New openmediavault-kvm plugin

  • Thanks for your patience ...

    Extending the sources.list had no effect for me (propably you missed my post #999).

    Anyway in the meanwhile I did a new clean install - taking care that the Internet/Ethernet connection is running and I end up in the situation that the Guest OS don`t get its own IPAddress.

    What I did

    - Fresh Install OMV6

    - apt-get update + apt-get upgrade + apt-get dist-upgrade

    - installing OMV-EXTRAS

    - apt-get update + apt-get upgrade + apt-get dist-upgrade

    - Changing Sytem Network Adapter to Bridge br0

    - Creating ISO and Pool folder for KVM

    - Creating KVM VM (OS: Debian10, Network bound to Bridge br0)

    - Starting VM successfully (can access via VNC), but no valid IP (because no Ethernet Adapter?) in the guest OS, see snapshots below:

    OMV Version:

    uname -a
    Linux homenas1 6.0.0-0.deb11.2-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Debian 6.0.3-1~bpo11+1 (2022-10-29) x86_64 GNU/Linux

    Is the Version now correct?

    VM Settings:

    GuestOs Network Status (only Local Loopback)

    I didn't configured any KVM Network (default is inactive) in addition to bind the VM to br0. Is that correct?

    HP Gen8 Microserver | Xeon E31260L | 64 bit | omv 6.1.1-1 Shaitan | omvextrasorg 6.1.1 | kvm 6.2.6

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    What I did

    That looks correct.

    but no valid IP (because no Ethernet Adapter?) in the guest OS, see snapshots below:

    That is a guest issue. The version of OMV and the kernel are not that critical. You don't have to keep showing me those.

    I didn't configured any KVM Network (default is inactive) in addition to bind the VM to br0. Is that correct?

    Yes but it doesn't matter if the default network is inactive. It sounds like either your VM config is wrong or incompatible with the OS you are running. Maybe I might see something if you post the VM's xml instead of the VM settings you posted (not very helpful).

    omv 7.4.2-2 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.14 | compose 7.2.1 | k8s 7.2.0-1 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.8 plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • ... Maybe I might see something if you post the VM's xml ...

    Should be this here:

    HP Gen8 Microserver | Xeon E31260L | 64 bit | omv 6.1.1-1 Shaitan | omvextrasorg 6.1.1 | kvm 6.2.6

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Should be this here:

    Try changing the model type in the interface section to e1000. If that doesn't work, you will have to ask the minidvb people what is supported.

    omv 7.4.2-2 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.14 | compose 7.2.1 | k8s 7.2.0-1 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.8 plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • The e1000 had the result that the Guest is getting an IPAddress from the Guest-Network Subrange, what is not exactly what I wanted ...

    you will have to ask the minidvb people what is supported

    Seems true, that this is a kvm supporting problem.

    I Finally solved the issue for me (without really understanding the problem):

    The minidvb distribution has the service to create an pre-configured ISO for specific purposes (here setting up MLD as Server). If I use one of that self-customized ISOs with aloready included kvm-virtio package, the Network-Bridge works perfectly ==> I get the IP via DHCP as intended.

    Originally I used the Network installation ISO, which doesn't seem to have that kvm-virtio package activated.

    ryecoaaron, again many thxs for your support and patience.

    HP Gen8 Microserver | Xeon E31260L | 64 bit | omv 6.1.1-1 Shaitan | omvextrasorg 6.1.1 | kvm 6.2.6

  • Hi,

    maybe someone here can help me with this?

    Thanks Hoppel

    openmediavault 6 | proxmox kernel | zfs | docker | kvm
    supermicro x11ssh-ctf | xeon E3-1240L-v5 | 64gb ecc | 8x10tb wd red | digital devices max s8

  • Hey,

    Can someone walk me through how i install home assistant on a VM please? first time doing this and I'm not sure what I'm doing at all.

    I tried this

    but i kept getting this

    Normally if its in red it's bad!!!

    Machine 1 - Dell OptiPlex 790 - Core i5-2400 3.10GHz - 16GB RAM - OMV5

    Machine 2 - Raspberry PI4 - ARMv7 - 2GB - OMV5

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    There are bunch of different directions on that page. What did you do?

    omv 7.4.2-2 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.14 | compose 7.2.1 | k8s 7.2.0-1 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.8 plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • Hi STUKguy

    I did this yesterday. I decided to setup Home Assistant Operating System in KVM.

