I have tried installing OMV 4 on my Pi 3 B+ a few times now. I Use etcher to create the SD with the "OMV_4_Raspberry_Pi_2_3_3Plus.img.xz" image. I do get some errors when its installing but they go by too fast to read. I can see the that the Server and Reverse Proxy have failed to load.
I am able to ping the Pi. However When I go to the IP ( I am greeted with T"his site can’t be reached - refused to connect."
How can I get the pi to accept a connection?
If I watch the installation to the Pi on a monitor it eventually displays a prompt to log into raspberry pi. Neither the default user/pass of pi/raspberry or admin/openmediavault work at this prompt so im not sure what to enter.
Any help appreciated. Nothing i've found in the last two days has helped