I'm planning to move my OMV install (4.1.22-1) to a new hardware (new motherboard, new larger disks...).
I was considering OMV 4 as it's the current stable release, but OMV 5 seems stable enough from what I read.
It looks like there is no way to back up configuration (network, plugins, services, users...). Do I need to do it manually (not difficult but better if a couple of clicks)
Then data. I can do a rsync between both. But I'm wondering how to migrate permissions/owners simply.
I don't feel the available plugins can do this.
But it seems OMV 5 supports configuration backups. When is it expected to be released as stable ?
Or I could upgrade to OMV 5 and use the config backup feature.
How would you do it simply ?
Thank you for your advices.