Reclaiming unallocated space in my install ssd

    • Official Post

    I noticed I had 2 different plex folders under shared folders. I deleted one of them via my pc and it was 4 gb in size. I thought that would free up space ion my install SSD but it hasnt. Its still showing as only 3 GBs free. Was I not correct? Im going to follow your advice on extending after I get this fixed.

    It's hard telling without diving into your settings and drive mappings to be honest for the Plex container.

  • It's hard telling without diving into your settings and drive mappings to be honest for the Plex container.

    PLEX_MEDIA_SERVER_APPLICATION_SUPPORT_DIR/config/Library/Application Support

    Not sure if that helps

  • That looks fine, but at the very least, if appears to use docker containers are stored on your OS drive, and I *THINK* that is where Plex keeps it's metadata (obviously I don't use Plex.. so this is purely from memory when I tested it)

    So /srv/dev-disk-by-label-Raid1/config/Plex is the only Plex folder I should have?

    • Official Post


    Im asking about Plex bc a new Plex folder just appeared on the install drive.

    not really sure how that happened, I'm far from a Plex expert, but like I said...your containers location is probably a big part your problem. Your dockers are getting stored on your OS drive.

    • Official Post


    Im asking about Plex bc a new Plex folder just appeared on the install drive.

    This might save you a lot of hassle... (I've followed the steps after the 'Caution' part, and it works well)…stallation-directory/1169

    You could take that unallocated space, format it, move your docker containers folder there, create a symbolic link, and you're done.

    1. You've reclaimed all that unused space, while simultaneously clearing your OS root partition.

    2. You moved your docker folder off the OS partition, and onto a much larger partition (that even if it went full, shouldn't prevent the OS from booting)

    3. You done all this without losing any of your current docker settings, containers, etc.

  • With that way no need for g parted? The space would automatically combine into the new partition?

    This is what I get

    root@openmediavault:~# service docker stop

    Failed to get properties: Unit name cockpit-wsinstance-https@.socket is neither a valid invocation ID nor unit name.

    I think docker is stopped though bc both plex and transmission wont connect. Connection refused.

    • Official Post

    You might be able to format/mount the unallocated space in the webUI... not sure on that.

    Go to Drives/New, and see if you can choose the unallocated space to put a filesystem on. If you can, do so and mount it. Otherwise use Gparted and then boot OMV and mount it.

    Create a shared folder on the new unallocated drive ("Containers")

    Stop Docker systemctl stop docker

    Check docker status systemctl status docker . At the very top it should show docker as not running.

    Follow those instructions, using your Containers folder in place of /mnt/pd0/whatever

    Once you're done, start docker systemctl start docker

  • Okay so first follow those steps after caution and then try to format and mount that unallocated space

    Cant format or mount the unallocated space. It doesnt appear in the web ui

    • Official Post

    In gparted. Erased like to said. Now have 2 unallocated plus the install. It says the maximum size I can extended too is 44708 MiB. Does that sound right?

    You're following two separate posts, that accomplished the same thing although differently. The 2nd post I never said anything about erasing swap.

    • Official Post

    Yes. Now the big unallocated is 179.91 Gib. Now I can resize. In MiB what is the equivalent of 20 gb?


    Now you've got 1 of 2 ways to proceed... tell me which you want to do so I know what you're doing.

    1. This will probably take the longest. Basically we'll resize your main partition from 44gigs, to.. probably 150-160ish, then put a swap partition on the end. This will take longer, and the system will probably have to run a filesystem check when you reboot. The good thing is, you won't have to do anything after this as long as plex doesn't fill up your root partition (which at approx. 150gigs.. it really shouldn't).

    2. This will probably be quicker, but you'll have to follow those instructions I gave you earlier on moving your container folder, creating symlinks, etc. Basically you would split the 173gig partition you have now, into two.. a swap partition, and large 150-160ish partition that will be formatted. You can then move your containers to that partition and create symlinks as i told you above. The advantage of this, your containers will be off your main your partition, so you wouldn't have to worry about the server not booting from a full root partition, should your plex database become humongous.

    Edit: 20gb, is approx. 20000mb

  • Any idea around how long 1 would take? If we did 2 would that also speed up my system? Just trying to think of pros and cons. Which is easier? With my history of issues thats better lol

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