I am having an issue with Rsnaspshot in which it is creating two copies of my data from my source drive (Sda)and filling up my backup drive (sdb). My Rsync destination directory structure looks like the following:
This top level has a folder for each source directory I have backed up, they are generated automatically by Rsnapshot and these are the folders the initial backup uses, it also includes a separate weekly.0 backup within each folder. E.g., Rsync/Photoprism/Weekly.0
Then after sometime, rsync generates a new weekly.0 folder with another full copy of my data, with the same sub-folders, e.g. Rsync/Weekly.0/Photoprism.
I am not sure what is going on here and no matter how often I delete either the weekly.0 or root folders, they regenerate and fill up my drive the next time Rsync runs. It means I can't have a full backup of my data locally. I just want one copy of my data backed up locally to this external drive.
What can I do to get around this?
Thank you for your help!