK with me making a plugin including the 3rd party web console and approving it. That would require me to maintain it as well. I don't think that will happen though. I will continue to support the guide as-is for version changes with Serviio and any other changes I may need to make.

    Thanks again for your interest. Personally I have been using Plex and MediaBrowser 3 these days. I chose Serviio in 2013 because I liked the features it had back then and I was looking for a replacement to PS3 Media Server. If I remember correctly there wasn't a Plex plugin at that time or it was about the same time I wrote this guide. I still poke around on Serviio because I had purchased a license for it. Though today I don't use it as much for my daily driver of multimedia.



  • Hi ShadowZero,
    I tested your guide on the front page of this thread with the recently released Serviio 1.5.1 version and the Web-UI-for_Serviio 1.5. It works nice :)
    Perhaps you might want to change




    Besides that, when I try

    ps -aux | grep serviio

    I receive

    warning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'?

    . Do I have to install something more on my OMV-system?

    OpenMediaVault 6.x (most recent stable version) -- 64 bit -- OMV-Extras 6.x (most recent stable version) -- Default Kernel

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    It should be ps aux with no dash/hyphen.

    omv 7.1.0-2 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.13 | compose 7.2 | k8s 7.1.0-3 | cputemp 7.0.1 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.7 plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • How did that sneaky - get in there? hehe ;) I removed it from the guide and updated it for 1.5.1. I'll be updating the guide to meet the OMV template for guides at some point. Just got to find the time to work on it.

  • Serviio upgrade instructions:

    Stop the Serviio service

    service serviio stop

    remove any old backup

    rm -rf /usr/local/serviio.old

    move the existing installation

    mv /usr/local/serviio /usr/local/serviio.old

    download the latest version


    extract it

    tar xzf serviio-1.7-linux.tar.gz

    move it to the same location at which the old install was located

    mv serviio-1.7 /usr/local/serviio

    copy the library from the backup location - this ensures you don't need to rebuild

    cp -raf /usr/local/serviio.old/library /usr/local/serviio

    copy the plugin folder from the backup location as well.

    cp -raf /usr/local/serviio.old/plugins /usr/local/serviio

    change the ownership on the directory back to the user account the runs the service

    chown -R serviio:serviio /usr/local/serviio

    start the Serviio service

    service serviio start

    Enjoy your newly updated media server!

    4 Mal editiert, zuletzt von MorgothQ () aus folgendem Grund: updated for Serviio 1.7

  • yes me too. I mean, implement it correctly. Maybe i can replace it with plex. I have the feeling that serviio is better and i like to try that out. As i dont have a test system at the moment im in need of a working package. in the near future i will have a test system so i can avoid failures on the production side.

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