OMV5 (5.3.2-1) is logging a "useless" NVMe property that leads to scary SMART alert emails that make me worry for no reason.
Here is what I am talking about.
This message was generated by the smartd daemon running on:
host name: [blip]
DNS domain: [blop]
The following warning/error was logged by the smartd daemon:
Device: /dev/disk/by-id/nvme-SPCC_M.2_PCIe_SSD_SerialNumberRemoved, number of Error Log entries increased from 40 to 42
Device info:
SPCC M.2 PCIe SSD, S/N:SerialNumberRemoved, FW:ECFM13.1, NSID:1, 256 GB
For details see host's SYSLOG.
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This drive is new, and I've checked its health with other tools, and obviously it's doing great.
The report is referring to Error Information Log Entries. A quick search reveals it is not due to the drive health.
Some interesting discussion here from bugs.debian.org.
I am no expert of this tool but does somebody know what could be done, like tellling the utility to ignore this value (maybe it's not NVMe aware)?
Honestly I want SMART enabled for this drive, but only for real warnings.