Where to install Docker & OS (omv) backup ?

  • Hello,

    I ma new to this forum and to OMV.
    I have a fresh OMV 4.x installed in a 64Gb USB flash Drive ( flashRAM plugin activated ), 8Gb RAM, 2x2TB WD Red.

    My target is:

    HD1 (2Tb)alpha
    HD2 (2Tb)beta ( mirror of HD1 by rsynch scheduled job )

    Run NextCloud in order to manage HD1 content ( using external storage plugin )

    Since there is no any plugin for NextCloud I have installed it under Docker.

    • Is it correct to install Docker and its content under the OS USB flash drive ? It seems to me that is slowing down everythings. i'd like to minimaze the access to the USB key.
    • Can I install docker and its content in my HD1 drive ?
    • If my OS disk will fail I‘d like to manage a OMV backup that permits me to change my USB flesh drive and get everythings up and running smoothly and quickly. How should I achieve this goal ?

    Do I have to plan to replace my USB flash drive with a low cost SSD USB HD ?

    Thank you

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Is it correct to install Docker and its content under the OS USB flash drive ? It seems to me that is slowing down everythings. i'd like to minimaze the access to the USB key.

    You install Docker on your USB but you can point your config files to HD1...for instance in @TechnoDadLife videos he references a folder called AppData this is a shared folder he has created on one of his drives, he points the Docker container config and settings to that folder, so for instance Nextcloud would appear under /sharedfolders/AppData/Nextcloud. He also sets AppData as an SMB share so that a folder called Nextcloud can be created from a windows or linux machine.

    So to answer your second question Docker itself remains on the USB, the config files and relevant set up can be stored a on HD...sort of outside>>>inside.

    There is a plugin specifically to back up your working O/S

    Raid is not a backup! Would you go skydiving without a parachute?

    OMV 6x amd64 running on an HP N54L Microserver

  • Since there is not any plugin for NextCloud I have installed it under Docker.

    These may help:

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    Version7.1.0-2 (Sandworm)
    ProcessorAMD EPYC 7302P 16-Core Processor :evil:
    KernelLinux 6.1.15-1-pve
    HardwareDell R7515

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