[How-To] Install Plex Media Server (PMS) container using OMV and docker-compose

    • Official Post

    Preparation --> follow the preparation steps in this [How-To]

    in CLI:

    • mkdir /home/docker1 create a folder for user docker1 in home directory (if not already done)
    • mkdir /home/docker1/plex create a folder where we will put the docker-compose.yml file to setup watchtower
    • cd /home/docker1/plex change in that directory
    • nano docker-compose.yml create an empty file and start the editor
    • copy the content of the Source Code box below in the editor, change according your setup and save the file with Ctrl+X and y; name must be "docker-compose.yml
    • to copy the content of the Source Code box use the small icon in the top right corner of the box ("Copy Contents")

    • after you saved the file, run docker-compose up -d in the directory where the docker-compose.yml file is located; this will download the needed image and start the container; the correct image for your architecture (amd64, arm, etc.) should be pulled

    You can also run the docker-compose file in Portainer without using the CLI:[How-To] Use docker-compose files in Portainer

    The docker-compose file is the file in the code box above.

    For further details: https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/plex

    If you are having issues like finding your media data inside plex, check this post from gderf: RE: Plex Docker rights


    1. <span style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 12pt;">The container is running as the user specified by PUID and PGID. This user must have appropriate ownership and permission for the media files. Also see information here: <a href="https://support.plex.tv/articles/200288596-linux-permissions-guide/">https://support.plex.tv/articles/200288596-linux-permissions-guide/</a><br></span></span>
    2. "/transcode" volume mapping has been removed as it is now set via plex gui and defaults to a location under /config
    3. Webui can be found at your-ip:32400/web
    4. Updates will be performed when the docker is restarted.

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