Configuring users - groups questions

  • When opening the groups-window, it doesn't show any groups.

    When adding a new user, you're able to select an existing group, these are in someway different groups? Or there is some switch to use? Can't find any info about this.

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    When opening the groups-window, it doesn't show any groups.

    You can create your own OMV related groups here. Like a group "parents" and then later add a user "John" and "Janer" to that.

    When adding a new user, you're able to select an existing group, these are in someway different groups?

    The groups you find here are the OMV related groups, but also system groups that are created by other services.

  • Ok, so the user and group window only show entries created by admin(s).

    When creating the first users, I didn't able the home directory. For these users the home directory was created, but the hidden directories (.profile etc) were not created (among maybe other things). Is there some way to reconstruct these users (apart from deleting and adding these users, not that much work, but don't know if file permissions will be an issue)?

  • Don't want to permit root-login with ssh, so disabled it.

    I added to a user the ssh and the sudo group. The added user can login with ssh, starting in a home directory on a data disc.

    Now the user wants to browse the fs-disc, the start-point of root, but how?

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