Enabling backports required for openmediavault-kvm plugin install?

  • On my recently installed OMV6 System I get following Error Message when I try to install openmediavault-kvm.

    A quick search on the forum revealed several threads, where ryecoaaron advised people to fix their (in some cases previously messed up) systems by enabling backports. And indeed that fixed the issue for all of them. The thing is, my System is in a nearly virgin state. Yesterday installed on a new ssd from omv6 iso, just omv-extras, openmediavault-nut and openmediavault-compose added, no users nor data drives yet, no weird experiments like nvidia graphics drivers ...

    And I'm pretty sure I had openmediavault-kvm installed on my previous OMV6 installation on the same machine without having backports activated. :/

    ryecoaaron Are enabled backports a pre requirement for openmediavault-kvm now? If so, this should be mentioned somewhere in the documentation.

    I have to say that I'm not so at all comfortable with enabling backports system-wide. So I didn't try it yet. Feels a bit like a solution that could break anytime (kvm or other system components). =O

    I remember some sleepless nights years ago recovering a system screwed up by me having lighthearted enabled backports before. :rolleyes:

    edit: If (some) backported packages are needed for installing kvm now, is there a way to automate that install process so that it doesn't require enabling backports system-wide?

    edit2: I'd still prefer a solution without backports at all, but if this is not possible ...

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    From what I've read on the forum several times, there are times when you need to have backports enabled and other times you don't. It depends on the development status of the packages at each moment, if they are still in backports or if they have already been transferred to the stable version.

    So if you need it right now, I would turn on backports temporarily to do the kvm install. Once the installation is done you can disable it if you want. If you have problems again in future updates, you may need to activate backports again at some point.

    This is why the documentation doesn't say anything about this. Although thinking about it, maybe I should give this same explanation. If ryecoaaron agrees with this I will add it to the wiki.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Are enabled backports a pre requirement for openmediavault-kvm now? If so, this should be mentioned somewhere in the documentation.

    I have to say that I'm not so at all comfortable with enabling backports system-wide. So I didn't try it yet. Feels a bit like a solution that could break anytime (kvm or other system components).

    As chente said, backports isn't always required but currently is because of how Debian changes things. But enabling backports is not really enabling it system wide. It only pins select packages. So, you don't have to worry about your entire system being taken over by backports. And as for something that could break anytime, I run the kvm plugin on my primary server (about 20 VMs) and probably use kvm more than 99.9% of OMV users. I would be the first to see breakage and have not seen that.

    I remember some sleepless nights years ago recovering a system screwed up by me having lighthearted enabled backports before. :rolleyes:

    edit: If (some) backported packages are needed for installing kvm now, is there a way to automate that install process so that it doesn't require enabling backports system-wide?

    edit2: I'd still prefer a solution without backports at all, but if this is not possible ...

    I have backports enabled on every system I have. Your one time mishap is not something that happens very often. There is nothing I can do to allow kvm installation without backports with the current state of the Debian repos. There are the only packages that are pinned from backport - https://github.com/OpenMediaVa…usr/sbin/omv-aptclean#L88 Only two are needed for the kvm plugin. Backports should not be needed with OMV 7.

    omv 7.4.2-2 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.14 | compose 7.2.1 | k8s 7.2.0-1 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.8

    omv-extras.org plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

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  • chente

    Hat das Label gelöst hinzugefügt.
  • An annotation about this has been added to the wiki.


    Thank you (and ryecoaaron ) so much for contributing so much code, helpful documentation and time to this wonderful piece of software. This is acknowledged far too rarely. <3

    As chente said, backports isn't always required but currently is because of how Debian changes things. But enabling backports is not really enabling it system wide. It only pins select packages. So, you don't have to worry about your entire system being taken over by backports. And as for something that could break anytime, I run the kvm plugin on my primary server (about 20 VMs) and probably use kvm more than 99.9% of OMV users. I would be the first to see breakage and have not seen that.

    I have backports enabled on every system I have. Your one time mishap is not something that happens very often. There is nothing I can do to allow kvm installation without backports with the current state of the Debian repos. There are the only packages that are pinned from backport - https://github.com/OpenMediaVa…usr/sbin/omv-aptclean#L88 Only two are needed for the kvm plugin. Backports should not be needed with OMV 7.

    Thanks for this Github link! This is what I needed. Now that I know this, I feel like the backports button in the gui needs more explanation right there! When I screwed up my system in the past, it wasn't omv and I'm still not experienced in handling backports and pinning. The only spot in the documentation of omv AND omv-extras, where backports are mentioned (aside from chente s new annotation), is this warning here for installing software manually. And also Debian documentation reminds you repeatedly to be very careful regarding backports.

    My expectation with all these warnings in mind has been, that "enabling backports" in the gui indeed opens the flood gates for any backported debian stuff out there. ^^

    Anyway, enabled it, installed openmediavault-kvm and all went fine. :)

    If use of backports is so essential for some omv-extras plugins and at the same time the expected impact to the system so limited by pinning just so few plugin specific packages, would enabling it as default be an option? (again with explanation, why)

    The user doesn't expect to run into such error messages when installing a plugin.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    As ryecoaaron said, in general it shouldn't be a problem to have backports enabled. That one time backports caused a mishap I was lucky enough to read about it on the forum and dodget it. But normally nothing bad happens.

    Anyway if you want to be sure you can do what I told you, enable backports, install what you need and disable it later. Do not worry too much about this issue, it is difficult to cause any problem, the risk is always greater but it is a small risk.

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