New to OMV - Some questions about OS disk and drive pooling

  • Hello,

    I'm a completely newbie to home servers but I would really like to utilise my old PC as backup using a bunch of my old and current external drives. Before I jump into this though there's a few things I want to check.

    1. I was thinking of buying a cheap 120GB SSD to install OMV on to. I've read that if partitioned, it can also be used as the cache/scratch disk as well. Do I install OMV5 first and then partition or partition it before installing OMV. Which file systems are needed for the OS and cache? (I'll be using Windows 10 software for whatever partitioning needs to be done).

    2. Most of my storage drives still have data on them and are formatted in NTFS. Do they have to be wiped before being using used as data drives in OMV5?

    3. So that I can use drives of mixed sizes and have redundancy, I understand that I need to install UnionFS (to allow drive pooling with mixed sizes) and SnapRaid (to allow redudancy). Is this correct?

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    1. I was thinking of buying a cheap 120GB SSD to install OMV on to. I've read that if partitioned, it can also be used as the cache/scratch disk as well. Do I install OMV5 first and then partition or partition it before installing OMV. Which file systems are needed for the OS and cache? (I'll be using Windows 10 software for whatever partitioning needs to be done).

    Two options:

    You can either install OMV from the ISO, reduce the size of the partition, move swap to the left and create a new partition on the space.

    Or you install Debian first and create the needed partition and install OMV on top.

    2. Most of my storage drives still have data on them and are formatted in NTFS. Do they have to be wiped before being using used as data drives in OMV5?

    Possible yes, but not suggested. Better to use a linux filesystem on a linux server (due to ownership and permissions)

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