NEXTCLOUD AIO WITH PROXY : PB during first access at https://[SERVER_IP]:8080

  • Hello,
    I followed NEXTCLOUD AIO WITH PROXY guide

    When I access to https://[SERVER_IP]:8080 , I have the following error

    Proxy Error

    The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.

    The proxy server could not handle the request

    Reason: DNS lookup failure for: localhost

    Apache/2.4.58 (Unix) Server at Port 8080

    I'm searching since hours without any progress ...
    Any hint ?

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    It looks like Nextcloud is trying to configure Caddy. Have you installed and configured Nginx Proxy Manager as that guide says?

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    DNS lookup failure for: localhost

    If you have done all the configurations as described, the only thing I can think of that could fail is the domain pointing to your server. You must make sure that this configuration is correct. This site can help

    Then check that IP on your router and make sure it points to your server.

  • I've just followed NEXTCLOUD AIO WITHOUT PROXY guide

    Of course i've stopped my nginx container

    I have the same issue ...

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    There is some conflict with port 53. OMV needs that port. Do you have any other containers that use this port too?

  • Hello:

    I have nexcloud aio running with automatic updates.

    I have been receiving the following error after overnight backups that disable nextcloud:

    Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Could not pull image nextcloud%2Faio-redis%3Alatest. Please run 'sudo docker exec -it nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer docker pull nextcloud%2Faio-redis%3Alatest' in order to find out why it failed. in /var/www/docker-aio/php/src/Docker/DockerActionManager.php:589

    As instructed, I ran:

    sudo docker exec -it nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer docker pull nextcloud%2Faio-redis%3Alatest

    with the resulting response:

    invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase

    I have attempted to access /DockerActionManager.php:589, but to do so requires a password for www-data, which I do not have and did not set even though I am the administrator and only person who uses the system.

    I used the guide to set up nextcloud-aio, so I did not manually set the case of the name of the repositories.

    Anyone have an idea of what steps I need to take to clear this error? Thanks.

  • As instructed, I ran:

    sudo docker exec -it nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer docker pull nextcloud%2Faio-redis%3Alatest

    with the resulting response:

    invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase

    The command presented has escape code characters instead of slashes and equal signs. Replace "%2F" with a "/" and "%3A" with ":"

    Hopefully any error will show why it could not pull the image.

    Asrock H370M-ITX/ac | i5-8400T | 16Gb RAM | Node304 case | 4-3Tb HDDs | 256Gb nvme | 128 Gb SATA SSD

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von claydoh () aus folgendem Grund: Need new glasses, or I can't read a chart correctly.

  • Oops, I did a typo. It should be a ":" instead of an "=" here, just like in a compose file.

    Edited for reference.

    Asrock H370M-ITX/ac | i5-8400T | 16Gb RAM | Node304 case | 4-3Tb HDDs | 256Gb nvme | 128 Gb SATA SSD

  • Thanks claydoh!

    I made the correction and received the following response:

    $ sudo docker exec -it nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer docker pull nextcloud/aio-redis:latest
    latest: Pulling from nextcloud/aio-redis
    Digest: sha256:58c76d34d7a4d05133cdb0883ffec0276f690dcccd6512cadc37d70c4e176342
    Status: Image is up to date for nextcloud/aio-redis:latest

    is there anyway I can access a log file to determine what is causing the exception?

  • The output seems to indicate that it has pulled the image successfully, so maybe you need to restart the container(s), probably from the AIO admin panel if that is accessible. Perhaps restarting the AIO main container from OMV will do this on its own?

    Asrock H370M-ITX/ac | i5-8400T | 16Gb RAM | Node304 case | 4-3Tb HDDs | 256Gb nvme | 128 Gb SATA SSD

  • I already stopped the containers and started them to get nextcloud up and running again. That probably cleared the exception. I have been getting this error every three or so days. Next time that it happens I will use the corrected code that you provided above before stopping the containers and restarting to see if the exception is identified.

    Thanks for all of your help!

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