This is a quick guide to make a standard OMV setup with samba and several docker containers running.
Just follow the steps. This is for those users who want to get their server up and running quickly. There are no explanations, if you need to understand something about what you are doing consult the openmediavault documentation and omv-extras to find the information, everything is explained there.
If you want to get the server up and running but have no interest in knowing what you are doing, keep reading. You can always investigate later why you made these configurations.
- This procedure is designed for a system with a single data unit. OMV is installed on a USB stick or SD card and docker and user data on a single independent disk. Customize it if necessary.
- USB stick (or SD card) -> OMV operating system
- 1 HDD (or SSD or nvme or ...) -> Docker and user data
- If at any time during this process the OMV Interface stops responding press Ctrl+Shift+R to clear the browser cache.
- When a yellow bar appears after any action in the GUI, it is necessary to click on the button to apply changes and then on Yes.
- You can change the folder names to your language, but if you do, you must do it everywhere, not just when you create the folder.
Install OMV on your server on a USB flash drive or SD card (16GB or 32GB is enough). If you install Debian first and then OMV, uses a 64-bit image.
When you get to the OMV interface, stop and follow the steps below.
System | Update Management | Updates ->
- Click on the [Check for new updates] button.
- Click on the [Install updates] button.
Shutdown the server.
Connect a drive (SATA o USB).
Start the server. Login to OMV. http://[[Your_Server_IP]]
- User = admin
- Password = openmediavault
Click on the top right button [User Settings].
- Click on the [Change Password] button and change the password.
System | Workbench ->
- Port = 8888
- Press [Save] button (You will lose connection to the OMV GUI).
Login to OMV. http://[SERVER_IP]:8888
- User = admin
- Password = [[your new password]]
Click on the top right button [User Settings].
- Click on [Dashboard] button and click on [Select all and Save].
System | Date & Time ->
- Time zone = Select your time zone
- Use NTP server -> Active
- Time Servers =
- Press [Save] burtton.
System | Notification | Settings ->
- Set the appropriate values to receive notifications with your email account. When you have finished press [Test] button and check if you have received an email.
System | Update Management | Updates -> Click on the [Install Updates] button.
Note: If you have installed OMV via a script (Raspberry, arm,...) you should already have omv-extras and openmediavault-flashmemory installed, you just need to install openmediavault-compose. If you installed OMV using an ISO you need to install omv-extras, openmediavault-flashmemory and openmediavault-compose.
Install omv-extras:
- Option 1: Connect via SSH as the root user and run:
- sudo wget -O - | sudo bash
- Option 2: System | Scheduled Tasks -> [Create] ->
- Command = wget -O - | bash -> Click Save
- Select the task (yellow color) -> Click [Run] -> Close
- Select the task (yellow color) -> Click [Delete] -> Yes
Install openmediavault-flashmemory:
- System | Plugins -> Search openmediavault-flashmemory -> Select it (yellow color) -> Click [Install] -> [Confirm] -> [Yes]
Install openmediavault-compose:
- System | omv-extras -> Click on [Docker repo] (must be active) -> [Save]
- System | Plugins -> Search openmediavault-compose -> Select it (yellow color) -> Click [Install] -> [Confirm] -> [Yes] -> [Close] -> Ctrl+Shift+R (Clear the browser cache, this may vary in your browser)
Important note: This procedure will delete all existing data on the drive.
Note: This procedure is designed for a system with a single data unit. Customize it if necessary.
