Hello! I am looking for guidance when it comes to caring for and getting the most use out of my ZFS pool.
I have been using ZFS for about nine months on my old server, but I did not know much about it when I set it up. I simply installed the PVE kernel, installed the ZFS plugin, created a mirrored pool with two drives (raid 1 style), and called it a day. I have never had a problem with it.
Recently, I bought a nice old computer to be my new server. I am taking my time setting it up and moving my data and services, as I want to do it right. I want to take advantage of more features that ZFS offers, such as snapshots.
This brings me to my question: What are some steps I should take when setting up these drives in the new machine? (I backed everything up, and can wipe if necessary).
I also cannot find a way to automate ZFS snapshot creation and deletion in the webUI. I found posts back from OMV4 saying that it was not possible, and how to do it manually. Is that still the case, or is there a way to do snapshots from the webUI now?
Thanks for any replies!