Enable SSH on Gparted before first start

  • I would like to shrink my system drive using the Gparted ISO in the backup plugin.
    It tells me: "SSH is not enabled by default."

    As i don't have a monitor connected to my Openmediavault machine and i don't really want to move one into the cellar i am asking myself if there is a way to enable SSH before the first start via shell or modification of the ISO image?

    I am guessing i would have to modify the gparted image to start with SSH enabled? Anyone did this and knows where to put hand on?

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    You can use system rescue cd, it also has gparted. And you can bring the gparted window to your network client using X11 forwarding. I know you need to modify the sshd config of system rescued once you login and restart it.
    X forwarding that should be easy in a Linux client, in OS X you need Xquartz installed, and for Windows there are options but I can't remember it now. Google is your friend.

  • X11 forwarding shouldnt be a problem i guess but i need SSH access first. I have done X11 forwarding before.
    As far as i understand you, using system rescue cd i would also need a monitor connected first to change the sshd config.
    My initial question remains: is there any way to get SSH access to gparted without connecting a monitor first? So enable SSH before the first start! If it is systemrcd or gparted iso i dont care.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    systemrescuecd does enable ssh. So, you can connect over ssh with x forwarding and start gparted. All without a monitor. The tab that installs systemrescuecd in the backup plugin tells you all the info you need.

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