    Here is a good general KVM HowTo: [How-To] Use the Openmediavault-KVM plugin

    • install openmediavault-kvm
    • create two folders (pool and isos) -> chapter 3.1
    • configure pool and isos as storage group -> chapter 3.2
    • network configuration -> chapter 3.3 (If you want to do it right, you want a bridge interface in OMV)

    If we want a network interface that has an IP in our LAN and at the same time can access the shared resources of the host, we must create a bridge interface in OMV (in the Network>Interfaces section) as follows. Warning: This method will remove the current network interface configuration and replace it with a jumper. If you have services configured on the host with this network interface (for example, Wireguard), you will need to reconfigure them to work with the bridge:

    • Go to Network>Interfaces> Make a note of the network interface name that appears under the Device column. Select this interface and click delete, BUT do not apply changes yet.
    • Without applying the changes of the previous point, click on + Create then on Bridge. In the Interfaces field, find the name of our newly removed interface and select it. Enter the necessary data for the Ipv4 protocol with static IP, for this in Method select Static. Fill in the fields:
      • IP: Your OMV IP
      • Netmask:
      • Gateway: IP of your DHCP server (your router)
      • DNS: For example
    • Press Save and now you can apply the changes. Now your OMV network interface will have a name similar to br0. This is the bridge-type interface that you should select on your VM.
    • Add the newly created network interface (br0) to your VM. You should not create an interface in KVM, macvtap or any other.
      • If you already have a VM created:
        • stop it, remove the current interface assigned and simply select your VM and click on Network and then Add Network. In Model change virtio to bridge. In Bridge look for the network interface created in OMV, it will be br0 (or similar). Press Add.
      • If you are creating a new VM:
        • In the VM creation window, go to the Network section and change virtio to bridge. In the next field select your network interface br0.

    • configure the access to the vm -> chapter 3.5

    This is how it works for me.

    ryecoaaron According to the HA documentation, we should select "Generic Default" for the operating system. However, this does not exist in the list. I decided to try Debian 10 and it worked. Do you think there is anything wrong with this? Is it possible to add "Generic Default" to the list? Debian 11 is also missing.

    openmediavault 6 | proxmox kernel | zfs | docker | kvm
    supermicro x11ssh-ctf | xeon E3-1240L-v5 | 64gb ecc | 8x10tb wd red | digital devices max s8

  • I´m lost.

    I created a bridge interface in OMV settings (br0). I then created a VM running Windows 10. Network config for this is bridge and the interface is br0. After setting up Windows 10 (100x times) there is no network interface available.

    This is the bridge in OMV network config:

    This is the current network setup in KVM:

    And here is the network adapter for the Win10 machine:

    But Windows is like:

    This is the relevant part of the xml file:

    <interface type='bridge'>

    <mac address='52:54:00:4c:75:53'/>

    <source bridge='br0'/>

    <model type='virtio'/>

    <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x01' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>

    What am I missing?

  • Hey hoppel118 ,

    i still get the same error

    I am assuming i download the zip for .qcow2 and extract to the the folder on the OMV server

    Normally if its in red it's bad!!!

    Machine 1 - Dell OptiPlex 790 - Core i5-2400 3.10GHz - 16GB RAM - OMV5

    Machine 2 - Raspberry PI4 - ARMv7 - 2GB - OMV5

  • I am assuming i download the zip for .qcow2 and extract to the the folder on the OMV server

    Yes, you have to unzip the file to use it. At least this is what I did.

    Who is the owner of the qcow2 file?

    ls -l /data/vm/haos_ova-9.4.qcow2
    -rw-r--r-- 1 libvirt-qemu libvirt-qemu 7561936896 24. Dez 00:28 /data/vm/haos_ova-9.4.qcow2

    Is it libvirt-qemu?

