omv, snapraid, unionfs

  • I have a question regarding unionfs and snapraid. I had an existing snapraid on my OMV, with the array of drives each a shared folder. I then decided to work with unionfs and have one volume to read and write to. I installed unionfs over the existing drives, indicating properly the data and parity drives. I designated the new shares and configured smb. The new shares are shown empty through my "cloud commander" interface. However the network sees the old shares as intact, as they were before the unionfs installation. They still sit in their old directories. So, should l use Midnight Commander, and move the old shared directories/files to the new unionfs shares? Where do the files end up? Are they physically repositioned to different drives, using the "existing path most free space" protocol, or do they stay where they were. I have not actually re-populated the new shares, so if there is a better way to do this, please advise...thnks for your help...

  • thanks for the reply.
    I have named the unionfs shares the same name as the original, hoping that it would populate with the same files. Not so...can you give me some config tips to make this happen without moving all those files? I am native win 10 user, so be nice...

    • Official Post

    You should be able to configure unionfs so that you don't need to move any files. It may require re-naming some shares but that would seem to be easier to me.

    Not so...can you give me some config tips to make this happen without moving all those files?

    @mneese , @jollyrogr is on the money.

    Once the UnionFS drive (mount point) is created, go into edit mode on one of your old shared folders, and hit the drop down arrow in the Device line. Select the UnionFS mount point and you should be good to go.

    Your top level SMB network shares will simply follow your redirected shared folders. Test it before moving on to the next one.

  • My configuration is slightly more complicated and it's been a long time since I set it up so it's not fresh in my memory. I have some individual shares combined into a larger share rather than combining whole drives. This required manually configuring the mergerfs in /etc/fstab rather than using the plugin.

    Not saying this is what you need to do, just putting it out there as an example of what can be done.

  • I followed "crashtest" instructions and they were right on...things seem to be in order, files are accessible on my network, midnight commander and cloud commander.. All is well...thnks every one for your very quick and "right on" support:

    Once the UnionFS drive (mount point) is created, go into edit mode on one of your old shared folders, and hit the drop down arrow in the Device line. Select the UnionFS mount point and you should be good to go.

    Your top level SMB network shares will simply follow your redirected shared folders. Test it before moving on to the next one.
    mneese likes this.

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