RAID 6 gone, physical drives visible

  • Hello,

    had big troubles after a thunderstorm - power was cut and some strange things started :

    the system i use Raid 6 123x3TB worked for about 4 or 5 days quite normally then after i rebootet the system i found the following situation ;

    the raid was gone and in the FS section the raid was mentioned by name but n/a and N/V entries were shown ....

    after another reboot the above mentioned FS entry for the raid part was gone for good.

    the physical drives are all visible ....

    so i installed OMV on another hdd and re-connected the raid drives - same result ..

    any ideas - and if possible a solution within the web gui or detailed instructions for any kind of shell usage ...

    cheers ahab666

  • i would have but it was disabled - not clickable - after the raid entry in the FS section was gone another thing occured - even though all 12 HDDs are physically available, i dont see any one of them in the raid building window ... i am a little stressed out atm b3ecause i might have lost like 16 TB of data ;( ...

    thx ahab666

  • I am sorry to hear from your lost, I would advise to get an UPS with surge protection or at least a surge protection, that will at least protect you for the future. Now regards your problem the raid is broken, normally with a hardware raid you would put the drives on a same controller and it would be back in minutes. With a software raid this works a bit different, before doing anything could you please confirm that you have build the raid set with OMV and there is no hardware raid controller in your computer/server?

    - Did you find out if all the disks are fine or if any of them been damaged by the power surge?

    DISCLAIMER: I'm not a native English speaker, I'm really sorry if I don't explain as good as you would like... :)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Wabun ()

  • hello thx for your "condolences" - but yes i am sure. i just use a 16 port LSI sas/sata controller without any HW-Raid functionality.
    and yes - the system worked (no raid degarde even) for 4 or 5 days after the surge and all the discs are shown in the phyical disk section of the OMV Web Gui. i will use spinrite soon to check the disks soon ....

  • You might try to move the raid controller and disk to another computer, so you only transfer the raid controller and disks across.
    Make a note of which disk is on what port, label it, make sure that they put back in correct order!
    Make a note of the current firmware in your LSI as your replacement controller will need exact same version.

    DISCLAIMER: I'm not a native English speaker, I'm really sorry if I don't explain as good as you would like... :)

    8 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Wabun ()

  • hello wastlJ :

    the requestet blkid output :

    /dev/sda1: UUID="6ac66484-42b3-48ad-8430-072852de03ab" TYPE="ext4"
    /dev/sda5: UUID="6edd6d3a-11b9-4188-848c-0c2f2c9a73fa" TYPE="swap"
    /dev/sdb: UUID="6230a09b-2bd2-f0af-b6f7-2e1946e3b8b3" UUID_SUB="46407afa-b56c-6c a7-79f4-f3497240040d" LABEL="OMV:OMV" TYPE="linux_raid_member"
    /dev/sdd: UUID="6230a09b-2bd2-f0af-b6f7-2e1946e3b8b3" UUID_SUB="eca180cd-b1e6-78 0a-8c0b-669a5e2b4c43" LABEL="OMV:OMV" TYPE="linux_raid_member"
    /dev/sdc: UUID="6230a09b-2bd2-f0af-b6f7-2e1946e3b8b3" UUID_SUB="76ccce05-7b75-2f 60-1a1c-e8394aabaede" LABEL="OMV:OMV" TYPE="linux_raid_member"
    /dev/sde: UUID="6230a09b-2bd2-f0af-b6f7-2e1946e3b8b3" UUID_SUB="45ad475e-4fbc-af 93-722d-499caad9dbe8" LABEL="OMV:OMV" TYPE="linux_raid_member"
    /dev/sdf: UUID="6230a09b-2bd2-f0af-b6f7-2e1946e3b8b3" UUID_SUB="c6856d1d-314f-d2 35-60e0-0af84c0150ec" LABEL="OMV:OMV" TYPE="linux_raid_member"
    /dev/sdg: UUID="6230a09b-2bd2-f0af-b6f7-2e1946e3b8b3" UUID_SUB="f98d325f-913e-75 cb-adcd-8fb3fdc053b4" LABEL="OMV:OMV" TYPE="linux_raid_member"
    /dev/sdh: UUID="6230a09b-2bd2-f0af-b6f7-2e1946e3b8b3" UUID_SUB="d7c2bfc6-fcbf-4c f5-f507-e22db1e8ce30" LABEL="OMV:OMV" TYPE="linux_raid_member"
    /dev/sdi: UUID="6230a09b-2bd2-f0af-b6f7-2e1946e3b8b3" UUID_SUB="51b73ff6-4016-84 14-9899-8b25da11f007" LABEL="OMV:OMV" TYPE="linux_raid_member"
    /dev/sdk: UUID="6230a09b-2bd2-f0af-b6f7-2e1946e3b8b3" UUID_SUB="8bdeee4f-18de-aa a5-a65f-148f57c581f0" LABEL="OMV:OMV" TYPE="linux_raid_member"
    /dev/sdl: UUID="6230a09b-2bd2-f0af-b6f7-2e1946e3b8b3" UUID_SUB="32752f25-7f1e-0c f4-1363-440f59911248" LABEL="OMV:OMV" TYPE="linux_raid_member"
    /dev/sdm: UUID="6230a09b-2bd2-f0af-b6f7-2e1946e3b8b3" UUID_SUB="7baee838-006e-d0 ae-d087-1beea06b7dc3" LABEL="OMV:OMV" TYPE="linux_raid_member"
    /dev/sdj: UUID="6230a09b-2bd2-f0af-b6f7-2e1946e3b8b3" UUID_SUB="29fcb9ac-b1f4-17 94-bd3b-07d441ac6f1b" LABEL="OMV:OMV" TYPE="linux_raid_member"

    looks like the harddisks still have their raid ids ....

  • i'd like to mention that i never used raid 5 on any of my data discs ...

  • Looks like you do not even have a raid.

    mdadm --assemble /dev/md127 /dev/sd[bcdefghijklm] --verbose --force --level=6

    root@OMV:~# mdadm --assemble /dev/md127 /dev/sd[bcdefghijklm] --verbose --force                                                   --level=6
    mdadm:option --level not valid in assemble mode

    strage indeed ....

  • out of date ???
    mounted the file system - worked - but was unreferenced in the beginning - now it is referenced - will start a rebuild run to see if the degraded status will clean ...

    thx for your efforts - alex aka ahab666

  • during rebuild i got a server connection error - after rebooting the server all changes i made mount FS and start raid rebuild were gone - the raid and FS entries are gone as well and with the
    mdadm --assemble /dev/md127 /dev/sd[bcdefghijklm] --verbose --force
    command i get this :

    any ideas ? and how to fix that ???

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    What is the current output of: cat /proc/mdstat

    omv 7.4.7-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.14 | compose 7.2.3 | k8s 7.2.0-1 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.8 plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

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