Seems like the plugin (I assume that is what you mean by automation) could be enhanced if people provided suggestions.
I don't know. The plugin is pretty damned good as it is right now.
Setting drive recovery considerations aside:
Since a sync operation removes any chance of recovery of previously deleted or changed files, the real question is to when (or when not) to sync. That question, and where to set thresholds in the Diff section of the plugin, is a matter of the user's use case and personal preference.
- If a user wants to automate with Diff AND they're downloading everything under the sun, new files would have to be set high. (To allow a range that's typical for what they do.)
- If they're worried about losing files or, say, changed documents, that setting should be low.
What it really boils down to is, the user must familiarize themselves with how SnapRAID works, they must understand their own use case (their own wants and needs) and tweak Diff settings accordingly.
In this case, the plugin allows new users to focus on Diff settings versus worrying about the in's and out's of an actual Diff script. That's exactly what the plugin should do.