WD MyCloud

  • What's inside? (Firmwares)

    • WD MyCloud (Gen1): Debian wheezy/jessie + OMV, DSM 5.2, chroot, Recovery (Several different ways) and more. (FW v03.x / v04.x)
    • WD MyCloud (Gen2): Chroot, Debian jessie + OMV, DSM 6, Debrick/Recovery (Possible to upgrade to any latest linux kernel and os/debian stretch)
    • WD MyCloud Mirror (Gen1): Debian jessie + OMV, DSM 6
    • WD MyCloud Mirror (Gen2): Debian Stretch, OMV 4.x, DSM6. Latest linux kernel (v4.15.0 now)
    • Chroot for all other models. Possible to install OMV inside.
    # Install latest OMV (v.3.x.x, "erasmus") in "Clean Debian"
    echo "deb http://packages.openmediavault.org/public erasmus main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/omv.list
    echo "       wdmc.lan wdmc" >> /etc/hosts
    apt-get update
    apt-get install --force-yes openmediavault-keyring
    apt-get update
    apt-get install openmediavault
    # choose "none", "yes", "standalone".
    # After that - login to webgui and (re)create network interface (eth0)

    I thank Rik from the Netherlands for the provided device for tests (WDMC Mirror)

    Im from Russia, sorry for bad english...

    Edited 25 times, last by Fox_exe: Removed contact info because no future support for this project. ().

  • Thx
    Added to "Guides and Tutorials"

    I tried Nr. 12 (delete 2nd "array_unshift" function (string #48)) and I think it loads faster on my System. I'll contact Volker to review this change. maybe it is in the main code then.

  • How is the user experience on your WDMyCloud?

    I have been testing a few arm devices with erratic results. I think the problem is passing traffic through the switch on my wireless router. I have a new switch on order which I will use to see if I can generate some more consistent results. Can you keep you eyes open for more performance tweaks?

    While they are not going to make enthusiasts happy :( If partnered with Debian and OpenMediaVault they can be a good fit for those who are seeing the dangers of trusting their valuable data to someone else's cloud.

  • I tried Nr. 12 (delete 2nd "array_unshift" function (string #48)) and I think it loads faster on my System. I'll contact Volker to review this change. maybe it is in the main code then.

    Used not best method for search all includes: Some files "scanned" more that once. (~3500 files in my system).
    Need add check like this:

    if (in_array($fileName, $incList))
      return; // Skip this file

    But its not work - not all .js added to page...

    Im from Russia, sorry for bad english...

  • How is the user experience on your WDMyCloud?

    GUI works good and fast (But have long load time on first time).
    After replace Samba and reconfigure - I have get ~60MByte/s read and ~45MB/s write speed (Through my TP-Link 1043ND router).
    WebServer run wery fast - After add support for drupal - i place few sites on hem. Work good and fast!

    Im from Russia, sorry for bad english...

  • On latest version you can get this error:

    /usr/share/openmediavault/mkconf/mdadm: 113: /usr/share/openmediavault/mkconf/mdadm: update-initramfs: not found

    Just edit this file and remove line:

    update-initramfs -u -k all

    (We dont have ramfs)

    Im from Russia, sorry for bad english...

    • Official Post

    Some arm systems don't have initramfs-tools installed because they don't need them. I'm thinking the line should be skipped on arm systems.

    omv 7.4.7-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.14 | compose 7.2.3 | k8s 7.2.0-1 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.8

    omv-extras.org plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • Some arm systems don't have initramfs-tools installed because they don't need them. I'm thinking the line should be skipped on arm systems.

    Yes. MyCloud dont have RamDrive (RamFS) by default.
    So, need add something check: if ramfs present - do update-initramfs, else - skip.

    Im from Russia, sorry for bad english...

  • Hi everybody!

    Tried to use this instruction to install OMV on my MYWDCLOUD 3TB. Installation process seemed to pass ok. Even Web interface opened successfully)! But when I'm trying to authenticate with admin/openmediavault - I'm getting error
    "Incorrect password". JSON response is


    . Also I'm unable to connect via SSH (root/openmediavault) - Access Denied. Any ideas, what it might be?

    Thank you in advance

  • Did you use "root"?? Default's are

    userid: admin
    password: openmediavault

    Once you are logged in you need to enable ssh access in the services section. Then you will be able to connect via a root session with putty.

  • Update!

    * OMV 1.11
    * Kernel 3.2.40 + Modules
    * Omvextras.org plugins
    * Samba v4.13
    * Transmission 2.84
    - IScsi Target still wont work (Need recompile kernel module and remove linux-headers from dependencies)
    - WON not supported by hardware
    - Samba's speed still low :(

    Im from Russia, sorry for bad english...

  • New Release: OMV v1.16

    • Latest OMV and Software.
    • Latest Kernel (v3.2.68)
    • Better performance (Samba - up to 50MB/s w/o tuning @ v3.6.6!)
    • Possible suspend/sleep/hdd_spindown. (For 24/7 sleep - need disable daily cronjobs)
    • All plugins available now (Include precompiled iscsi-target kernel module. But in gui - only "BlockIO" available)
    • Small fixes and tuning in system.

    Im from Russia, sorry for bad english...

  • Hallo,

    danke für die Anleitung ! Leider habe ich das Problem das ich mich nicht einloggen kann, weder per webif noch ssh …

    Hat jemand durch Zufall, oder mag jemand ein “Backup” von dem installierten OMV machen ?

    Habe die 2 TB Variante, wäre echt toll


  • Hi guys,

    I've installed the thing on my Wd Mycloud 2TB, reboot.. log in with "admin/mycloud" (change the first post, there is a typo "admin" not "Admin") then update the admin pwd to "toto106".
    Then i goes to date/time to change my region time and choose manual.. bazinga.. error system that log me out.
    Now .. impossible to log in anymore, with "admin/mycloud" or "admin/toto106".. :D
    PLUS ssh is not available caused not been enabled in the short time i was connected : "connection refused".
    I suppose there is no way of restoring now ?

    Mmmmmmmmm i got a PROBLLLEEEEMMMM ... :D

  • Hello,

    did the WD My Cloud WDBCTL0020HWT support Wake on LAN, WOL?


    WD My Cloud Persönlicher Cloud-Speicher 2TB ((8,9 cm (3,5 Zoll), USB 3.0, NAS) weiß



    Achtung: Einige haben das Problem, dass das Gerät nach einer gewissen Zeit nicht mehr im Netzwerk verfügbar ist. Das liegt oft daran, dass es in den Ruhemodus geht und Wake-on-LAN nicht funktioniert, weil der Router den Port abschaltet. Die Lösung besteht darin den Router anzuweisen den Port immer offen/aktiv zu halten, also kein "autodetect" oder so. Hatte dieses Problem bei meiner Fritzbox.


    Schöne Grüße

    Ein Test:



    Energieverbrauch und KostenWD führt als Vorteil des Systems an, dass keinerlei Monatsgebühren anfallen. Vergessen darf man dabei aber nicht, dass Stromkosten entstehen. Der Energieverbrauch von WD My Cloud liegt bei durchschnittlich 8 Watt. Nach dem Einschalten geht er für einige Sekunden auf 17 Watt hoch, im laufenden Betrieb genehmigt sich das Gerät zwischen 7 und 9 Watt.

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