Beiträge von STUKguy

    The dhcp range for the network you are creating can't be the same subnet as the host. I would use a bridge and let your router do dhcp instead.

    Sorry to be a pain is this how you do bridge again, it been a long time since i did this

    1. Under Services/KVM/Networks
    2. Click plus icon then "Add macvtap network"
    3. then click add and start/activate the connection
    4. then in Services/KVM/VMs
    5. Click on the VM then from the top row click on the network icon and then "add network"

    that's as far as i get before my mind goes blank

    Not sure what i'm doing wrong but i'm trying to set my VM to have its on IP

    What i do is

    1. Services > KVM > Networks
    2. Click on the plus arrow
    3. Select "add network", fill in name, fill in gateway IP address, leave MC and subnet as is, click on DHCP
    4. Type in IP range from to
    5. click "add"

    but when i go to activate i get this

    Unable to start network - internal error: Network is already in use by interface eno1
    OMV\Exception: Unable to start network - internal error: Network is already in use by interface eno1 in /usr/share/openmediavault/engined/rpc/
    Stack trace:
    #0 [internal function]: OMVRpcServiceKvm->networkCommand(Array, Array)
    #1 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/rpc/ call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
    #2 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/rpc/ OMV\Rpc\ServiceAbstract->callMethod('networkCommand', Array, Array)
    #3 /usr/sbin/omv-engined(537): OMV\Rpc\Rpc::call('Kvm', 'networkCommand', Array, Array, 1)
    #4 {main}

    i never had this problem before, im sure im missing something simple???

    I had to edit in a few things in that post, so just double check if if you intend to do that..

    The script didn't paste completely from SSH, so I fixed that.

    Also, the script requries gzip. I can't remember if that's installed by default or not.. so added instructions to install it.

    As im having a whale of a time with KVM (not) atm im going to try this in the morning

    Thank you, will this work over USB. My OMV drive is only 60GB but i do have an external 250GB which i was hoping to use but it is only USB.

    KM0201 here is a question for you (sorry i tried searching in the forum but got a few thousand results if i find the answer i will delete this) but is there away i can back up my OMV drive so when i mess it up again (not that i'm planning to mess it up but just incase) i can just restore from back up?

    Don't get me wrong, the OMV ISO is fine... I just run various Debian VM's (a few with different GUI's, etc.).. so rather than having 4-5 different ISO's downloaded... I just keep the netinstall on my laptop, and then add whatever I need.

    Even when I used the OMV ISO, I always used the script to install omv-extras. Like I said, it's not gonna hurt anything. Once apt detects that OMV is already installed, it will just download and install omv-extras.

    I always had problems with the omv-extras file you upload through the webUI and installing it there (not sure why).. The script also installs the flash-memory plugin automatically, which I also use.. so it's just less headache.

    Yeah, i used the ISO years ago on my PI but then i needed Virtualization (teaching myself about AD etc) so switched to a desktop and found the script easier at the time and stuck to it since then.

    Thank ryecoaaron , he's the one who made it so easy. :) I always use the install script over Debian, mainly because I always have a Debian netinstall ISO downloaded as I run it in VM's quite a bit... so since I always have the netinstall ISO laying around, it's just easier to use it vs downloading the OMV ISO.

    You end up at the same place, just take a different path

    Yeah, i was looking at the Technodad YT video and he used the OMV ISO and i was thinking should i use it or not but then i thought nope just stick to the one i know

    You don't need to reinstal... you can run the install script even on a running OMV install.. it will just download omv-extras and add any repositories it needs... but it's design is to be used on a minimal debian install..…-Developers/installScript

    As for your static IP problem.. only thing I can figure is you're not adding your DNS servers.

    Really i want to thank you for this, probably the 5th time i have had to reinstall OMV (should leave it alone) and this post always saves me a lot of hassle

    It uninstalled omv when you ran the command. The command warned you it would uninstall omv. If you see openmediavault packages in dpkg -l | grep ^rc, you can try re-installing openmediavault and the plugins. The system may need quite a bit of configuring though.

