Hello to everyone,
I have just managed to make my first stable x86 OMV 5 NAS! I also have installed Nextcloudpi on docker and its working fine! (thanks to the great help of TechnoDad)
Because most of the time I am away from home ,or even abroad, I want a secure and easy way to remote -external- access my server , for sure SSH terminal, but if i could also access OMV webUI and some containers (for example Nextcloud) it would be great
Do you have any suggestions? Have anyone of you tested and confirmed a stable and secure solution to this?
Is guacamole a good solution? ( the only installation I have seen for guacamole is remote access from the same network, I am sure thats its also possible to external access but I am very newbie to this and dont know how to manage it and how safe it is)