Install plex on OMV 7

  • Hello i'm new on OMV I installed OMV 7 on raspberry Pi 4 and all is working well. Now i would like to install a PLEX on OMV 7 and i encontered a lot of error following several guide on internet. And up to now i'm not able to install PLEX. First is the download of OMV-Extras, Follwowing your guide I use this command " wget -O -…ckages/raw/master/install | sudo bash.The istallazion is OK but i see only Docker on OMV-Extras and I'm not able to continue the installazion.My question is there a good guide to install PLEX on OMV 7 using Docker, or its possible to install PLEX without using Docker.Sorry but several instruction guide online refer to OMV 5 and 6 and there is different on OMV 7.Therefore it'is also impossible to install a prevoius version on OMV 7.

    Thans and sorry for mistakes

  • chente

    Hat das Thema freigeschaltet.
    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hello i'm new on OMV I installed OMV 7 on raspberry Pi 4 and all is working well. Now i would like to install a PLEX on OMV 7 and i encontered a lot of error following several guide on internet. And up to now i'm not able to install PLEX. First is the download of OMV-Extras, Follwowing your guide I use this command " wget -O -…ckages/raw/master/install | sudo bash.The istallazion is OK but i see only Docker on OMV-Extras and I'm not able to continue the installazion.My question is there a good guide to install PLEX on OMV 7 using Docker, or its possible to install PLEX without using Docker.Sorry but several instruction guide online refer to OMV 5 and 6 and there is different on OMV 7.Therefore it'is also impossible to install a prevoius version on OMV 7.

    Thans and sorry for mistakes

    Follow this guide.

    If you have problems after that, post again.

    Welcome to the forum.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I followed this one (just in necessary parts and w/o docker) - and its working perfectly since 12 months

    This procedure is designed to install on Raspberry without OMV. In my opinion, installing Plex in this way is longer, more complicated, you run the risk of breaking something in OMV, it is more complicated to maintain, update and uninstall. In reality, for all these reasons, someone invented docker.

    I wouldn't recommend it to my worst enemy, but that's just my opinion. Everyone does what they want on their server.

  • This procedure is designed to install on Raspberry without OMV. In my opinion, installing Plex in this way is longer, more complicated, you run the risk of breaking something in OMV, it is more complicated to maintain, update and uninstall. In reality, for all these reasons, someone invented docker.

    I wouldn't recommend it to my worst enemy, but that's just my opinion. Everyone does what they want on their server.

    I know that the omv-team is always recommending docker - for good reasons.

    But again: especially plexmediaserver is causing absolutely no conflicts w omv and its a matter of 5 minutes to install it side-by-side w omv.

    Its running here since months w/o any problems. Maybe because I'm having just a little RPi and no complicated HW/SW-setup.

    At the end its my decision and risk :)

    Raspi 4B, 4GB RAM, SSD-Boot, 2TB & 1TB SSD as data-disks in Sata/USB enclosure, IcyBox USB3-Hub

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I know that the omv-team is always recommending docker - for good reasons.

    And every time someone posts something like what you just posted, someone will respond just like I am doing, so that anyone who reads the thread has the right information. Many people read this, I'm not answering you, I know you won't change your mind until the server explodes :) I'm just providing information for others.

    especially plexmediaserver is causing absolutely no conflicts w omv

    How do you know? Have you read it in the Plex documentation? In OMV's? Or are you basing it solely on your experience this year? Maybe you have some conflict and you haven't seen it yet...

    its a matter of 5 minutes to install it side-by-side w omv

    With docker it would take me 30 seconds, maybe less. And another 5 seconds to uninstall it.

    At the end its my decision and risk :)

    Of course. We completely agree on that :) I already said it in my first post.


    In addition to all that, you are missing out on many benefits of docker, such as backups of the Plex database for example, or recovering the Plex installation as you had it after a reinstallation of OMV with a loss of time of 15 seconds , etc etc.

    I suspect you haven't researched anything about docker. If you had done so you would never defend this position.

    Don't get me wrong, it's nothing personal, but I think you should do a little research and understand why technologies like docker, podman or kubernetes have been developing for years. Many developers are behind these projects, dedicating a lot of time to make them work correctly. Don't you think there are good reasons behind this? No one would dedicate all those resources of time and money to develop something useless. Think about it. What you are basically saying is that these technologies are useless. ;)

  • OK. Everything accepted.

    Just one point: to be able initially to use docker and somehow understand what you're doing and configuring here, you need at least some hours of reading and thinking and not just 30 sec. ;)

    I did this exercise last week with calibre-web and nginx in docker and know that its not so easy as it sounds.

    Now, after doing this exercise I could manage plex-in-docker.

    Raspi 4B, 4GB RAM, SSD-Boot, 2TB & 1TB SSD as data-disks in Sata/USB enclosure, IcyBox USB3-Hub

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Just one point: to be able initially to use docker and somehow understand what you're doing and configuring here, you need at least some hours of reading and thinking and not just 30 sec


    I agree with that, you have to overcome the initial learning curve. After that it's 30 seconds for any container. :)

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