Externe Festplatte NAS Raid1 possible?

  • Hello,

    is this possible with openmediavault:

    First i tried ti make a raid1 with to external hdd on win 10, but that's not possible (weird rule in my opinion). Then i looked at freenas, but storing my data on a fileformat that windows can't read is not really an option for me, far to risky. Then i saw openmediavault. now i want to know this:

    1) Can OMV do a raid1 with 2 external hdd in ntfs?

    2) Can I work directly on one of the hdd from another pc in thze local network without much speedloss? do I need iscsi for that?


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Can OMV do a raid1 with 2 external hdd in ntfs?

    No and I wouldn't use ntfs for anything other than temporary file transfer.

    Can I work directly on one of the hdd from another pc in thze local network without much speedloss?

    Depends on how fast your network is and what type of work you are doing. You can't mount an iSCSI lun from the web interface in OMV.

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  • can somebody explain me what do I do with zfs data when i cannot be used on windows? wh the fuck should I store my data in zfs? I understand integrity and stuff but´when I cannot use my data anymore on windows. wtf I cannot understand NAS

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    First of all I would think that this "wtf" thing should not be used in a forum where people just want to help.

    Secondly there are other file systems than zfs that can be used. How about ext4. As far as I know you could access them directly from Windows using additional software. Or you use SMB/CIFS. Wouldn't that be an option?

  • everything is an option I just want to understan first how it works to store my data from my win 10 on a nas that works on zfs? is this even possible? and why should somebody want to do that? do only linux/mac users want do do that?

    thx for help

  • Why do you care what file system is used on the NAS ? You don't access the drives on a NAS from your PC, you mount them as Samba shares.

    Also, external drives are designed to be removed and carried around. Why would you want to use an external drive as part of a RAID array?

    Finally, are you even sure that you need RAID redundancy rather than backup? RAID is not backup.

  • I want 4 drives 3 shoudl mirror one drive. When I work from somewhere else as home I remove two drives from the raid ad sync them anually. When I come back then the raid should mirror one of the drives with the new data. Yes raid is my backup... and I will make manually backups on the 5th drive at home. Raid is perfect backup solution because I dont want to make daily/weekly snycs of all my data. This takes just way to long.

    Idk what a samba is. I'll google

    I'd also like to work directly on a drive that's in the NAS...

  • You should seriously read what ZFS, NTFS, EXT4, BTRFS and so on is. Integrety ≠ redundancy ≠ backup

    For integrety read data corruption and ZFS

    For redundancy read Raid and Raid (OMV) and also ZFS

    For backup: YOU NEED IT!

    Backup > Redundancy > Integrity

    Keep in mind that for using filesystems with checksums you will need much more RAM and should use ECC

    All solutions will work with your Windows 10 Data. You will be able to use shares irrespective of what filesystem you use on your NAS. It will work with EXT2,3,4, BTRFS, ZFS and so on.

    Edit: Raid is no Backup! You should do incremental backups, so only the data that has changed since the last backup on that drive will be transfered. The setup of "raid-backup" you imagine will not work since removing a drive will cause a full rebuild to be necessary.

    Backup-drives should be electrical separated from the NAS. Do not keep an USB-backupdrive attached to your NAS, store it somewhere else in your house and attach it only for backup jobs.

    Chaos is found in greatest abundance wherever order is being sought.
    It always defeats order, because it is better organized.
    Terry Pratchett

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von riff-raff ()

  • I don't feel comfortable with storing my data in ZFS. WIndows works since so long with ntfs, I'm sure it's not that bad that I need zfs. And I'm ok with the scenario that I accidently delete something and I have a backup for viruses. Is it really so bad to handly my backups like this?

  • Lets do a scenario:

    You have 3 drives with 6 TB each, setup as Raid 5. You have another 6 TB drive as backup solution in an external UBS3-case.

    During the week you put 5 GB of pictures you took on your shares. Pluging in your external and do a backup job will take ... well 10 minutes.

    So you want to remove a drive from raid, raid fails and needs a rebuild. You put a drive back in. No matter what is on that drive, to repair your degraded raid the rebuild will be necessary. With these 6 TB drives ... should take 18-30 hours.

    You could use RaidZ (ZFS) instead of Raid 5 (I assume EXT4 on it) to have data itegrity, but with the same rebuild needed.

    The drive you removed from your raid is garbage, you can't read any data on it because your data on your raid volume is spread over all drives in that array, irrespective from the used filesystem (ZFS, NTFS, EXTx)

    Your backup-drive can have NTFS, ETX4, ZFS what-so-ever ... recommended is EXT4 or similar. You can read that drive with any Live-Linux.

    If you would use your 3x6 TB drives with a Raid 1, you would have on all 3 drives the same data, you could read them on another PC after removing one drive from the array, BUT you still need to rebuild your raid after the removal.

