Hi all,
First of all, I am really a newbie when it comes to OMV's configuration on SnapRaid + Union file system.
I have set up 6 x 2TB hdd to be data disk.
I have set up 2 parity hdds = 2TB + 3TB.
I have set up Union filesystem = combined 6 x 2TB hdd (usable is only 10.74TB)
I have set up schedule cron job to run snapraid sync on every hourly basis.
(please see the pictures attached below)
1) What other housekeeping schedule cron job that I need to set up? Scrub?
2) When I schedule the cron job to run snapraid sync on hourly basis, when does system begin to start counting? The moment when OMV is fully loaded after it was turned ON?
3) What extra steps I need to configure that is necessary for maintaining good redundancy (fault tolerant) within SnapRaid configuration?
Most appreciated if someone can give advice.
Thank you.