Shares not writable from Windows - Error "you require permission from Unix User/Root to make changes"

  • Hello All,

    Sorry to ask this, but I tried searching and read a bunch of SMB threads, but didn't see the fix for this problem.

    I got a fresh OMV 1.0 install on Debian 7. I have made my Shares and they are all visable on windows PCs on the network, but when I try to write to one of the windows shares I get "you require permission from Unix User/Root to make changes".

    I am looking for these folders to be public on my windows network so I have them set to "Guest Only" in OMV. Not sure what Im missing, Im sure it is basic, but I couldn't find the answer yet. What should I check?

  • Post the output of the following command:

    stat /media/UUID/sharedfolder


    "Well... lately this forum has become support for everything except omv" [...] "And is like someone is banning Google from their browsers"

    Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

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    #openmediavault on freenode IRC | German & English | GMT+1
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  • Code
    root@vault:/media# stat /media/dd496106-88bd-41b8-a85d-5e9a4f36b3c5/Pictures
      File: `/media/dd496106-88bd-41b8-a85d-5e9a4f36b3c5/Pictures'
      Size: 36864           Blocks: 72         IO Block: 4096   directory
    Device: 811h/2065d      Inode: 235208705   Links: 106
    Access: (2755/drwxr-sr-x)  Uid: (    0/    root)   Gid: (  100/   users)
    Access: 2014-09-01 19:17:15.794726256 -0400
    Modify: 2014-08-31 02:56:16.022280394 -0400
    Change: 2014-09-01 09:43:35.241654107 -0400
     Birth: -
  • As you created the shared folder it didn't cross your mind that maybe it could be necessary if more than just the owner has write priviliges?

    Guests are neither owner, nor group (which can't write either). So what you forgot is to set the permissins to r/w everybody.

    chmod a+w /media/uuid/sharedfolder via CLI will fix your problem.


    "Well... lately this forum has become support for everything except omv" [...] "And is like someone is banning Google from their browsers"

    Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

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    #openmediavault on freenode IRC | German & English | GMT+1
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  • Hi davidh2k Sergio,

    I'm having the same issue having followed the setup instructions for OMV. I have my files hares in place and can access from my PC. But I can't make any changes e.g. drag and drop new or existing folders/files from PC to OMV. From your solution above I think this will resolve my issue but i'm struggling with the CLI example you've provided. I've found the UUID and I know the name of the Shared folder. What is the /media/ component I need? Where can I find this? Any help great fully received.

  • I set up OMV yesterday and created a fileshare 'NAS' as per shot below. This is a fileshare for an existing folder on the SSD. I can Paste items from my PC into the NAS folder but not into any of the sub folders. I also can't move anything I do paste into NAS to any of the subfolders. I'm sure it's a permissions element I've missed.

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