SMB Configuration / shares changes not applying

  • Hi

    Since upgraded from OMV5 to OMV6 every time I try to apply a configuration change or perform some adjust in samba shares, I'm getting this error and the configuration it's not applied. I don't have problems editing or adding NFS shares.

    Any help would be nice :)


  • I had installed that package. I've removed & reboot and install and reboot again, same result...

    omv 6.0.7-1 Shaitan | 64 bit | 5.15 proxmox kernel | omvextrasorg 6.0.5 | kvm plugin 6.0.3

  • Run omv-salt stage run prepare. This is normally done during every package update, but it seems something went wrong during your update/upgrade.

    Solved !! Thanks !

    omv 6.0.7-1 Shaitan | 64 bit | 5.15 proxmox kernel | omvextrasorg 6.0.5 | kvm plugin 6.0.3

  • chente

    Hat das Label gelöst hinzugefügt.

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