Storage | Disks -> Select your disk (yellow color) -> [Wipe] -> [Confirm] -> [Yes] -> [Quick] -> [Close]
Storage | S.M.A.R.T. | Settings -> Click [Enabled] -> [Save]
Storage | S.M.A.R.T. | Devices -> Select your disk (yellow color) -> [Edit] -> Click [Monitoring enabled] (Active) -> [Save]
Storage | S.M.A.R.T. | Scheduled Tasks -> [Create] ->
- Device = Select your device
- Type = Short self-test
- Day of week = Sunday
- [Save]
Storage | File Systems -> [Create and mount a file system] -> [EXT4] ->
- Device = Select the disk you just cleaned -> [Save] -> [Close]
- File system = Select the file system you just created -> [Save]
Storage | Shared Folders -> [Create] ->
- Name = docker (or whatever name you want for the docker installation folder)
- Select a file system = File system you just created
- [Save]
Press [Create] again ->
- Name = appdata (or whatever name you want for the persistent app data folder)
- Select a file system = File system you just created
- [Save]
Press [Create] again ->
- Name = data (or whatever name you want for your server's data folder)
- Select a file system = File system you just created
- [Save]
Press [Create] again ->
- Name = documents (or whatever name you want for the documents folder within your server data)
- Select a file system = File system you just created
- Relative path = data/documents/ (make sure the "data" and "documents" names match the ones you set above)
- [Save]
Press [Create] again ->
- Name = media (or whatever name you want for the media folder within your server data)
- Select a file system = File system you just created
- Relative path = data/media/ (make sure the "data" and "media" names match the ones you set above)
- [Save]
Storage | Shared Folders -> In the docker folder line copy the absolute path with the button next to the path.
Services | Compose | Settings ->
- Docker -> Docker storage = Paste the path in this field, it will be something similar to /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-8a3c0a8f-75bb-47b0-bccb-cec13ca5bb85/docker (make sure the "docker" name matches what you set above)
- [Save]
Services | Compose | Settings ->
- Compose Files -> Shared folder = appdata (make sure the name "appdata" matches what you set above)
- Data -> Shared folder = data (make sure the "data" name matches what you set above)
- [Save]
System | Date & Time -> Copy your value from the Time zone field. For example: Europe/Madrid
Services | Compose | Files -> [Edit global environment file] button -> In Global Environment copy and paste:
Replace Europe/Madrid with yours.
Important note: Create the users in order. First the user appuser (or whatever) so that it has the UID=1000. Then create the users you want. Once the users have been created, you can check the UID by opening the corresponding column with the upper right button in the form of a table. If appuser is not 1000, you must take this into account to modify the global environment variables file from the previous section accordingly.
Users | Users -> [Create] -> [Create] ->
- Name = appuser (or whatever name you want for the designated user for the containers, don't use your usual user)
- Password = Write down a strong password and write it down somewhere.
- Confirm password = the same
- Select Groups = users
- [Save]
- Select appuser (yellow color) (Or the name you chose for "appuser") -> [Shared Folder Permissions] ->
- Click data [Read/Write] (yellow color) (Or the name you chose for "data")
- Click appdata [Read/Write] (yellow color) (Or the name you chose for "appdata")
- [Save]
Users | Users -> [Create] -> [Create] ->
- Name = Now write your name here, or whatever you want, this will be your username.
- Password = Write down a strong password and write it down somewhere.
- Confirm password = the same
- Select Groups = users
- [Save]
- Select your user (yellow color) -> [Shared Folder Permissions] ->
- Click data [Read/Write] (yellow color) (Or the name you chose for "data")
- [Save]
Users | Users -> [Create] -> [Create] -> If you want another user, repeat the previous process. Assign the permissions you want for the second user.
Services | SMB/CIFS | Settings -> [Enabled] (active) -> [Save]
Services | SMB/CIFS | Shares -> [Create] ->
- Shared folder => Select documents (choose the name you set for the "documents" within your server data)
- Save
Services | SMB/CIFS | Shares -> [Create] ->
- Shared folder => Select media (choose the name you set for the "media" files within your server data)
- [Save]
In Windows type in the file manager bar \\[[YOUR_SERVER_IP]] (replace [[YOUR_SERVER_IP]] with the value of your server's IP), enter your username and password configured in the previous step and accept. You will be able to access /documents and /media (choose the folder names you defined above)
In the following posts there are some containers prepared to install directly with this server configuration. Just copy and paste and these containers will be working, no need to modify anything. Choose the ones you need.
- NEXTCLOUD AIO (with or without reverse proxy)
The openmediavault-compose plugin has examples for other containers. You will need to adapt these examples by modifying the configurations to suit your system before deploying them.
If you want to delve deeper into the use of docker, consult this document. Docker in OMV from the omv-extras wiki.