Docker macvlan connected to VLAN subinterface...

  • Dear,

    My OMV is connected to an "hybrid" port on my switch ( Mamagement interface on untagged traffic and customer payload on tagged vlans)

    I created a VLAN "subinterface" to capture traffic coming from one of my VLAN ( vlan tag 2000)

    I did not put any iP address, because I do not want to have my OMV web interface reachable from this Segment.

    Now I'm trying to expose a traefiek instance on this VLAN in order to expose dockers to "customers"

    I'm trying to create a macvlan docker network connected to the sub interface but it does not appear in the combo box....

    What am I missing ?

    PS/ Edited post to remove forbidden acronym.

  • After further investigation,

    Vlan interface is visible or not depending on the parent interface:

    for real interface enx5c857e38f42a , I can't see the .2000 vlan interface

    for enp11s0.2000 I can see the .2000

    See attached screenshots

    Main interfaces

    Docker network creation

  • Mmmmm i think that is a little bit incorrect.

    Try with the terminal with this command:

    docker network create -d macvlan \
        --subnet= \
        --gateway= \
        --ip-range= \
        -o parent=enx5c857e38f42a \
        -o macvlan_mode=bridge \

    Simply copy-paste all the code inside the terminal.

  • This was what I have as well;

  • This works !

    But this is not what I want.

    I'd need -o parent=enx5c857e38f42a.2000

    but then it appear this parent interface is not listed in ip addr

    It turns out there are log entries in /var/log/syslog

    Aug 1 15:11:37 srv-05 systemd-networkd[403]: NetDev without Name= configured in /run/systemd/network/10-netplan-enx5c857e38f42a.2000.netdev. Ignoring

    Aug 1 15:11:37 srv-05 systemd-networkd[403]: /run/systemd/network/ Invalid netdev name in VLAN=, ignoring assignment: enx5c857e38f42a.2000

    Aug 1 15:11:37 srv-05 systemd-networkd[403]: enp11s0.2000: netdev ready

    Aug 1 15:16:10 srv-05 systemd-networkd[2879]: /run/systemd/network/10-netplan-enx5c857e38f42a.2000.netdev:2: Interface name is not valid or too long, ignoring assignment: enx5c857e38f42a.2000

    Aug 1 15:16:10 srv-05 systemd-networkd[2879]: NetDev without Name= configured in /run/systemd/network/10-netplan-enx5c857e38f42a.2000.netdev. Ignoring

    Then there is closed as won't fix...

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I don't know if I'm understanding exactly what you're looking for, but maybe this will help you.…_the_same_lan_as_the_host

  • I don't know if I'm understanding exactly what you're looking for, but maybe this will help you.…_the_same_lan_as_the_host


    What I want is to have a docker network (macvlan) attached to a VLAN interface where the OMV has NO ip address.

    In my server room the ports on the swith is configured with

    • Management network untagged
    • User network tagged. (VLAN2000)
    • Other vlan tagged out of scope

    I don't want my users to be able to reach the OMV web interface ( nor samba shares for the matter)

    I want a traefik instance in a container listening on VLAN 2000 and "exposing" the services hosted in other containers.

    My issue turns out NOT being related to docker.

    Simply the VLAN interface on parent interfaces named enxmacmacmac don't work.

    They look ok on OMB webui but setting apply fails silently. ( same behaviour as bug 230 previously referenced)

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