Is WireGuard the right solution for this ?

  • You did a very poor job if it if that is what you took away from their documentation

    It is a private company- So are the manufacturers of every piece of hardware in your home, homelab, data center, etc. SO WHAT?

    You must open an account -Hmmm, not really. You log in using google, github or another authentication source. They collect no personal data. You need to read further into their privacy policy and data collection disclosures, because your assumptions here are incorrect.
    You must install its application on each of the devices designed by that company. Same as for lots of other software, similar to what you do with wireguard. Their code is open source (except for the daemons that run on closed source platforms) and you can actually self host tailscale yourself if you want using an opensource product called "Headscale"
    The connection through Tailscale is slower than the connection with Wireguard. Patently untrue. You clearly didn't read any of their documentation. Tailscale sets up direct peer to peer connections.

    You depend on the profitability of the company. Only if you refuse to self host, otherwise this is also patently untrue. The Tailscale software for open source platforms is fully open source as is the Headscale server.

    Why do you insist on creating FUD for something you can't be bothered to learn about?

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    So are the manufacturers of every piece of hardware in your home, homelab, data center, etc. SO WHAT?

    That's hardware, not software. There is one important difference that is quite obvious.

    You log in using google, github or another authentication source. They collect no personal data. You need to read further into their privacy policy and data collection disclosures, because your assumptions here are incorrect.

    They collect data from your Google account. Wireguard does not collect anything, it is just another software package from the world of Linux.

    Same as for lots of other software, similar to what you do with wireguard. Their code is open source (except for the daemons that run on closed source platforms) and you can actually self host tailscale yourself if you want using an opensource product called "Headscale"

    Wireguard is entirely open source. It's even built into the Linux kernel. The Tailscale application was created by a private company. You should make sure what that app does before using it. In any case it makes no sense to buy one thing with the other.

    Patently untrue. You clearly didn't read any of their documentation. Tailscale sets up direct peer to peer connections.

    This is clearly true, and is the fundamental reason I wouldn't install Tailscale unless I couldn't get rid of CGNAT. I think you have not read the document that they themselves wrote and that I linked in my previous post. I transcribe a quote that clarifies it.

    I'm not saying this. Tailscale says it:



    Using WireGuard directly offers better performance than using Tailscale.

    After saying that phrase they try to justify themselves by saying that they are trying to shorten the gap and blah blah blah... You can read it yourself.

    Only if you refuse to self host, otherwise this is also patently untrue. The Tailscale software for open source platforms is fully open source as is the Headscale server.

    You depend on the company to remain profitable and remain open. If the owner decides that that company no longer provides benefits, he will close the service. I think this is easy to understand.

    Why do you insist on creating FUD for something you can't be bothered to learn about?

    All I'm doing is clarifying this point about Taiscale for anyone reading this thread. The first post you posted in this thread is inaccurate. Tailscale speed is lower than the speed of a Wireguard-only connection. Tailscale is a solution, and a very good one, if you can't get rid of CGNAT because your ISP doesn't give you that possibility. Otherwise it is completely useless. All it does is slow down your connection and expose it to other risks.

    What is by no means true is that Tailscale is an alternative to Wireguard. Tailescale is only a connectivity solution to solve other problems. It is NOT an alternative to Wireguard. If there is a problem with CGNAT you will not be able to expose other services on the internet such as Nextcloud, etc. Taiscale could solve that too.

    I don't need to learn anything else about Tailsacle. I'm perfectly clear on what I need to know about Tailscale because I don't need to use it. If one day I am forced by problems with CGNAT I will study it further, but I highly doubt that day will come. As I already said, in my country all ISPs respond to requests to leave CGNAT. What I cannot conceive is that in other countries they continue with that limitation. That's what business provides for companies like Tailscale.

    The truth is that I don't understand your obsession with defending Tailscale. All this doesn't make any sense. Maybe you should analyze a little better why you use Tailscale. You will probably come to the conclusion that CGNAT is the only reason if you are honest with yourself. Unless you are the owner of Tailscale. :)

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