All containers appear as "down" after update
- OMV 7.x
- resolved
- monsen
What packages did you update? Just saying OMV was updated doesn't help much.
Last update should have been an OMV version update. Nothing else as far as i recall.
That shouldn't have affected the compose plugin. What if you click the Clear cache button on the Settings tab of the Compose plugin? Are the Containers and Stats tabs populated?
I hit the clear cache button but that didn't have any effect.
Prolly nothing to do with anything.
I did an update before, and it did update Docker... I rebooted and Docker did not restart, just a glitch as it happened once...Did you verify DOCKER itself is running?
I hit the clear cache button but that didn't have any effect.
What about my other questions? Remember that I can't see anything on your system. Hard to help without info.
That shouldn't have affected the compose plugin. What if you click the Clear cache button on the Settings tab of the Compose plugin? Are the Containers and Stats tabs populated?
Containers and stats seem to be populated although i cannot tell if that is any different to before because i did not check.
If those tabs are working, then maybe there is something with your system that the plugin is not handling. Only way to know is to put your system in debug mode and visit the Files tab.
sudo monit stop omv-engined
sudo omv-engined -df
# visit the files tab and look for errors in the omv-engined output
Done that. No errors if i understand that right:
Display Moreroot@debnas:~# sudo monit stop omv-engined root@debnas:~# sudo omv-engined -df omv-engined[1234110]: Daemon process started (pid=1234111) omv-engined[1234110]: root@debnas:~# Registered data models: conf.service conf.service.anacron conf.service.anacron.task conf.service.apttool conf.service.autoshutdown conf.service.compose conf.service.compose.dockerfile conf.service.compose.file conf.service.compose.globalenv conf.service.compose.job conf.service.downloader conf.service.fail2ban conf.service.fail2ban.jail conf.service.mergerfs conf.service.mergerfs.pool conf.service.nfs conf.service.nfs.share conf.service.rsync.job conf.service.rsyncd conf.service.rsyncd.module conf.service.smartmontools conf.service.smartmontools.device conf.service.smartmontools.job conf.service.smb conf.service.smb.share conf.service.snapraid conf.service.snapraid.array conf.service.snapraid.rule conf.service.ssh conf.service.wetty conf.service.wol conf.service.wol.system conf.system.apt.distribution conf.system.backup conf.system.certificate.ssh conf.system.certificate.ssl conf.system.cron.job conf.system.filesystem.mountpoint conf.system.filesystem.quota conf.system.hdparm conf.system.monitoring.perfstats conf.system.notification.notification conf.system.omvextras conf.system.powermngmnt conf.system.sharedfolder conf.system.sharedfolder.privilege conf.system.sharedfolder.snapshot.lifecycle conf.system.syslog.remote conf.system.time conf.system.usermngmnt.homedir conf.system.usermngmnt.user conf.webadmin rpc.anacron.doupload rpc.anacron.settask rpc.apt.getchangelog rpc.apt.install rpc.apt.setsettings rpc.apt.upload rpc.apttool.docommand rpc.apttool.setpackage rpc.autoshutdown.setsettings rpc.backup.set rpc.certificatemgmt.copysshid rpc.certificatemgmt.create rpc.certificatemgmt.createssh rpc.certificatemgmt.set rpc.certificatemgmt.setssh rpc.common.devicefile rpc.common.getlist rpc.common.objectuuid rpc.compose.doautocompose rpc.compose.dodockercmd rpc.compose.doprune rpc.compose.getcontainerlog rpc.compose.getlog rpc.compose.getservicelog rpc.compose.set rpc.compose.setdockerfile rpc.compose.setexample rpc.compose.setfile rpc.compose.setglobalenv rpc.compose.setjob rpc.compose.seturl rpc.config.applychanges rpc.config.delete rpc.config.get rpc.config.getlist rpc.config.isdirty rpc.config.revertchanges rpc.config.set rpc.cron.getlist rpc.cron.set rpc.diskmgmt.sethdparm rpc.diskmgmt.wipe rpc.downloader.doupload rpc.downloader.setdownload rpc.downloader.setupload rpc.emailnotification.set rpc.exec.attach rpc.exec.getoutput rpc.exec.isrunning rpc.exec.stop rpc.fail2ban.setjail rpc.fail2ban.setsettings rpc.filesystemmgmt.create rpc.filesystemmgmt.createbtrfs rpc.filesystemmgmt.enumeratemountedfilesystems rpc.filesystemmgmt.getdetails rpc.filesystemmgmt.grow rpc.filesystemmgmt.hasfilesystem rpc.filesystemmgmt.setmountpoint rpc.filesystemmgmt.umount rpc.folderbrowser.get rpc.fstab.getbydir rpc.fstab.getbyfsname rpc.fstab.set rpc.iptables.setrule rpc.iptables.setrules rpc.iptables.setrules6 rpc.kernel.docommand rpc.kernel.dohold rpc.kernel.doproxmox rpc.logfile.clear rpc.logfile.getcontent rpc.logfile.getlist rpc.mergerfs.set rpc.nfs.setsettings