1 shared folder out of 14 Windows will not access

  • I have 1 shared folder out of 14 shares that all of a sudden overnight it pops up a message that Windows 10 cannot access it. Actually Windows Explorer can see all the sub folders in the OMV5 shared folder but it cannot open any of the Windows Explorer sub folder files. The one OMV shared folder contains 30 sub folders and all files in those sub folders are in accessible .pdf files. Non of those .pdf files can be accessed by Windows 10 Pro. I'm online in the OMV 5 web UI and can't seem to see any problems - BUT - then again , as you all well know . . . I am totally not an OMV expert by any means. I have rebooted OMV 5 twice and still no access to the one folder share. Could it be that my problem is Windows based and not OMV5? Any help?

    Thanks, Kai :thumbup:

    Current OMV5.3.4-1 OPERATING ENVIRONMENT: ASRock AB350Pro4 Mobo, AMD A8-9600 Bristol Ridge Quad-Core 3.1 GHz, 16GB Ram, Kingston A400 120GB SSD, WD Blue 4TB HDD

    Backup OMV5 OPERATING ENVIRONMENT: Windows 10 Pro 64bit (always latest build) Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 2.83GHz 8GB ram; OMV 5.0-amd64 Linux Debian running virtual via VirtualBox v5.2.22
    DATA Backup - Two sets of identical backups using GoodSync 1-way backup onto 2 external drives.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Kai ()

  • Well . . . my reputation on this forum is to ask for help and then solve it myself. So, why should today be any different. Ridiculous. Sorry forum.

    Thanks, Kai :thumbup:

    Current OMV5.3.4-1 OPERATING ENVIRONMENT: ASRock AB350Pro4 Mobo, AMD A8-9600 Bristol Ridge Quad-Core 3.1 GHz, 16GB Ram, Kingston A400 120GB SSD, WD Blue 4TB HDD

    Backup OMV5 OPERATING ENVIRONMENT: Windows 10 Pro 64bit (always latest build) Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 2.83GHz 8GB ram; OMV 5.0-amd64 Linux Debian running virtual via VirtualBox v5.2.22
    DATA Backup - Two sets of identical backups using GoodSync 1-way backup onto 2 external drives.

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