Okay so for whatever reason when I restart my server sometimes it will just randomly say “insert boot media” even though it’s fine and in the past the only way to fix it has been by fresh installing OMV because before I didn’t have anything setup. I also know it’s a problem with the server mobo most likely since it boots fine on my personal pc. Only problem is this time I have some 12 docker containers, an OpenVPN setup, a couple of users, and a bunch of shared folders. So fresh installing would be a pain in the ass. I tried using the backup plugin with the dd -fulldisk command or whatever it is which I assumed would give me an image or disk file but I wasn’t really sure what to do with the resulting .gz files and stuff and at this point I would be fine with losing everything else as long as I can keep my docker files.
So finally if you read through all of that I have 2 questions: Can anyone guide me through the process of backing up and restoring a full backup of the OMV setup, or if not that am I able to just save the var location where all my docker containers are, fresh install OMv and docker, and just paste all of it back in?
Edit: I’m able to run it fine on my own pc so I can basically do anything I would need to, to back it up
Also my OMV boot drive is an m.2 and I do have hella flash drives and the boot drive only has used about 20 gb of its 512gb available