    Edit: I think the easiest way to find a suitable solution is when you discribe exacty what you want to achieve. (since "Festplatte" in topic is german, gern auch so, das versteh ich auch)

    Edit 2: If you want to use your removed raid-drive on another PC to access the data on it, which is a bad idea, there might be a better solution: Sync/Cloud which you can set up on your NAS

    Chaos is found in greatest abundance wherever order is being sought.
    It always defeats order, because it is better organized.
    Terry Pratchett

    4 Mal editiert, zuletzt von riff-raff ()

  • interne festplatten sind nur geeignet wenn man nur zuhause arbeitet ==> externe verwenden
    cloud kommt nicht in frage für mich.
    Ich will es denke ich so haben:
    eine festplatte auf der ich arbeite (fp1), eine fp (fp2) auf der windows file history rennt target fp1. Und dann wärs schön wenn fp1 auf fp3 und fp2 auf fp4 gespiegelt wären, dann kann ich fp3 und fp4 einfach mitnehmen und hab ein backup daheim. wenn ich zurückkomme kopiere ich von fp3 alles auf fp1 usw. das wieder alles auf dem neuesten stand ist.
    ich weiß nicht wie das mit der spiegelung gehn soll.

  • Was hast denn für eine Inet Leitung am Standort deines NAS?

    Andere Möglichkeit: NAS fix mit einen Raid 1/5/ZRaid mit klassischer Backupstrategie.

    Cloudservice (ich rede hier von deiner eigenen Cloud auf dem NAS! Nextcloud) mit Versionierung. Alternativ ein ZFS, was ja auch via Snapshots etc. Versionierung unterstützt. Das bindest bei deinen Arbeitsgeräten ein. Schon entfällt die Schlepperei. (Nextcloud bindet sich in deinem Windows in jedem frei wählbaren Odner oder Laufwerk ein)

    Arbeitsplatte: Versteh ich
    Versionierungsplatte: Versteh ich
    Spiegelung: Versteh ich

    Aber warum rausnehmen und mitschleppen?

    Chaos is found in greatest abundance wherever order is being sought.
    It always defeats order, because it is better organized.
    Terry Pratchett

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von riff-raff ()

  • I'll switch back to English right after I know what he wants to achieve with his setup and his removal of drives from the array. Sorry for that little excursion Nibb31 ;o)

    Separating drives, one as workspace and one for versioning seems odd. Instead of using 1x1 TB for workspace and 1x1 TB for versioning, setup a Raid 1 with 2x2 TB drives and use it for both. Do backup jobs and for mobile, have another external with the same size as your raid is. With USB-Backup Plugin you can easily automate backups to your backup drives and also for the mobile drive to sync to your raid. Since probably not all data will change from job to job, only coulple minutes are neccessary to do those jobs.

    Mount your Raid with Samba, NFS or iSCSI on your workstation (if present) and use your mobile drive on lapop for example.

    Chaos is found in greatest abundance wherever order is being sought.
    It always defeats order, because it is better organized.
    Terry Pratchett

  • I changed my mind after a bit of research. I'll do it like that now:

    Ubuntu Server with nextcloud. nextcloud sync on the clients. Data stored as ntfs on the server. Timevault or so for another backup.

    ZFS is to risky atm since I think if I don't have in dept knowledge of it I could loose all data. Maybe I'll try it later. Oh I saw now timevault does not support ntfs...

  • Why not OpenMediaVault (Debian "Server") with Nextcloud? Why this NTFS on a linux host? Use a native filesystem!

    Chaos is found in greatest abundance wherever order is being sought.
    It always defeats order, because it is better organized.
    Terry Pratchett

  • OMV isn't just raid. It's a NAS. Do you even understand the concept of a NAS? A NAS is networked attached storage. It's a storage server that sits on your network. It can serve a RAID array, or plain disks, and run applications (like nextcloud).

    The question was why use NTFS on the server, not why use NTFS on an external drive. NTFS has nothing to do with your data. It's a disk format. Your files are exactly the same whether they are stored on your Windows NTFS drive and on a Linux ext4 drive.

    Linux machines typically use ext4 filesystem, which is native. Linux can read NTFS, but only for transfer/recovery, not for permanent storage. File permissions will not be properly supported for example.

    Now, RAID is for reliability. It doesn't protect your data (if a file gets corrupted or deleted, it will be mirrored corrupted or deleted). It allows you to continue working when a drive fails. That's all.

    This is what you could do:
    Set up two drives on your workstation as RAID as your common workspace. This will allow you to continue working in case of a hardware failure.
    Backup to a NAS for data protection. The NAS doesn't need to be RAID or NTFS or whatever. You could use rsync to backup one drive to the other for example.

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