[req] OwnCloud plugin

  • I twice messed up mi OMV following different guides, either resulting in oc not working or working on the 80 posrt, instead of 8080
    I really think there would be lot of people glad to have an OwnCloud specific plugin
    either have the website plugin able to direclty create the right apache2 conf files for more than just one website

  • Hi there,

    i had the same problem last days ;) . But i made it, not a plugin - just a method to install an instance of OwnCloud. I spent much time to figure out how to configure server, OwnCloud docs are not realy helpful this way.

    I'll describe how you get OwnCloud working on your OMV Installation, just follow the steps.

    First of all please check that all presuppositions are fulfilled.
    Please don't be afraid of the Errors, that some packages can't be found, the packagenames are outdated on the ownCloud.org describtion.
    In an current version of OMV 0.3 or 0.4+ all needed packages are still included.

    apt-get install apache2 php5 php5-common php-xml-rpc php-mbstring php5-zip php5-gd
    apt-get install php5-sqlite curl libcurl3 libcurl4-openssl-dev php5-curl php-pdo

    download OwnCloud files from this site,

    i.e for current stable version 4.5.2

    cd /home/root/
    wget http://mirrors.owncloud.org/releases/owncloud-4.5.2.tar.bz2

    after this navigate to the folder where your download of the OwnCloud archive has gone and extract the files

    tar xfvj owncloud-4.5.2.tar.bz2

    tar will extract all files to the new owncloud folder,

    root@noname:/home/root# ls -la
    total 17936
    drwxr-xr-x  3 root   root       4096 Nov 15 11:47 .
    drwxr-xr-x  5 root   root       4096 Nov  9 15:28 ..
    drwxr-xr-x 13 nobody nogroup    4096 Nov 14 09:32 owncloud
    -rw-r--r--  1 root   root    9153993 Nov 14 09:33 owncloud-4.5.2.tar.bz2

    Then we have to copy the owncloud folder to the apache www-folder. (this is just a suggestion you can choose the path you want to - for more information have look at http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/)
    In this HowTo i will use the path /var/www/.
    Change the user to the "apache2-user" in case of an OMV-Installation this will be the user openmediavault and grant the rights for the needed folders.

    cp -R owncloud/ /var/www/
    cd /var/www/
    mkdir owncloud/data
    chown -R openmediavault:openmediavault owncloud/apps/ owncloud/config/ owncloud/data/

    We have finished the first part now lets configure the apache2.
    I won't use the website-plugin in OMV, had many try's with it and didn't worked they way it should!
    Our URL to the owncloud-website will be http://myopenmediavault-ip:port/owncloud -

    Create a new file for the owncloud directory in the openmediavault-webgui.d folder

    touch /etc/apache2/openmediavault-webgui.d/owncloud.conf

    Edit the created file and paste in the config shown below,

    cd /etc/apache2/openmediavault-webgui.d/
    nano owncloud.conf

    save the changes to the file and exit nano.

    copy some files needed from omv installation,

    cd /var/www
    cp openmediavault/php-fcgi owncloud/php-fcgi
    cp -R openmediavault/cgi/ owncloud/
    cd owncloud/
    chown -R openmediavault:openmediavault php-fcgi cgi/

    edit the php-fcgi file in owncloud folder find the line

    export PHPRC="/var/www/openmediavault/cgi"

    replace it with

    export PHPRC="/var/www/owncloud/cgi"

    change to cgi folder, open the php.ini, get to the end of the file,

    cd cgi/
    nano php.ini

    replace the OMV Settings with these lines

    Now enable 2 modules in apache2 that are required.

    a2enmod rewrite
    Module rewrite already enabled
    a2enmod headers
    Module headers already enabled

    then restart apache2 to enable all changes you made.

    service apache2 restart
    Restarting web server: apache2 ... waiting ..

    If everything runs without errors, you could access your owncloud via webaccess.
    BUT before your complete the installation of OwnCloud, create a MySQL database.

    Last but not least, install the mySQL OMV plugin and configure it.
    Port: 3306 (default)
    Bind Adress: (localost)
    --> "Data"
    SQL Data Volume: select a media where to Store MySQL Data,
    set a MySQL root password (you'll need for owncloud installation).

    Switch to <<Database>> tab, "Add" a new database for your owncloud service.
    Name: owncloud
    Collation: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8_general_ci)

    One Recommendation, use a alternativ path where owncloud should store your data!
    Create a "data" folder on a OMV-drive and change it's owner to "openmediavault", i.e.

    mkdir /media/393743b2-180a-4d2d-b6cc-f1187887c82d/data/
    chown -R openmediavault:openmediavault /media/393743b2-180a-4d2d-b6cc-f1187887c82d/data/

    then, run the OwnCloud config by calling http://ip-to-omv/owncloud, under "advanced" change the path data-folder to your just new created folder.


    http://ip-to-omv/owncloud, i.e. and you'll get a mask for OwnCloud config.
    Type in your settings and enjoy the full cloud running on your own OMV-instance!

  • Hi,

    Thanks for this tutorial !

    Unfortunately, this didn't worked for me :/

    I get an "Internal Server Error" when trying to open the configuration gui for Owncloud at http://ip-of-my-server/owncloud/

    Any idea of the problem ?

    I installed the current 4.5.4 version of owncloud, every steps mentionned in your tutorial worked fine though... Probably a misconfiguration of Apache2 :(

  • This is my next project, thank you for the guide.
    Now I am thinking about pointing that data directory to a greyhole share thru the local samba mount. Anyone do this? Don't see any reason why this wouldn't work. But because it works, doesn't mean its a good idea :)

  • I got this problem when I didn't chown -R openmediavault the data directory or one of the other directories listed above. i.e. it is a permissions problem somewhere in /var/www/owncloud

    So Installed OK using the above guide, the web interface worked great, but kept getting authorization errors trying to use caldav/carddav (I am on fedaykin.)
    Then I found this:


    After doing all those changes realized I had to install the headers module

    sudo a2enmod headers
    service apache2 restart

    Now I can sucessfully log in and access cardDAV and calDAV and synchronize with my mail client (Thunderbird 17)

    Only then do I find out that you cannot share contacts between owncloud accounts, so wife and I have to use the same account to share our contacts with each other. Kinda weak, owncloud! :|

  • Zitat von "roberto99"

    Hi all
    what do I have to do to grant "owncloud" access to the local storage?
    Some owner-change group-add or so?

    thanks in advance

    can rally no one help on this?

  • Zitat von "roberto99"

    can rally no one help on this?

    No, wait... I got you wrong... that was not what you wanted...

    Create a virtual link to your storage inside your OwnCloud personal files folder, something like owncloud/data/username.


    ln -s /your/storage/ /owncloud/data/yourusername/something

    I think that can solve your problem.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Try using the installer script instead.

    omv 7.1.0-2 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.13 | compose 7.2 | k8s 7.1.0-3 | cputemp 7.0.1 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.7

    omv-extras.org plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

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