    Yeah it was me being a idiot and not reading it, i'm just going to save a lot of hassle and reinstall the whole thing :rolleyes:

    Thank you though ryecoaaron


    So yeah i think i have buggered my install of OMV. So i wanted install RealVNC on my VM which is inside of a KVM plugin inside of OMV and i was doing this by SSH so i had to reboot my VM which i did but when i went to SSH back in i wasn't looking at the list properly and SSH'd into my OMV rather than my VM and then ran

    sudo apt install lightdm

    Which was apart of the RealVNC installation guide it wasn't till the guide said reboot the machine again that i realized i had installed lightdm on my OMV server rather than my VM.

    Now my OMV server doesn't pick up anything, no attached drive, no docker containers, no VM's. i tried uninstalling lightdm from the OMV server but that did not work i also tried omv-firstaid but for some reason i get

    root@Gestu:/home/liton# omv-firstaid
    bash: omv-firstaid: command not found

    Can this be fixed or am i better starting with a fresh install?

    Yeah I was thinking about doing that but it turns out new wire and a new switch both cost £4. So I just went with the easier option., but thank you for mentioning it.

    Thank you again, its been 4ish days and no random power off's or reboot even with all 4 sticks of RAM. I have ordered a new power switch cable.


    When i try and access my OMV server from my VM via SSH it says the host cannot be reached, but when i try and SSH into my VM from my OMV server it works fine. I have tried from another machine to SSH into the OMV server and they work fine and also if i SSH from my VM to another machine it works fine, it just wont SSH into my OMV server.

    Its the same for file server the VM cant see my OMV Server but it can see my W10 machine?

    Wow, I would have put that one at the bottom of the list

    It wasn't even on the list of thing I thought of to check, I put the other stick of RAM back in and it seems stable but I will give it 3 or 4 days before I mark this as resolved.

    Thank you, I think it must have been a faulty power button. I got around to unplugging the connector didn't have a spare jumper wire so had to use a screwdriver (have set the BIOs to auto on power) and the system has been on for 30+ hours I'm going to put back in the other stick of ram and see what happens. If all go's well I will order a new switch.

    Having read through the thread and doing a search related to the machine and the symptom, there seems to be a number of related issues but no two are the same, these range GPU underpowering in the PCIe slot, faulty power button (yep that one), replacing the CMOS battery and doing a cmos reset via pins on the m'board.

    These are one of Dell's business models and are normally bullet proof, but being a PC anything is possible, TBH I like the idea of the CMOS battery as it reminded me of an old HP server I had, this would randomly shut down for what appeared to be no apparent reason. After the going around in circles trying the obvious finally replaced the battery and reset the CMOS.

    Yeah, i think things may be worse now the system doesn't stay on long enough for it to finish the boot process :/

    Having read through the thread and doing a search related to the machine and the symptom, there seems to be a number of related issues but no two are the same, these range GPU underpowering in the PCIe slot, faulty power button (yep that one), replacing the CMOS battery and doing a cmos reset via pins on the m'board.

    These are one of Dell's business models and are normally bullet proof, but being a PC anything is possible, TBH I like the idea of the CMOS battery as it reminded me of an old HP server I had, this would randomly shut down for what appeared to be no apparent reason. After the going around in circles trying the obvious finally replaced the battery and reset the CMOS.

    Thanks I can't test the power button as the header is under the CPU heats ink so I will try the cmos, found a guide online so hopefully it work.…ios-and-cmos/td-p/4409389

    I built my first computer about 20yrs ago, and have built more than I care to think since then, fixed multiple store boughts, etc.... and I've never once saw this happen.

    This would seem to be like one of those .00001% things.

    Even with the .00001% its something I can't test the front panel IO and power button are connected under where the heat sink is. I would literally have to boot it with out the cpu heat sink which probably not the best of idea

    It would be unfortunate if all this is reduced to a simple button :) But you could be right.

    I ran the on board ram test and installed memtest and ran that also swapped out ram but still always the same result.

    I wonder if I disconnected the power button would I have the same problem (and shorted the pins) 🤔