OMV 4.1.19-Arrakis on rpi3 Issues and sollutions

  • Hi,

    Here are some informations to people trying the v4.x on raspberry pi3 for the 1st time.

    1/ After flashing and trying to boot OMV:
    - if the webserver doesn't start du an error like no such adress family:
    => the error is likely related to ipv6 not available in the system and nginx trying to listen (create) an ipv6 socket.
    The solution is to edit /etc/nginx/sites-available/default and /etc/nginx/sites-available/openmediavault-webgui
    and comment lines similar to: listen [::]:80 default_server;
    You should only have: listen 80;
    # listen [::]:80 ipv6only=off;
    in both files.
    then restart nginx (systemctl restart nginx
    then finish debian confioguration apt reconfigure nginx-full

    2/ You don't have an US keyboard and want for example a french keyboard:
    apt-get install console-data
    (and if you want to change: dpkg-reconfigure console-data)

    3/ You can't mount an ntfs file system (fuse error (module missing or bad symbol))
    Update the kernel:
    apt install rpi-update

    => Got 4.14.97-v7+ and worked fine

    4/ changing web admin password:
    It's not in Access Right Management/Users
    Nor it is in a Security section.
    it's hidden in System/General Settings second tab: Web administrator password

    5/ You don't know your IP:
    Method 1:
    Use a console and log in as root (password is the same as web admin user)
    change root password (forced)
    Some system informations are displayed in color. IP is displayed. if it isn't, this means that you didn't get one (either cable not connected or no dhcp answer)

    Method2: (no console)
    use nmap to search for local network port 80 and or port 22 openned and try to guess. (you should better use a screen + kbd for the 1st time ans system may not start nginx if not ipv6 is configured.

    6/ Can't create a share: system won't let chose any device.
    I'm stuck here....
    Also can't share on mini dlna (same issue)
    Disk section sees my ntfs disk and it is mounted and it can compute capacity

  • You can't mount an ntfs file system (fuse error (module missing or bad symbol))

    For anyone else coming across this: please don't take the above too seriously and simply follow the readme.txt at the download location as first step. If you let the image do its job there's no need to manually fiddle around with apt and this will simply work.

    It's this part that is important:

    On first boot the installation will be finished. REMAIN PATIENT PLEASE since
    this can take up to 20 minutes with a slow SD card and slow internet
    connection (needs internet access to update all packages to latest version).
    After one automatic reboot SD card activity led stops blinking and then your
    Raspberry Pi is ready!

    You don't know your IP

    It's 2019 and not 1979 any more. Simply access your OMV host by name: http://raspberrypi -- if this doesn't work your router should be replaced.

  • I'll tell my fiber provider to change my router then. For sure, this helps people that have no linux knowledge to find their ip when their router has no mdns enabled.

    For point 6: can't select a disk device when I want to share something: Software BUG: OMV doesn't support space in ntfs disk label.
    rename you disk or wait for a fix.
    Unmounting disk from web interface, then issuing
    ntfslabel /dev/sda1 MyPassport
    Then remounted via web interface the disk.
    Now it works, I can select a device.

  • when their router has no mdns enabled

    mDNS isn't even involved at all. It's a feature called dynamic DNS updates and I've not encountered a single router (implementing DHCP and DNS at the same time) within the last 5 years that can't cope with this. It's based on which is over 20 years old so it's not that surprising that even the most crappy routers support it in the meantime.

    A simple ping raspberrypi after someone fires up an RPi with a fresh copy of OMV should simply work. Maybe a ping raspberrypi.local (mDNS this time) as well. BTW: mDNS does not need support from the router since mDNS/ZeroConf works without any router at all. It's all about link local addressing here and no central instance needed. Only the capabilities of the involved OS implementations matter (no idea how recent Windows behaves here but in the past it was PITA with Windows)

    Software BUG: OMV doesn't support space in ntfs disk label

    OMV is not designed/meant to share NTFS disks anyway but wants a POSIX compliant filesystem.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    You don't know your IP:

    Problem #7 address this - https://forum.openmediavault.o…tions-to-common-problems/

    it's hidden in System/General Settings second tab:

    It isn't hidden. Having a tab named Web Administrator Password was pretty visible to me. Plenty of guides mention it as well. No system users are in the Access Right Management section.

