Beiträge von Kai

    I've tried, my router ip,, everything that I can think of (but then again, I'm not an expert OMV person). Nothing is working. Does this mean I have to reinstall OMV5? Is there something wrong inside of Docker or Portainer? I had been using portainer and a plex container just fine for two days until I tried to delete some old linuxserver/plex images and some old plex containers (leaving the portainer container only) so I could just do a new plex container. Then every time I created a new container it would FAIL and say it could not locate a plex image. After that, everything is downhill.

    Just used omv-firstaid but did the docker rather than the enp37s0. That left me with a docker0 interface and no enp37s0. So then I added the enp37s0 back in. Now I will see if that worked.

    Should I delete the docker0 interface?

    I thought I was being careful but evidently not careful enough.

    1. Was working in portainer to delete anything relative to Plex (containers, images etc.) so I could do a new Plex container
    2. Something went haywire
    3. Long story short - I uninstalled Portainer completely in OMV-Extras>Docker>Portainer
    4. Now upon reinstalling Portainer I get the dialog box in Por01.jpg
    5. I have DNS set up as shown in Por02.jpg

    Need the forums help badly. How can I get it reinstalled successfully?

    Man, has this thing ever spiraled out of control on me today. 1/2 hour job now into 5 hours. Had it all working fairly decently, with a few tweaks needed, and then screwed it all up. That'll teach me to mess with things. Yeesh! :S

    Many on this forum suggest staying away from ACL’s unless you know exactly what you are doing. I don’t so I do.

    Evidently I got lucky. All I did was look at the shares that were working correctly and made the shares (that weren't working correctly) match. At the time I didn't know how the forum felt and I didn't feel I was taking a chance so I went on and did it. However, throughout the entire situation I was always wondering why the other shares, which automatically configured okay 18 months ago, and these troublesome shares did not follow the same scenario. Strange to me, but then again, not so strange since I am a novice with OMV. 8)

    My guess is you have permissions on that one folder set differently from the permissions on those other ten shares. Could be something as simple as not having an “Inherit permissions” button switched on in the settings if that one SMB share, or maybe something similar if you set ACL’s on any of your Shared Folders. Dig around in your User’s Privileges and your SMB shares’ settings.

    Thanks for your suggestions. You were absolutely correct. The ACL's permissions on the folder had incorrect [Group] and [Others] settings. Thanks a bunch for helping me zero in on this. You saved me loads of time.

    The following attachments show the progression of dialog boxes when attempting to add New Folders

    1. FileTree01.jpg shows my right click attempt resulting in not allowing me to add the New Folder - [Movies OLD] to the shared folder PleX_MOVIES
    2. FileTree02.jpg shows the progression of appearing dialog boxes not allowing me to set permissions
    3. My question is simple: What is preventing me from being able to add folders to the PleX sub folders when all the other [10 total] deployed shared folders produce no restrictions of any sort upon me to add New Folders at will?

    Backups I have. However, I have one more question and another minor thread to start before I begin on the whole mix of things which I have sought and received help on.

    Is it practical, feasible, advisable to:

    1. Shut down the OMV5 server/case
    2. Remove the WD4TBBlue
    3. Install the 4TB drive to my desktop PC motherboard
    4. Run Aomei Partition Assistant Professional rather than gparted and perform the partition resizing within Windows 10 Pro latest build?

    You can boot gparted also from an USB stick, yes. But you need to have the drive on which you want to resize partition locally connected to that computer.

    So either boot gparted on the server


    connect the drive to you desktop and boot gparted on the desktop.

    You can also use various other linux distros to run gparted on them.

    Okay, thanks again. I'll go to work on things. May take awhile. :D

    With gparted you can resize a partition/filesystem if there is space available on the drive.

    You can also reduce the size of one partition/filesystem and then increase the size of another partition/filesystem.

    As geaves mentioned you can either boot gparted live cd on the server instead of OMV, or you attach the drive to another computer (laptop, desktop) and boot the live cd there.

    Thanks macom.

    I'll go to work on this and see if I can figure it out. I would assume gparted could be placed onto a USB3.0 drive versus a CD and then plug it into my desktop to access the server downstairs; correct?

    1. Obviously you will see I am totally new to Docker and Portainer processes but I want to learn. Would appreciate some help. This adventure with Plex has been somewhat more intense than I figured on, but I want to conquer it. I have searched the internet and the OMV forums but can't quite zero in on what I need to know about my Volumes situation.
    2. What is preventing me from deleting the volumes in blue in VolumeRemove01.jpg?
    3. I have tried both Stopping and Pausing my plex Container as shown in VolumeRemove02.jpg but I still always get the RED Warning
    4. In VolumeRemove01.jpg why are there blue volumes and why are there black volumes?
    5. The blue volumes are hanging out somewhere in OMV/Docker/Portainer but I can't find where. They used to be part of another Container's Volumes but that Container was since deleted. Their container paths don't exist anymore; at least I'm not aware of where they do exist; but the black paths do exist.

    it's a partition on a drive, . . . you would need to run gparted to extend it.

    It's a partition on the WD4TBBlue. Hate to ask this but, where do I find/access gparted? Also, does [ . . . to extend it ] serve as another way of saying to [delete it] since I cannot resize it?

    You can't as the message states that's for resizing file systems on a Raid, you have selected a single block device

    So what is the best thing for me to do? . . . Delete it and create a larger one from scratch?

    I don't understand why I can't get any help on the forum. Am I doing something wrong, or asking for advice on an unsupported topic, or possibly I'm in the wrong forum category? I welcome any initiative to be corrected on my errors. Just need a little help and understanding. Kind regards.

    I'm confused on how I want my folder structure set up.

    1. While setting up Plex in OMV5 (using a video tutorial as my guide) I wanted to sub-folder the 4 folders (as shown in Files 01.jpg) into the Plex_NAS folder.
    2. I thought by selecting the PleX device as shown in (Files02.jpg) that I was performing my intentions correctly
    3. If I am restricted to the red outlined folders configuration of Files01 and Files02 does that mean the four folders are in turn likewise restricted to the total 170GiB of the PleX device?
    4. Since I want greater storage capacity should I just resize the Plex device, delete it all together and just use /dev/sdb1 (WD4TBBlue1) for the four Plex folders, or just leave things as they are????
    5. If I resize the Plex device I noticed that there was some sort of a raid warning. Is that of concern to me or do I just go ahead with a resize?
    6. My thinking was: if I wanted Plex to be of server nature through my OMV5 environment that I would want my movies, recordings, photos, and config folder all nested in a device of it's own, but, maybe I'm looking at the issue/scenario incorrectly.

    Kind of mumble jumbled confused here. Any help will be greatly appreciated in getting this set up in the best configuration and in turn functioning correctly.

    Thanks Kai,