rpc.nfs.setshare rpc.notification.isenabled rpc.notification.set rpc.notification.setlist rpc.omvextras.set rpc.perfstats.set rpc.plugin.install rpc.plugin.remove rpc.plugin.upload rpc.powermgmt.set rpc.powermgmt.setscheduledjob rpc.quota.getbytypename rpc.quota.set rpc.quota.setbytypename rpc.rrd.getgraph rpc.rsync.set rpc.rsyncd.setmodule rpc.rsyncd.setsettings rpc.session.login rpc.sharemgmt.copyprivileges rpc.sharemgmt.createscheduledsnapshot rpc.sharemgmt.delete rpc.sharemgmt.deletesnapshot rpc.sharemgmt.fromsnapshot rpc.sharemgmt.getfileacl rpc.sharemgmt.getprivilegesbyrole rpc.sharemgmt.restoresnapshot rpc.sharemgmt.set rpc.sharemgmt.setfileacl rpc.sharemgmt.setprivileges rpc.sharemgmt.setprivilegesbyrole rpc.smb.setsettings rpc.smb.setshare rpc.snapraid.executecommand rpc.snapraid.setarray rpc.snapraid.setdrive rpc.snapraid.setrule rpc.snapraid.setsettings rpc.ssh.set rpc.syslog.setsettings rpc.system.reboot rpc.system.setdate rpc.system.settimesettings rpc.system.shutdown rpc.system.standby rpc.usermgmt.authuser rpc.usermgmt.deletegroup rpc.usermgmt.deleteuser rpc.usermgmt.getgroup rpc.usermgmt.getuser rpc.usermgmt.importgroup rpc.usermgmt.importuser rpc.usermgmt.setgroup rpc.usermgmt.setpasswordbycontext rpc.usermgmt.setsettings rpc.usermgmt.setuser rpc.usermgmt.setuserbycontext rpc.webgui.clearlocalstorageitems rpc.webgui.getlocalstorageitems rpc.webgui.setlocalstorageitem rpc.webgui.setsettings rpc.wol.send rpc.wol.setsystem rpc.wol.setwake Registered file system backends: btrfs exfat ext ext2 ext3 ext4 f2fs fuse.mergerfs fuseblk hfsplus iso9660 jfs msdos none ntfs reiserfs swap udf ufs umsdos vfat xfs Registered RPC services: anacron apt apttool autoshutdown backup certificatemgmt compose config cron diskmgmt downloader emailnotification exec fail2ban filesystemmgmt folderbrowser fstab iptables kernel locate logfile mergerfs network nfs notification omvextras perfstats plugin powermgmt quota rrd rsync rsyncd services sharemgmt smart smb snapraid ssh syslog system usermgmt webgui wetty wol Registered modules: anacron apt apticron autoshutdown avahi certificates chrony collectd compose cpufrequtils cron email fail2ban fstab halt hostname hosts initramfs iptables issue mergerfs monit nfs nginx pam phpfpm postfix profile quota rrdcached rsync rsyncd rsyslog samba sharedfolders smartmontools snapraid ssh sysctl systemd systemd-logind systemd-networkd task timezone webadmin webserver wetty zeroconf omv-engined[1234111]: SIGCHLD received ... omv-engined[1234111]:
No errors if i understand that right:
After you started debug mode, you went to the Files tab? There should be a lot more output.
I assume you mean the files tab in the compose plugin? Sorry i just did not get what you meant:
The log looks like there is an empty compose file somewhere. But i do not know where that is coming from. Maybe that is the problem?
I manually checked all compose files and none of them is empty.
I assume you mean the files tab in the compose plugin? Sorry i just did not get what you meant:
Yes. That is why I capitalized Files. And since we are working on a problem in the Compose plugin, I figured I didn't have to mention that.
The log looks like there is an empty compose file somewhere. But i do not know where that is coming from. Maybe that is the problem?
I manually checked all compose files and none of them is empty.
It is saying the project name is empty. I ran into this in another thread and the version of docker-compose was very old. What is the output of:
sudo omv-aptclean repos
dpkg -l | grep docker
root@debnas:~# dpkg -l | grep docker ii docker 1.5-2 all transitional package ii docker-buildx-plugin 0.12.1-1~debian.12~bookworm amd64 Docker Buildx cli plugin. ii docker-ce 5:25.0.3-1~debian.12~bookworm amd64 Docker: the open-source application container engine ii docker-ce-cli 5:25.0.3-1~debian.12~bookworm amd64 Docker CLI: the open-source application container engine ii docker-compose-plugin 2.24.6-1~debian.12~bookworm amd64 Docker Compose (V2) plugin for the Docker CLI. ii python3-docker 5.0.3-1 all Python 3 wrapper to access's control socket ii wmdocker 1.5-2 amd64 System tray for KDE3/GNOME2 docklet applications
You must have disabled the docker repo a long time ago to have those versions. Re-enable the docker repo in omv-extras, run apt clean again, and then update your system. The old docker packages are causing this problem. I have added minimum version checks to the compose plugin in the last couple of days.
You are right, it is disabled. Weird. I don't think i did that. Maybe by mistake? ... strange
This fixed it!! Thanks man
Added the Label resolved
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