A couple of issues basically need some help with backup of OMV setup

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    I've never just copied the folder... But it should work. I just like the symlink because it keeps my paths short and consistent (and easy to remember). Over the years the paths have changed several times in where storage drives are mounted (first they were mounted under /media for a few years, then /srv, then you could mount them by disk label, now some file systems get mounted by uuid, and so forth). Using the sym links just keeps my paths absolutely consistent no matter what changes there are. I used them a lot a long time ago, got away from it, then after recent changes, started using them again and probably will for good now

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Again.... optional. I do it to keep everything consistent. With that folder on my root partition, I want a regular user to be able to write to it if necessary... but I rarely have to.

    The real point of all that was showing you that as long as all your paths are consistent... importing your containers so you don't have to configure them all again, is literally a 2min job (if you scrub out reinstalling, etc... it literally would have taken no time)

  • gotcha I understand. So it would be best to just put my whole docker folder on my media storage instead of keeping it on the os drive correct? and I should just copy that, install docker and then change the directory for docker in omv correct?

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    gotcha I understand. So it would be best to just put my whole docker folder on my media storage instead of keeping it on the os drive correct? and I should just copy that, install docker and then change the directory for docker in omv correct?

    I would... It also allows you to have a much smaller OS drive (since docker containers can get kind of large). You could use a cheap SSD or even a flash drive instead of the m.2 (maybe that is your problem). A 16-32gig flash drive is pretty cheap compared to another m.2. It will be plenty fast enough for just the OS and as long as you use the flash-memory plugin, should last you forever.

    Edit: I should note, I don't use ntfs.. which I've read can act screwy when linux tries to put permissions on it.. I understand your desire to move your disk around, but I would really consider formatting your server disks to a linux filesystem and just leaving them on the server.

  • After some consideration, I decided to just copy it back to the m.2 because of how much free space I have on it and because of how fast it is in comparison to my hard drives. Copying everything over right now, you were 100% right setting up omv itself is a breeze! Will update once I have docker up and running!

  • Quick question any idea how to fix a root permissions issue? I was being stupid and added the root docker folder as a shared folder and after copying everything over can no longer log into the omv gui. Am I able to reset the permissions of the root folders and drives from ssh and what command would I use, or do I just need to reinstall again lol

    Edit: I am still able to ssh in as root

    Edit Edit: More speciically I changed the permissions of the just the /var folder I believe and everything inside it

  • yeah so seems like all my containers aren't working I'm getting stopped on all of them and this error (


    error creating overlay mount to /var/lib/docker/overlay2/3c4cc8e360d361c1211b9712e4b00bc651bddfc45e7f10fe16fb97df243543ed/merged: invalid argument)

    I think I corrupted some of the files somehow or I was missing some when I copied over? Any idea if theres a repair for portainer because I'm unable to create anything rn

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