Hi all,
I do have OMV 7 on a rasPi4B with RSNAPSHOT (2 different SSD hard drives, first for data with ~310 GB used, second for RSNAPSHOT with about 325 GB used). This works fine (as it seems to me). Furthermore, I do have a rasPi3B with raspberry Pi OS in another network (outside my home).
I want to have a sync from the rasPi4B RSNAPSHOT folder to the rasPi3 hard drive.
For this, I do have a cronjob. The crontab looks like this:
05 00 * * * sudo vpnc default.con
07 00 * * * sudo rsync -azr0 -l --delete --exclude-from='exclude.file' /SOURCE /DESTINATION
59 07 * * * sudo vpnc-disconnect
It doesn't work as I wanted to have. The destination hard drive (2TB) is totally used (no more space left)
I included the "-l" option and thougt, that this keeps the links from the RSNAPSHOT plugIn. It seems that the links are transformed during sync.
Can anybody help?
Thanks in advance.