OMV crashed while creating a Dateisystem or Software-RAID by using a Terramaster D2-310 connected with USB to Proxmox-Server

  • Since 4 weeks I used a OMV 7.x on a Proxmox-Server (Fujitsu Esprimo PC) with a built-in SSD as a fileserver. Now I want to replace my Synology DS213+ with a Terramaster DAS-System (D2-310). I took the two 3 TB HDD from the DS213+ to the D2-310 and integrated it in the OMV-System.

    In Datenspeicher - Laufwerke I see all disks:

    /dev/sda drive-scsi1 447.13 GB SSD 2,5“ in Server-PC Fileserver

    /dev/sdb drive-scsi0 32.00 GB SSD 2,5“ in Server-PC OMV-System

    /dev/sdc drive-scsi2 2.73 TB HDD 3,5“ in TerraM Fileserver

    /dev/sdd drive-scsi3 2.73 TB HDD 3,5“ in TerraM RAID1

    When I will create a Dateisystem the OMV crashing!

    What's my mistake?


  • KM0201

    Hat das Thema freigeschaltet.
  • Thanks, I fixed the problem in the morning. That's right, the problem caused in the synology file system. I disconnected the DAS, changed the RAID switch to RAID1 and reconnected.

    In Dateispeicher -> Laufwerke I see in /dec/sdc my new drive and reconfigure the drive. I'm happy!

  • chente

    Hat das Label gelöst hinzugefügt.

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