Transfering OMV main files(minus the os) from usb thumb drive to ssd(on sata hat)

  • Anyone here have a pi OMV NAS that has moved from a usb thumb drive to a ssd for docker and other setup other than the os? Like file folders ect? I'm still waiting on my sata hat for the pi to come in the mail. Any info for how to do this simply would be very much appreciated.

  • chente

    Hat das Thema freigeschaltet.
    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I'm not sure if I understand what you want, I assume you mean just moving docker to the SSD, I don't know what else you could move.

    To move docker you can do it from the compose plugin GUI, simply stop the containers and set the new path in the "Docker storage" field. You will lose the containers but that doesn't matter, lift the containers and they will be unloaded again on the new route. If for some reason you do not want to lose that data you must copy from /var/lib/docker to the new location previously (maintaining permissions).

    Regarding the appdata and backup_compose folders you must do the same, previously copy the data to the new locations maintaining the permissions and modify the paths in the plugin's GUI.

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