Have OMV 1.7 use VPN connection

  • Hello all.
    Im new to linux (i know nothing) and nas servers in general like alot of users here. Im loving the functionality of omv so far and I know Ive barely scratched the surface.
    Anyway, i have OMV 1.7 set up in virtualbox on a Win7 ultimate host.
    Couch potato, Sickbeard & Sabnzbd have all been installed, configured and are working well. The Win7 host is running Private Internet Access (VPN service) for the occasional torrent. I incorrectly assumed that my Virtual OMV would also utilize PIA by default, but after running a traceroute, this does not seem to be the case when the default ReakTek controller is used. The traceroute does not list the VPN IP address.
    In virtualbox, i changed the bridged adaptor from the default Realtek PCIe controller to the TAP-Win32 adapter that PIA installed, OMV starts and is given the static IP that was configured but I can no longer SSH, access OMV web-interface, couchpotato, sickbeard or sabnzbd.
    How can i be sure that OMV is now utilizing the VPN? What needs to be done so that I can access the management consoles??
    Thanks for any help.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    You need two adaptors in the virtualbox guest

    1) Virtualbox Guest only adaptor, and
    2) Nat

    You will access your omv throught the ip by NAT, usually, the first adaptor should provide tunnelled internet access to the omv.

    In omv confirm that you’re tunnelled by doing curl -s http://ifconfig.me it should give your external vpn address

    Also make sure both adaptors are set in DHCP mode in the weUI

  • i added a NAt adaptor, and now i can no longer access the webui.
    Its weird, because i took a snapshot before i made the changes, and when i revert to the snapshot, i still cant access the webui.
    I also installed owncloud before the snapshot without restarting so that could have broke it as well.

    edit: update-rc.d -f apache2 remove
    fixed the issue.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    You're still thinking of bridge. This is not bridge. If you set up bridge your router is giving ip address to the guest VM, hence the VM is taking that route not the openvpn one.

    The .56 subnet is the default dhcp range for host only adapter in vbox. Check the general preferences in virtualbox for network (vboxnet0), not the guest network settings the general.

    First set only one adapter in guest as host only, login in the console and do dhclient eth0, it will give you ip address like probably. Check that you can access the webUI through that ip and configure eth0 for dhcp, At this point you vm should not have internet access
    Shutdown an add another adapter this time NAT. Launch the VM again and in the webUI configure eth1 (nat) as dhcp, this time you OMV should have internet access, hopefully tunneled by vpn.

  • Thanks, i really appreciate your help.
    Ive followed your steps and with some experimentation its working...but only on the host machine. I can access the webui etc on the host PC, but not on any other PCs connected to the network. Same with my smb shares. Theyre available and accessible on the host PC but not on the network...kinda defeating the purpose of the nas.
    This is clearly related to the .56 subnet so again, im kind of lost with that part. Do you think i should change the virtualbox settings to make the host adapter 192.168.0.xxx, or will that essenially create two dhcp servers on my network causing even more heaadache?

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