A stubborn Login-Web-UI problem in OMV

  • Before this submit, I've seen these answers:

    Can't login via WEB GUI

    After recent update, WebGUI stuck in endless Login Loop

    Here is some features of my problem:

    1. Failed to log in the web UI. The web can be visited, but I cannot log in with right accounts. Meanwhile, the monitoring alerts are all stopping so that I cannot receive any automatic report from my NAS

    2. Docker daemon not running.

    3. Successful ZFS file system. My win10 computer can access the files in NAS

    4. Successful ssh visit

    5. Reboot is useless

    6. All this happened in May 2020, But I'm not sure the exact day.

    In addition, the last alert I recieved from my NAS:

    The system monitoring needs your attention.
    Host:        \openmediavault.local
    Date:        Sun, 05 Apr 2020 10:33:42
    Service:     rootfs
    Event:       Resource limit matched
    Description: space usage 85.7% matches resource limit [space usage > 85.0%]
    This triggered the monitoring system to: alert

    According to Can't login via WEB GUI, it could be the result of space overfilled. I check the space status:

    So I know it's the space prolem of /dev/sda1. Continue check:

    However, when I try:

    The big files were not found. Every file seems to be small.

    According to the features before, I think it's the space trick. I don't know how to solve it for the occupied source is invisible.

    By the way, I've also try After recent update, WebGUI stuck in endless Login Loop 's doing: chmod 777 /var/lib/php/sessions

    It doesn't work.

    Systerm version information:

    Linux openmediavault.local 5.3.18-2-pve #1 SMP PVE 5.3.18-2 (Sat, 15 Feb 2020 15:11:52 +0100) x86_64 GNU/Linux

  • That's taking the space, and that is dockers default path you need to run docker system df to see what space is recoverable

    root@openmediavault:~# docker system df
    Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?

    Here it's the result of the command. It seems that Docker was not running.

  • systemctl restart docker

    $ systemctl restart docker
    Job for docker.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
    See "systemctl status docker.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

    I think the main problem was not located in DOCKER. DOCKER is right, but something of the system hinder the auto-start/restart of DOCKER or OMV GUI or other process. It's involving space management. Or, did you mean that DOCKER is the source of space ocuppation? If it's true, `systemctl restart docker` could not work theoretically(practically, as I try)

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Or, did you mean that DOCKER is the source of space ocuppation

    Yes, that is usually the norm an incorrect within a container that points to the system drive, the fact that /var/lib is 7.5G would suggest that Docker is the problem or container configuration. Search the forum for system disk full there are a number of solutions

  • Yes, that is usually the norm an incorrect within a container that points to the system drive, the fact that /var/lib is 7.5G would suggest that Docker is the problem or container configuration. Search the forum for system disk full there are a number of solutions

    Impressive answer! Which made me further sure that the DOCKER is the core of the problem.

    After consideration, I finally decided to uninstall DOCKER, and reinstalled it in other position with more space. Crude but efficient!

    The steps are like:

    1. Backup your container data/setting (if needed) to another position with full space.

    2. Install DOCKER in another place.

    3. Install Images and run containers using the same setting. If you run them via commands before, it's very simple (just run the same code again).

    4. Complete! All containers run as usual. No data lose.

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