openmediavault-firewall.service fails after 4to5 upgrade

  • Should i do additional preparations on OMV4 before starting update script? Specially due to Armbian?

    OMV 6.5.0-3 | RPi 2 Mod.B V1.1 | Sandisk Extreme Pro microSD 32 GB | 3x WD7500BEKT
    OMV 6.5.0-3 | RPi 3 Mod.B | OS, Memory extension, docker on SSD each

  • I succeeded, finally. I stuck on a few probs and will give my solutions here, maybe they help to someone's concern (rpi armbian upgrade)

    First of all, i didn't went the way in this script but used that tutorial…ult-4-x-nach-5-x-upgrade/ with some changes.

    What i did...


    # still on omv4 i uninstalled every service except ssh, even omv-extras and flashmemory

    # in armbian-config i deleted everything except loop, not to get in huddle between network manager (armbian) and systemd-networkd

    # set webGui network eth0 to use DNS (temporarily)

    # deleted mc_cesa in /etc/modules-load.d/@modules.conf (causing an issue in sudo systemctl list-units --failed)

    # added that armbian repo to update armbian firmware (im my case from 5.27 to 22.02.2)

    echo "deb [arch=arm64] $(lsb_release -cs) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list

    apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 9F0E78D5

    # sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, of course. And reboot

    # sudo apt-get purge openmediavault-cups openmediavault-dnsmasq openmediavault-docker-gui openmediavault-duplicati openmediavault-eyefi openmediavault-ldap openmediavault-letsencrypt openmediavault-mysql openmediavault-nginx openmediavault-openvpn openmediavault-pxe openmediavault-remotedesktop openmediavault-route openmediavault-shellinabox openmediavault-syncthing openmediavault-transmissionbt openmediavault-urbackup-server openmediavault-vdo openmediavault-virtualbox openmediavault-webdav


    # sed -i "s/stretch/buster/g" /etc/apt/sources.list

    sed -i "s/stretch/buster/g" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*

    sed -i "s/arrakis/usul/g" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*

    sed -i "/[Dd]ocker/d" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/omvextras.list

    sed -i "s/<mtu><\/mtu>/<mtu>0<\/mtu>/g" /etc/openmediavault/config.xml

    rm -f /var/cache/openmediavault/archives/Packages


    [ -f "${armbian}" ] && echo "deb buster main buster-utils" | sudo tee ${armbian}

    # sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y

    # reboot (with Rpi better in form of shutdown, power off, power on)

    # sudo omv-salt deploy run nginx phpfpm (to get webgui working again)

    Faced problems then:

    sudo systemctl list-units --failed

    ● ifup@eth0.service loaded failed failed ifup for eth0

    ● networking.service loaded failed failed Raise network interfaces

    ● openmediavault-firewall.service loaded failed failed openmediavault iptables f

    Webgui would not accept apply.

    In particular the last issue makes the cat bite its own tail. OMV network runs, but i found no other way to change its entries than using webgui (system network). But upgrading itself wanted an "apply" (which fails), and the other option "revert" let me think of reverting the complete upgrading process. Omv-firstaid was no way, too, when trying to save changes it comes with "errno11, ressource temporarily unanvailable". No way out.

    Solution here: At last i ignored my fears and "reverted". That's it. Even after rebooting system was still OMV5. And was editable in gui...

    Except network firewall (firewall service was still failing). Tried deleting all entries (success) and editing new rules (saving ok), but again "apply"-prob.

    Solution here: In docker settings (alltough NOT activated), iptables, i activated "legacy". Surprise, surprise, network firewall applied changes afterwards.

    Did all entries in firewall again, saved, applied, rebooted... Everything is fine. "sudo systemctl list-units --failed" shows 0 failed services, updating (cli and gui) works.

    On from here, installing oms-extras, plugins etc.....

    Some of the steps may be cumbersome or unnecessary, the professionals here can better judge that.

    Perhaps two suggestions.

    1. it would be helpful if "revert" or "apply" would indicate which changes are concerned.

    2. in settings-system-network-firewall there should be a hint about the necessary setting under docker iptables.

    by the way, thanx for your job

    OMV 6.5.0-3 | RPi 2 Mod.B V1.1 | Sandisk Extreme Pro microSD 32 GB | 3x WD7500BEKT
    OMV 6.5.0-3 | RPi 3 Mod.B | OS, Memory extension, docker on SSD each

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von KlausR ()

  • KlausR

    Hat das Label gelöst hinzugefügt.
  • used that tutorial…ult-4-x-nach-5-x-upgrade/ with some changes.

    did you post a comment with your issues there too?

    omv 6.9.6-2 (Shaitan) on RPi CM4/4GB with 64bit Kernel 6.1.21-v8+

    2x 6TB 3.5'' HDDs (CMR) formatted with ext4 via 2port PCIe SATA card with ASM1061R chipset providing hardware supported RAID1

    omv 6.9.3-1 (Shaitan) on RPi4/4GB with 32bit Kernel 5.10.63 and WittyPi 3 V2 RTC HAT

    2x 3TB 3.5'' HDDs (CMR) formatted with ext4 in Icy Box IB-RD3662-C31 / hardware supported RAID1

    For Read/Write performance of SMB shares hosted on this hardware see forum here

  • As Zoki writes in his signature "If you got help in the forum and want to give something back ..., write up your solution for others." applies to all forums

    omv 6.9.6-2 (Shaitan) on RPi CM4/4GB with 64bit Kernel 6.1.21-v8+

    2x 6TB 3.5'' HDDs (CMR) formatted with ext4 via 2port PCIe SATA card with ASM1061R chipset providing hardware supported RAID1

    omv 6.9.3-1 (Shaitan) on RPi4/4GB with 32bit Kernel 5.10.63 and WittyPi 3 V2 RTC HAT

    2x 3TB 3.5'' HDDs (CMR) formatted with ext4 in Icy Box IB-RD3662-C31 / hardware supported RAID1

    For Read/Write performance of SMB shares hosted on this hardware see forum here

  • As Zoki writes in his signature "If you got help in the forum and want to give something back ..., write up your solution for others." applies to all forums

    The post i linked to isn't in a forum. Should I offer to create one for the makers to be able to post a comment?

    OMV 6.5.0-3 | RPi 2 Mod.B V1.1 | Sandisk Extreme Pro microSD 32 GB | 3x WD7500BEKT
    OMV 6.5.0-3 | RPi 3 Mod.B | OS, Memory extension, docker on SSD each

  • They have an E-mail. Give them a pointer to this thread and explain your problems / solutions in a few words.

    If you got help in the forum and want to give something back to the project click here (omv) or here (scroll down) (plugins) and write up your solution for others.

  • They have an E-mail. Give them a pointer to this thread and explain your problems / solutions in a few words.


    OMV 6.5.0-3 | RPi 2 Mod.B V1.1 | Sandisk Extreme Pro microSD 32 GB | 3x WD7500BEKT
    OMV 6.5.0-3 | RPi 3 Mod.B | OS, Memory extension, docker on SSD each

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