• Hi, was looking at giving OpenMediaVault a try. I currently have a Nas4Free setup that boots of a thumb drive and contains 6 different hd's. It is on an old system I had around. The motherboard has 2 sata connections and i have a 2 and 1.5 tb hd connected to them. I also have 1 tb and 750 sata drives using a sata to ide covertor. also a 750 and 500 connected to the other ide slots. the processor is pen4 2.0 and 1.5 gb of ram. The mb has a gb nic and it is connected to a gb switch that also has my daily computer connected via gb also.

    The transfer speeds seem slow and when i browse the nas it takes a while to display every thing. (I know it would probably help if I got a different system with more sata connectors and drives) Will OpenMediaVault speed this up? I have read some and it looks like having OpenMedia boot off a thumb drive is not the best solution.

    As all my drive connectors are full currently can I use an ext. hd connected via the usb as a boot drive? (this would be connected internally to one of the mb usb connectors
    Also is it possible with all the different drives I have to make one volume like nas4free does? What is the best file system to accomplish that if possible?

    Thanks for any input!!

  • Will OpenMediaVault speed this up?

    Have you ever heard the phrase "Oh hell yeah"?

    You should get between 65 mb/s to 110 mb/s on a gigabit network, depending on what your transferring.....

    You can use usb as a system drive. If it is an option in your bios.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    In reality, he should be getting those speeds on FreeNas/n4f as well, so I'm guessing he will likely not see any change under OMV... but that's just a guess. Reasons being:

    1. You'll see no change, because the problem is a bottleneck in your networking equipment (ie, routers, adapters, etc.)

    2. You'll see no change because your network adapters are not well supported under Linux/BSD.

  • okay got it installed using an usb hardrive. However the Marvell 88e8001 network card is only working at 100 mb not 1gb as it was in nas4free. This system and the main system I use are both connected to a gb network so i should see some speed. Got the harddrives created with filesystem of xfs.(if that is not the best filesystem to use please let me know. I want to see one big drive. I dl the vlm2 plugin.) Now just have to find more info on how to make volumes because i can't at the present time.

  • Zitat von "67flyer"

    okay got it installed using an usb hardrive. However the Marvell 88e8001 network card is only working at 100 mb not 1gb as it was in nas4free. This system and the main system I use are both connected to a gb network so i should see some speed.

    Have a look at this. Maybe that can solve your problem.

    Zitat von "67flyer"

    Got the harddrives created with filesystem of xfs.(if that is not the best filesystem to use please let me know. I want to see one big drive. I dl the vlm2 plugin.) Now just have to find more info on how to make volumes because i can't at the present time.

    What does that mean, you cannot make volumes? You've created a Raid and a filesystem, right? Next step is to create shared folders and bound them to a service, i.e. SMB/CIFS.

    Homebox: Bitfenix Prodigy Case, ASUS E45M1-I DELUXE ITX, 8GB RAM, 5x 4TB HGST Raid-5 Data, 1x 320GB 2,5" WD Bootdrive via eSATA from the backside
    Companybox 1: Standard Midi-Tower, Intel S3420 MoBo, Xeon 3450 CPU, 16GB RAM, 5x 2TB Seagate Data, 1x 80GB Samsung Bootdrive - testing for iSCSI to ESXi-Hosts
    Companybox 2: 19" Rackservercase 4HE, Intel S975XBX2 MoBo, C2D@2200MHz, 8GB RAM, HP P212 Raidcontroller, 4x 1TB WD Raid-0 Data, 80GB Samsung Bootdrive, Intel 1000Pro DualPort (Bonded in a VLAN) - Temp-NFS-storage for ESXi-Hosts

  • Datadigger,
    the drives are not the same size, If i understand raid correctly they need to be the same size. Also i had to run fdisk on all the drives as they were zfs formated in nas4free. did that on the system in command line. after doing that i was able to create the filesystems on the drives without issues. I am now stuck with 6 drives with a file system on them but not sure what the next step is.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    No redundancy but JBOD (linear) raid may be what you want. You could put the drives in raid 5 but they would each look like your smallest drive (kinda wasteful depending on drive size).

    omv 7.4.7-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.14 | compose 7.2.3 | k8s 7.2.0-1 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.8

    omv-extras.org plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • I would use JBOD, too. With this mixed bunch of HDD a Raid5 doesn't make sense. Usually a Raid5 consists of identical HDD, identical in size (And even much better, of identical models). If the disks are of different size, every disk in this Raid will be partitioned (and used) like the smallest disk is of size. If you use one 500gb and two 1tb disks in a Raid5, even the 1tb disks will be partitioned like the 500gb disk. That's a waste of space.

    With a JBOD you have no redundancy, but all the disks will be seen as one big volume. To create a JBOD you have to remove the filesystem from all of your single disks and delete the partitions. Goto Raind Management and create a Raid of type JBOD, then create a filesystem on this single "drive".

    Homebox: Bitfenix Prodigy Case, ASUS E45M1-I DELUXE ITX, 8GB RAM, 5x 4TB HGST Raid-5 Data, 1x 320GB 2,5" WD Bootdrive via eSATA from the backside
    Companybox 1: Standard Midi-Tower, Intel S3420 MoBo, Xeon 3450 CPU, 16GB RAM, 5x 2TB Seagate Data, 1x 80GB Samsung Bootdrive - testing for iSCSI to ESXi-Hosts
    Companybox 2: 19" Rackservercase 4HE, Intel S975XBX2 MoBo, C2D@2200MHz, 8GB RAM, HP P212 Raidcontroller, 4x 1TB WD Raid-0 Data, 80GB Samsung Bootdrive, Intel 1000Pro DualPort (Bonded in a VLAN) - Temp-NFS-storage for ESXi-Hosts

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I had a few problems with my software raid breaking a few times. It was a PITA, because it was 2tb, and took forever to resync. Then one time it did it again, and I'd just had it, so I set up my 2tb drives independently.

    After that, to make sure my data was backed up... I set up Rsync to automatically run 2-3x a day on each folder on the "main drive".. and the destination folders were on the "backup" drive.

    Thus far, I'm way happier with this than with Software raid (which I ran in raid1)

  • Zitat von "67flyer"

    the drives are not the same size, If i understand raid correctly they need to be the same size. Also i had to run fdisk on all the drives as they were zfs formated in nas4free. did that on the system in command line. after doing that i was able to create the filesystems on the drives without issues. I am now stuck with 6 drives with a file system on them but not sure what the next step is.

    wow, that is confused and missued some concepts.

    If you do not want any raid protection, then simply remove all partitions from all drives (beware you will loose all data) and put a physical volume from LVM on each drive directly without any partition. You can do this all with LVM after installing the LVM2 plugin.

    After putting all physical disks into the volume group, you then create one single logical volume from it and put a ext4 into the volume.

    This will gain you no speed advantages but you can use the capacity of all drives.

    Everything is possible, sometimes it requires Google to find out how.

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