So I've had my Transmission running inside a Docker image with OpenVPN configured. It's been running fine for months. Only the other day I go add a few torrents, and the web ui states on a few files that the shared folders are not accessable. Which is odd, because I'd only run updates on my OMV build, and configured nothing else. Then all of a sudden I can't connect to the web ui. "Server not responding".
So I started turning things on and off, and it turns out, removing the docker image solves the problem. I installed this image using the Techno Dad Life videos, it's the haugene-transmission-openvpn image, and it was working great for months.
Now I've tried reinstalling this image countless times for the last few days, but it just doesn't work. It seems to completely cut off Transmission. I'm able to log into the OMV ui perfectly fine through all this.
So I could leave it off, but I'd really prefer to utilise Nord VPN for bittorrent. Any help would be hugely appreciated.