    Can you describe (maybe with screenshots) how you created your pools? On which filesystem is your pool? Which architecture is your server?

    openmediavault 6 | proxmox kernel | zfs | docker | kvm
    supermicro x11ssh-ctf | xeon E3-1240L-v5 | 64gb ecc | 8x10tb wd red | digital devices max s8

  • Hey hoppel118

    This is how i created the pool folders

    First went Storage>Shared Folders then clicked on the plus

    Then setup like this

    Then clicked on the tick (apply) on the "Pending configuration changes"

    Then shared the isos folder in SMB (so i can move the qcow2 file over)

    Then in Services > KVM > pools

    How do i find the owner of qcow2? and how do i change this?

    Sorry just re-read the last bit my OMV is built on a HP Elite 800 G1 so i think that is a x86 cpu

    Normally if its in red it's bad!!!

    Machine 1 - Dell OptiPlex 790 - Core i5-2400 3.10GHz - 16GB RAM - OMV5

    Machine 2 - Raspberry PI4 - ARMv7 - 2GB - OMV5

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von STUKguy ()

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    According to the HA documentation, we should select "Generic Default" for the operating system. However, this does not exist in the list. I decided to try Debian 10 and it worked. Do you think there is anything wrong with this? Is it possible to add "Generic Default" to the list? Debian 11 is also missing.

    It makes very little difference which one you pick but while Generic Default doesn't exist, Generic Linux 2016, Generic Linux 2018, Generic Linux 2020 do exist.

    This list is populated by the osinfo-query command which gets its data from the osinfo-db package. If you want to update it, use the package from bookworm (I use the updated package on all of my servers):


    sudo dpkg -i osinfo-db_0.20221130-2_all.deb

    The link might change. Get the updated link from -

    omv 7.4.2-2 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.14 | compose 7.2.1 | k8s 7.2.0-1 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.8 plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • Hi hoppel118 ,

    Its the machine it self that is causing the problem, i just installed HAOS on the machine i wanted to get rid of and installed fine.

    Now i got to figured out what i haven't checked in the bios of the machine i need a VM of HAOS on (HP 800 G1)

    Normally if its in red it's bad!!!

    Machine 1 - Dell OptiPlex 790 - Core i5-2400 3.10GHz - 16GB RAM - OMV5

    Machine 2 - Raspberry PI4 - ARMv7 - 2GB - OMV5

  • Now i got to figured out what i haven't checked in the bios of the machine i need a VM of HAOS on (HP 800 G1)

    Ok, good luck.

    i just installed HAOS on the machine i wanted to get rid of and installed fine.

    Bare metal or in a vm?

    Good night! 😉

    openmediavault 6 | proxmox kernel | zfs | docker | kvm
    supermicro x11ssh-ctf | xeon E3-1240L-v5 | 64gb ecc | 8x10tb wd red | digital devices max s8

  • It makes very little difference which one you pick

    Ok, this what I wanted to „hear“.

    but while Generic Default doesn't exist, Generic Linux 2016, Generic Linux 2018, Generic Linux 2020 do exist.

    I don’t see this „Generic Linux 20xx“ options:

    This list is populated by the osinfo-query command which gets its data from the osinfo-db package. If you want to update it, use the package from bookworm (I use the updated package on all of my servers):

    Thanks for this hint. But I am unsure, if I really want to install packages manually after my omv4 situation… 😉

    openmediavault 6 | proxmox kernel | zfs | docker | kvm
    supermicro x11ssh-ctf | xeon E3-1240L-v5 | 64gb ecc | 8x10tb wd red | digital devices max s8

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Then shared the isos folder in SMB (so i can move the qcow2 file over)

    Then in Services > KVM > pools

    You are creating shared folders with relative folders of pool and isos. Those are relative to the mount point of the drive you pick. So, you are creating /srv/dev-disk-by-id-long-uuid/pool, isos. But when you create the pools, you are entering an absolute path (hence why it isn't asking for a shared folder). So, those translate to /pool and /isos. You should be entering/picking /srv/dev-disk-by-id-long-uuid-pool/

    omv 7.4.2-2 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.14 | compose 7.2.1 | k8s 7.2.0-1 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.8 plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I don’t see this „Generic Linux 20xx“ options:

    It is not sorted in complete alphabetical order. Look right before Mac OS. The plugin is just return the output of the command and does not determine the sorting order.

    omv 7.4.2-2 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.14 | compose 7.2.1 | k8s 7.2.0-1 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.8 plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

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