    Can't create a share: system won't let chose any device.
    I'm stuck here....
    Also can't share on mini dlna (same issue)
    Disk section sees my ntfs disk and it is mounted and it can compute capacity

    Read problem #2 - https://forum.openmediavault.o…tions-to-common-problems/

    It is disappointing that almost all of your problems are mentioned in the readme at the download of the RPi image or the Solution to common problems announcement at the top of every forum.

    omv 7.1.0-2 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.13 | compose 7.2 | k8s 7.1.0-3 | cputemp 7.0.1 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.7 plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • mDNS isn't even involved at all. It's a feature called dynamic DNS updates and I've not encountered a single router (implementing DHCP and DNS at the same time) within the last 5 years that can't cope with this. It's based on which is over 20 years old so it's not that surprising that even the most crappy routers support it in the meantime.
    A simple ping raspberrypi after someone fires up an RPi with a fresh copy of OMV should simply work. Maybe a ping raspberrypi.local (mDNS this time) as well. BTW: mDNS does not need support from the router since mDNS/ZeroConf works without any router at all. It's all about link local addressing here and no central instance needed. Only the capabilities of the involved OS implementations matter (no idea how recent Windows behaves here but in the past it was PITA with Windows)

    OMV is not designed/meant to share NTFS disks anyway but wants a POSIX compliant filesystem.

    thanks for notice about DNS, I'll give a look.
    ping raspberrypi fails on my linux system:
    ping: raspberrypi: Name or service not known
    but ping raspberrypi.local did succeed. It could be a nice addition to the readme.

    Regarding NTFS, it is the basic format of all USB disc you can buy. Linux does support very well these systems. Most of user choosing raspberry based solutions are looking/aiming to use it to read the USB disks they've just bought.
    rejecting this filesystem is, forgive me, just stupid. All NAS like buffalo and such do support those kind of disks.
    I hate this filesystem myself, because if filesystem has a problem, there is no way to recover things; nothing comparable to xfs_repair in anyway. Though, this filesystem is wide spread and apparently, some POSIX conformance test found that ntfs-3g is conformant (

    finaly, as I told: ntfs is perfectly supported by OMV and works flawlessly provided there is no space in the label (and that fuse module is available). It's just a matter of finding where in the OMV code, the path to '/dev/disk/by-label/label with space' lack quote protection.

  • Read problem #2 - https://forum.openmediavault.o…tions-to-common-problems/
    It is disappointing that almost all of your problems are mentioned in the readme at the download of the RPi image or the Solution to common problems announcement at the top of every forum.

    IT's disapointing that you didn't read my posts extensively and reply what you though I would have told.
    Problem #2 states abount avoinding to mount and dismound disk by hand and states that those operations should always be done using web interface.
    Did I ever ever said that I tryed to mount the disk by hand?

    From the post just above:
    OMV 4.1.19-Arrakis on rpi3 Issues and sollutions
    > Unmounting disk from web interface, then issuing
    > ntfslabel /dev/sda1 MyPassport
    > Then remounted via web interface the disk.
    > Now it works, I can select a device.

    More over I gave the solution to help people having the same problem has me which is reproductible and well identified. Your post just reroute the user hitting this BUG to an irrelevant solution to his problem.

  • ntfs is perfectly supported by OMV and works flawlessly

    Nope. Too tired to repeat myself over and over again so just a quick answer for a potential forum or web search

    • representation of filesystem metadata (so called alternate data streams). Mismatch between NTFS's own implementation and the way OMV's filesharing daemons will do it (Samba, Netatalk, NFS, whatever FTP daemon OMV uses -- no idea)
    • encodings (UTF-16/UCS-2 vs. UTF-8)
    • permission model (POSIX stuff and Unix ACLs vs. NTFS' own concept)

    So this will only 'work' if you live a couple of decades ago when common 'encoding' was plain/primitive ASCII, when filesystem metadata was something only existing on Macs and when the concept of permissions or access restrictions was unknown. Today 'ntfs working fine with OMV' is only a matter of ignorance.

    All NAS like buffalo and such do support those kind of disks

    That's great so why not using those instead?

    I help companies recovering from such stuff like fundamentally broken encoding situations and screwed up metadata on fileserver and NAS boxes (paid consultancy). As such I constantly deal with people claiming problems wouldn't exist unless they're forced to accept their existence (and usually the administrators still don't get what's going on when users are already in rage).

  • Nope. Too tired to repeat myself over and over again so just a quick answer for a potential forum or web search

    • representation of filesystem metadata (so called alternate data streams). Mismatch between NTFS's own implementation and the way OMV's filesharing daemons will do it (Samba, Netatalk, NFS, whatever FTP daemon OMV uses -- no idea)
    • encodings (UTF-16/UCS-2 vs. UTF-8)
    • permission model (POSIX stuff and Unix ACLs vs. NTFS' own concept)

    So this will only 'work' if you live a couple of decades ago when common 'encoding' was plain/primitive ASCII, when filesystem metadata was something only existing on Macs and when the concept of permissions or access restrictions was unknown. Today 'ntfs working fine with OMV' is only a matter of ignorance.

    That's great so why not using those instead?

    You speak about theory, I speak about use case. Who on earth will try to do posix right management on an NTFS usb disk?
    I leave my buffalo because I want something I can tune, something open and the closed buffalo is hardly rootable (need to dismouth it since last FW update),
    My usecase was to have a simple DLNA server (HOME use with a tiny raspberry that can leave within my home patch bay and that I can feed from my linux box or MacOS.
    OMV works perfectly for that purpose. (big thanks to fuse and ntfs driver developpers)
    No need for posix right while the whole disk is shared thru DLNA.
    Accessing it from my Linux box or Macbookpro is easy, I share it thru CIFS (works perfectly) and made some systemd .mount and .automouth files on my linux box that mount it with my feeding user uid/gid..
    Works like a charm, I can see films from My AppleTVs using Infuse, Listen music with itunes. Perfect.
    I can feed it flawlessly and I'm very happy with this solution so far.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Forgive me for not extensively reading all of your unpleasant posts. I got one of your many problems wrong from reading the last couple of posts. My bad. You picked one thing that 99.9% of the time is because of the common solutions thread I mentioned. But what would I know. Your "solution" has been posted about before. ntfs is something we tell people over and over not to use and 99% of ntfs filesystems in my experience have a label.

    Who on earth will try to do posix right management on an NTFS usb disk?

    Who on earth would use an ntfs disk on a Linux system that drives are supposed to be connected to permanently??

    omv 7.1.0-2 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.13 | compose 7.2 | k8s 7.1.0-3 | cputemp 7.0.1 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.7 plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • Forgive me for not extensively reading all of your unpleasant posts. I got one of your many problems wrong from reading the last couple of posts. My bad. You picked one thing that 99.9% of the time is because of the common solutions thread I mentioned. But what would I know. Your "solution" has been posted about before. ntfs is something we tell people over and over not to use and 99% of ntfs filesystems in my experience have a label.
    Who on earth would use an ntfs disk on a Linux system that drives are supposed to be connected to permanently??

    No problem for bad reading, you're forgiven, and sorry for unpleasant post, but I can tell you that searching for relevant solutions in all the OVM forums is a nightmare. For example when you try to find nginx error with unsupported address family (obvious problem with ivp6 addressing and thus maybe network problem, 1st install update process failed, kernel, not updated or any other issue that end with no ipv6 available in OMV booted system, you only see messages like check your power supply, use good SD card, try reboot and more fancy answers or simple RTFM (that doesn't give diagnostic or solution to this). This is the same for usb disk, if it is ntfs, no relevant solution, or, if any, lost within all the irrelevant answers asking for disk brand and such.
    Of course, now I found the thread about space in label using google No volumes in Shared Folders and the guy who faced that had to solve himself the problem.
    Space in labels is common. Many manufacturer ship drives formatted with space in label (example "My Passport").

    Regarding the use of ntfs, this is the only filesystem that is supported by all OSes on earth. That is, when I bought my LG 4K TV, it shipped with an ntfs drive an 4 4K signed films on it.Label "LG TV", filesystem: ntfs. I wanted to share this so my hisens 2nd 4K TV could read it as well. Other far common use case: all people exchanging downloaded films (that's bad, but it exists) are doing this with ntfs disks because they often do that from a windows computer.

    So on earth, using ntfs disk on a Linux system which are supposed to be connected most of the time is far from being uncommon. And regarding DLNA streaming usage, it is far sufficient. Reformatting disk using xfs will prevent to unplug the disk and plug it to a windows computer or Mac computer to feed it.

    Of course, regarding storing important data, I would never ever use an ntfs filesystem. it is so fragile and recovery tools will do more damage than effective data recovery.

  • you only see messages like check your power supply, use good SD card, try reboot and more fancy answers or simple RTFM

    All of those except 'try reboot' are good advice since usually with SBC it's simply bad powering (most often the cable between PSU and board being the culprit and not the PSU itself), bad or counterfeit SD card or people skipping the 2 minutes to read installation instructions at the download page.

    All the countless issues you brought up except one are no issues if you simply would've followed the usual procedure. Your RPi would've been busy updating itself and after one triggered reboot ready to be used. Or you would've suffered from undervoltage (as it's very common with all devices using crappy 5V Micro USB powering) or SD card hassles. It's always just that and there's no need to fix stuff like 'nginx error' since the symptom 'no web ui' will be gone automagically if you follow the instructions. It's a feature preventing unexperienced users (OMV's target audience) to fiddle around with configuration before all the important stuff had happened in the background.

    Wrt spaces in NTFS drive labels. While I consider this a bug most probably other developers consider this a feature since it prevents users from sharing most NTFS drives that were already in use before. This is always a bad idea and it's not a matter of the filesystem in question (HFS+ for example or the most common fs called FAT are affected too) but of using a disk directly connected to a client machine and then on a server machine with Samba, Netatalk, an NFS or FTP server now sharing the data. The reasons are outlined above. You will run into encoding, metadata and permission issues.

    Based on my experience it's a waste of time to talk about this since this is a matter of ignorance. Only when users realize that reality differs from their naive assumptions and they already messed up inside their shares they start to think about these issues (often not even then).

  • Thank you very much, I get this two errors in the Raspberry Pi 4 image on sourceforge.

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